Mini-series rumour

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape Mini-series rumour

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    A very reputable sci fi news service reports the following:

    Quote from Sci FI Guys newsletter [quote]I probably shouldn’t even report this as I have no hard facts at all. But, rumors are everywhere that “Farscape” might be revived for a four hour miniseries to resolve the cliff-hanging ending of the series. At the San Diego Comic-Conv, Farscape star Ben Browder was closed lipped about the possibility; but neither denied nor dismissed it. Yeah, that’s all I have, so don’t get your hopes up.[/quote]


    That ain’t the HALF of it. Rumors abound.

    From the Dark Horizons website:

    [quote]Farscape (TV): The cancelled but highly acclaimed Sci-Fi Channel series which had its plug pulled earlier this year may be making a comeback. Last week an insider sent along this rumour: “Farscape is back in production – the series is to be wrapped up in 4-6 new episodes with the usual crew, cast and producers. The props and sets are being dusted off and are being assembled in preparation for filming in Sydney. The new mini-season will complete the story arc and bring closure”. An interesting story and a solid source but still it sounded almost like wishful thinking and as there still hasn’t been any official announcement about it I held off. After all, you would’ve thought Sci-Fi would have shouted it from the rooftops that its coming back to appease the ravenous fans of the show (incl. me). Then some people I know connected with the show started mentioning it’s coming back and its confirmed that the Sydney production office is open again. I placed three separate calls to them on Tuesday to confirm/deny the rumours and all three calls were not only summarily cut off at their end but the secretary hurled nasty insults (courtesy is a dying art) – I’ve never had problems with these guys before so best guess would be they’ve been advised not to speak to press at all (which would explain the lack of coverage locally). That would also explain that when I got in contact with a US publicity rep for Sci-Fi, they said they couldn’t comment on it at this time but will be releasing details when they’re available soon. Something IS stirring, I guess we’ll have to wait to find out what exactly. [/quote]


    you want more?


    you want more?[/quote]

    [i]I WANT ANSWERS! I WANT THE TRUTH[/i] <slams fist>


    Okay silly quotes aside, that is what I want though. My main “Yeah, Farscape should’ve been cancelled” beef was the fact they opened plot arcs constantly that they just felt they never needed to bother finishing. A great example of just how potent they were at doing this was the transition from Season 3 to Season 4.

    End of Season 3, Billions of unanswered questions.

    Beginning of Season 4, let’s start a new plotline about how Earth(at least the symbol was from Earth) was part of an Ancient alliance and may be the font of the Peacekeepers and other human ala Stargate SG-1.

    Never bothered going beyond that episode with that plotline though and they wasted a 2-parter explaining it?

    Okay enough ranting. If there’s a mini-series I want this explained:

    1) The above

    2) Truth about Scorpi-Sue, works for the Emperor, but does he have only power in mind, or does he truly believe he is a Peacekeeper? (I think John Quixote tells us the truth when fake Aeryn Princess claims: Oh Harvey, he’s just an inscrutable liar and a Butler) Besides being literal, I think she was really talking about the real world as well. The Butler meaning he’s just a servant to the Emperor, and the liar part because everything he says is almost always a lie? I found it interesting anyway, she seemed to be letting on to something.

    3) Sicoza(spelling) and the Bioloids (spelling); ugh, another opened plotline that failed to close. Are the Bioloids a new faction kinda like the Bene Tleilax? People who are replicas like Facedancers but have evolved to where they want to revolt against the system? I’m totally confused about her loyalties. Because they’re not just Kalish(sp) Aeryn too was made into a bioloid at one time, so humans/sabatians can be them as well.

    4) Ancients, Good/Bad? Part of the old alliance talked about in the beginning of season 4? Real motives? Always figured they were planning on making these guys a bad guy at some point.

    5) Narenti, why the secrecy about her race, job? At first I thought she was an Ancient, but now I think she was just a generic character from a random world. Her appearence on the show was simply explained by “You picked us up in a transport pod when the Carrier exploded” and the others had already been dropped off, okay.

    6) Stark, see above. What’s his real connection to Scorpius and the Skarons? Scorpius said he helped in their death rituals, could he have been more vague?

    Farscape could’ve been a much better show had it followed up on loose ends, after watching B5, LEXX, EFC; Farscape had a lot to live up to, so I may have been a bit harsh the first time around.

    Hope there is a mini-series just to round out the series a bit better.


    [quote=”Gygax”]That ain’t the HALF of it. Rumors abound.

