More info on how new Futurama will be presented…

Forums Animated Cult Sci Fi Futurama More info on how new Futurama will be presented…

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    An interview with Matt Groening is posted at [url=]Rotten Tomatoes [/url]discussing how Futurama’s resurrection came about, and in what format.


    “With the initial market intended for DVD, Groening and crew can go a lot more extreme with the humor than they could on the air.” Does that mean Venture Bros humor or will they keep it tamer?


    I would assume that since shows like Drawn Together push the envelope pretty far on Comedy Central, that they’ll be a little less “subtle” with their humor in the new eps.

    The creators always said they presented the show to Fox as more adult in nature and resented that they put them on the schedule so early and limited their content.

    I personally can’t wait to see what they’ll do. If they give guys like Billy West and John DiMaggio more freedom with their lines, it can’t help but be hilarious.

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