Looking for specific Kai Site – Help!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Looking for specific Kai Site – Help!

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    The site I am looking for had page after page after page of Kai pictures. At the top of each page it said something different, like “Whee, more Kai Pices!” or “Lookie lookie more Kai to see!” I think it had seven, eight or even more pages of pictures.

    How I did not link it, I do not know. Old age is all I can figure.

    thefrey FKA LexxFan



    Originally posted by thefrey:
    [b]The site I am looking for had page after page after page of Kai pictures. At the top of each page it said something different, like “Whee, more Kai Pices!” or “Lookie lookie more Kai to see!” I think it had seven, eight or even more pages of pictures.

    How I did not link it, I do not know. Old age is all I can figure.


    did you try Pat’s site [url=http://www.kaisgirl.freeuk.com/michael.htm]http://www.kaisgirl.freeuk.com/michael.htm[/url]

    if that doesn’t have the exact page, her ring of michael mcmanus should get you to it on someone else’s site…luck, fx


    No, that wasn’t it although that is a great site. PrimaNightWind said it was T’Avri’s site which I did have in my book marks, but netcolony is timing out. [url=http://www.netcolony.com/entertainment/saavikaam]www.netcolony.com/entertainment/saavikaam[/url]

    Bummer. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

    thefrey FKA LexxFan


    Try [url=http://members.tripod.com/~lexxkai/main.html]Deejay’s[/url] and [url=http://www.holosapien.com/]Holosapien’s[/url] sites.


    T’Avri’s has been timing out on my system as well. Perhaps it is a thing of the past. It had more Kai pictures than any of the others. I hope it is a temporary situation.


    Okay, how kewl is this? I’m trying to open T’Avri’s postcard site to see if I can get in that way and my error message comes on, it’s Kai’s “petty bureaucrat speech.” And, I’m looking around my room, ‘cuz I’m hearing it in surround sound for some reason; Kai’s saying it on TV at the same instant! Hah! Dead man in black has good timing. Anyway, no luck getting into the site. I hope it’s just down for re-working. I love that postcard office!


    There is another site that I lost track of.It may have been via the T’Avri site.It had video clips and caps of MM’s movies,Family Pictures,Forever Knight etc.

    [This message has been edited by canuk (edited April 30, 2001).]


    It’s back!!!!

    T’Avri’s wonderful site is back. This is the one I was looking for.

    I did have it bookmarked (3 times) but since it would’nt load I wasn’t sure.


    What am I forgetting? Oh yeah, the address for people that haven’t seen it.

    thefrey FKA LexxFan


    Hello Thefrey~~
    The best place for a listing and some pics of MM’s movies is Pat’s Michael McManus Tribute. She has several pics from his assorted movies. She also has some reviews as well.



    Originally posted by BlackCloud:
    [b]Okay, how kewl is this? I’m trying to open T’Avri’s postcard site to see if I can get in that way and my error message comes on, it’s Kai’s “petty bureaucrat speech.” And, I’m looking around my room, ‘cuz I’m hearing it in surround sound for some reason; Kai’s saying it on TV at the same instant! [/b]

    Too cool. I almost died laughing when I saw that bit. I must have watched it a dozen times since. I have been thinking about finding a wav or mp3 copy of it and putting it on my work computer. Then I can trigger it when one of my fellow ‘Petty Bureaucrat in Training’ comes in to hand me more work.

    thefrey FKA LexxFan

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