    From the Dark Horizons website:

    [quote]Farscape (TV): The cancelled but highly acclaimed Sci-Fi Channel series which had its plug pulled earlier this year may be making a comeback. Last week an insider sent along this rumour: “Farscape is back in production – the series is to be wrapped up in 4-6 new episodes with the usual crew, cast and producers. The props and sets are being dusted off and are being assembled in preparation for filming in Sydney. The new mini-season will complete the story arc and bring closure”. An interesting story and a solid source but still it sounded almost like wishful thinking and as there still hasn’t been any official announcement about it I held off. After all, you would’ve thought Sci-Fi would have shouted it from the rooftops that its coming back to appease the ravenous fans of the show (incl. me). Then some people I know connected with the show started mentioning it’s coming back and its confirmed that the Sydney production office is open again. I placed three separate calls to them on Tuesday to confirm/deny the rumours and all three calls were not only summarily cut off at their end but the secretary hurled nasty insults (courtesy is a dying art) – I’ve never had problems with these guys before so best guess would be they’ve been advised not to speak to press at all (which would explain the lack of coverage locally). That would also explain that when I got in contact with a US publicity rep for Sci-Fi, they said they couldn’t comment on it at this time but will be releasing details when they’re available soon. Something IS stirring, I guess we’ll have to wait to find out what exactly. [/quote]


    you want more?[/quote]

    After I posted today I sent an e-mail to a buddy of mine that works for TVGuide, he sends me a lot of little tidbits and press releases in things I’m interested in, so I asked him to ask around about Farscape. Turns out his department are HUGE fans of Farscape and had already announced yesterday that a news conference was to be held today! Yikes, how’d I miss that! Later that afternoon though he sent me a message that it was cancelled and he didn’t know why. I don’t know if this means trouble or simply they didn’t give enough time to get enough press out there.

    From what he tells me they have already begun pre-production and in principle have come to an agreement with most the main cast. Whatever the case he assures me that by this time next week one way or another all our answers will be revealed. I also may have an exclusive rumor to spread next week on a character that “…may not have been blown up after all, but sent to another dimension.” Stay tuned. 😈


    The Burbank con is going on this weekend and I wonder if someone might spill the beans about what is going on. Claudia, Ben and many of the show’s stars are scheduled to be there, so who knows.

    Finally, Farscape will get a proper conclusion. I’ve been hearing rumors about a movie or mini-series and now it turns out to be true (hopefully).


    It’s amazing how accurate Saddys info was!

    Indeed it will be a 4-hour miniseries. I got a few of the goodies this weekend and was told flat out:

    “It won’t be on Sci-Fi. Unless they want to pay through the nose.”

    It seems Henson and Obannon took a little offense to the way they were ceremoniously ‘dumped’ by Sci-Fi. On the other hand, Sci-Fi has not seemed to show any interest in a mini-series. Their loss I suppose.

    It also sounds like most the actors are back. While only Claudia Black and B.B are confirmed through “official” sources at this time, word is everyone won’t be asked back due to time constraints, they begin filming in a couple weeks; “Early December” and no word on when filming will be complete.

    To print out another report verbatim from

    [quote]Frellin’ awesome!! As reported in next week’s TV Guide magazine, the Jim Henson Company is producing a four-hour Farscape miniseries that will tie up the loose ends left dangling when the cult hit was prematurely axed last year by Sci Fi Channel. “It’s an epic conclusion to the series,” confides a source. The project — which will reunite leads Ben Browder and Claudia Black — will start shooting in December in Australia. Since the telefilm is unlikely to air on Sci Fi, word is it may be sold into syndication. So there![/quote]

    That’s all I got for now folks! I’ll keep my ear to the wall.


    Let’s hope its not an unrealized reality. 😀


    [quote=”bonnee”]Let’s hope its not an unrealized reality. :D[/quote]

    noooo puns 😆

    Not much news today, but this:

    Universal Studios Networks has inked a deal with German license trader EM.TV, under which all four seasons of the SCI FI Channel’s defunct series Farscape will air on its new German Sci Fi channel, Variety reported. Universal is owned by Vivendi Universal, which also owns SCIFI.COM

    My only concern is the lack of a network. However it could prove to be quite a good thing. If SpikeTV or TNT were to pick up the miniseries and it’s ratings were high enough it could mean a continuation. Dunno if the Farscape fans or cast want that though, but definitely a possibility if they go to another network.


    [quote=”LexxLurker”]My only concern is the lack of a network. However it could prove to be quite a good thing. If SpikeTV or TNT were to pick up the miniseries and it’s ratings were high enough it could mean a continuation. Dunno if the Farscape fans or cast want that though, but definitely a possibility if they go to another network.[/quote]

    Just making a four hour miniseries and hoping someone picks it up is scary. No one in the states may choose to pick it up, but networks (the ones that partially funded the original farscape) in other countries will. This means that other coutnries will air the series first, allowing all the US fans to download it rather then watch it. So when it does air over here, its ratigns may be lower then if it were aired in the states first. And no offense to non-US nationals, but we have the larger television market, and its our ratings that count, unfortunatly. 😕

    As far as continuing it, this miniseries claims to be an epic climax to the series, but how many times have we heard that line? They could probably continue the series, but it may not live up to its previous quality.

    After what happened to B5: Crusade, I’m a little nervous abut any science fiction show being picked up by TNT. However, one of the contention points with Henson vs Scifi, is that Scifi wanted more creative control over the scripts, (as well as a lower budget). So Henson may not play along if TNT gets overbearing.


    Is there any additional news regarding the Farscape mini series? I, for one, would very much like to see one that sums up the story and lets us know if John and Aeryn and the baby will finally have a life together. I was more than a little irritated by the cliffhanger finale!

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