Looking for Sci-Fi Reader & Writers for Opinion

Forums Announcements/New Stuff Looking for Sci-Fi Reader & Writers for Opinion

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  • #41308


    If this is the wrong section please move this thread.

    My name is Steven Sinugroho and I’m a grad student at the University of Illinois. I am conducting research on user generated sci-fi content and looking for your opinion.

    If you write and/or read user generated content I would love to hear from you for any/all of these questions.

    1. As a writer, would you like to make money from your content?

    2. As a writer, if a service existed that allowed you to upload your content and embed it on other websites would you use it?

    3. As a reader would you like to be able to read stories in one cohesive document rather than in multiple posts?

    4. As a reader would you be willing to pay for regularly updated, high quality content? If not pay, would you view advertisements to support the writer?

    Thanks for the time!


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