Mangia Onda (Waveless boat)

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    *clip*>>”There is a very significant market for Mangia Onda ferries operating in the US. What we have proven with our work to date, is that the larger the boat and the faster the boat, the wave reduction and the operating efficiencies are consequently greater. We’re exploring the market in cities like Seattle and San Francisco where the existing and growing base of catamaran ferries have been forced to slow down due to the wave pollution they generate. There is no reason we can’t build a wave eater that will operate at the service speeds of the current 30 to 35-knot catamarans.” <<*clip* AND [url=][/url] Since boats are not second nature for me I wonder what kind of repercussions, besides the obvious for Venice, this kind of boat will have on cities/towns that depend on water travel.

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