
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Mort

  • This topic has 13 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 23 years ago by Anonymous.
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    For some strange reason there is no Mort thread, so I thought I would start one up. Personally I could have done without this episode. Not a lot of action, bad music, and the Didi payoff wasn’t that great. On the upside Stan trying to pick up a dead girl’s relative and getting hit by three people redeemed the episode somewhat.


    I thought the episode was great. This little homage spoof to Re-animator.

    The episode was good on many different levels. Plot wise it was lacking and didn’t tell that much of a story(same problem I had with Prime Ridge.)

    I loved the little Mort/Didi flashback because it was just great seeing him hold her disembodied head so casually.

    One of the best of the season so far I think.

    Oh and did you notice that the sign on the road at the end when they were in the hearse said “666”?


    I’ll give the epsiode this much, it was traditional lexx episode. Very crazy. At least week the script was more consistant and the direction was infinitly better.
    Ok FX I know, there was one inconsistancy. In Eatign Pattern Zev says “On my planet we bury our dead”, but in this episode Xev was all about sending the dead to a protein bank. But thats a traditonal lexx oversight. Overall I like this episode, its good to see that Lexx is getting back to its dark humor roots. But I must confess, during the second showing last night, I hardly paid any attention to it and found myself bored. So unlike Walpugus Night this episode had no real rewatchability. I don’t think that this was a throw away episode like The Rock, and 769, perhaps even Stan Down, The latter two had like 15 min of real lexx material and the rest was lame bs filler. But I digress.
    The only thing I will remember this episode is teh one liners; Stan’s and Xev’s commetns to the mournign families. And Kai finally admitted it to himself, “The dead are messed up”
    Two thing you may have not noticed was the use of (vanilla) profanity. Cursing was much more prevelant here then in any other episode. So much so that it got a “D” in its warning parental warning box. Another subtelty is that when Stan and Xev are leaving Rimsore (or asshole as spray painted on the sign) is theat they’re on Rt 666.


    Stan this season has said “What the hell!” at least 3 times which I never remember him saying in previous series, so that ups the rating a bit. Just something curious Ive noted.

    Mort wasent the best episode. Kai has been short on Protoblood many times and never acted as strangly as he does on Earth when low on Protoblood. Comedy wise this ep was great.

    When Kai welcomes Didi back to “life” and of course the classic scenes with the mourners. And their “Boo hoo thing”. The guy that played Mort was pretty good too, very creepy in that Tarintino way.


    I thought this was another great episode myself. The last two have rejuvenated my love for the show. Lexx is good when it doesn’t get too bogged down in it’s long running story, when it has a straight out story with lots of humour and a good payoff I thought with Didi killing Mort in the name of his divine shadow. The show is finally making up for the mess of AMSN, BC and 769.


    I’ve got to take the OPPOSITE of Ydna’s view. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] I think Lexx is best when it is (mostly) serious, and builds on the sprawling epic story that has come before, with key episodes like:

    I Worship His Shadow
    Giga Shadow
    The End of the Universe

    I want to put some Season 3 and 4 episodes on that list, but I just can’t think of any single episodes that quite rise to the level I’m talking about (though certain overall story elements have benefited the series).

    I liked the serious overtones of Season 3, but it started to feel (to me) that we were stuck with the Fire and Water planets way longer than we wanted to be.

    I haven’t actually gotten tired of our crew interacting with Earth in Season 4 yet, BUT I wish the episodes were more serious and less farcical. Watch Mort, then watch I Worship His Shadow. The tones of the two shows are so different from each other, it’s almost hard to believe it’s the same series. It pains me to say it (and I’m serious, Lexx is still my current favorite show, it pains me), but it seems like Lexx has become a parody of ITSELF!

    Certain parts of Mort were good, some of the comedy was quite funny, the Mort character was well-acted, and certainly it entertained me… but overall it mostly felt like filler. As someone who can only afford to buy key episodes of the series, this one is obviously LOW on the totem pole.

    Basically, having our crew stuck on three planets for basically half the entire series now, I guess it just feels like they aren’t accomplishing very much.

    I also gotta say I didn’t like the Didi character. By which, I mean, I don’t think she was well-acted. Voice was too doofy.

    I also gotta restate that Lexx seems to be getting cruder for no particular reason, unless they’re just trying to gross us out. The penis transplant in 769, the cripple phallatio and the extreme close-up of the guy urinating himself in Prime Ridge, the zombie wrapping her crotch around any available man in Mort… I could have done without that stuff. And it’s more stuff I can’t show my little half-brothers, both big Lexx fans. It’s just too mature for them (although I have a hard time saying “mature” in that sentence without sounding sarcastic!).

    When Sci-Fi Channel first started showing Lexx, they only promoted the strangeness and the sexual content rather than the epic story elements. After I got to know the show, I thought this was a mistake. But dang it, it seems like those early promotions have become a self-fulfilling prophecy!

    This has happened before… it’ll happen again.

    NOTE: Had to edit the sentence about the guy ****ing on himself. I can’t say “****ing?” Hah! How about that. Let’s try it again:
    Hmmm, interesting. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    [ 24-02-2002: Message edited by: sgtdraino ]


    Was [i]Mort[/i] the goriest [i]Lexx[/i] episode ever? Some great horror movie tributes like [i]Reanimator[/i] or [i]Night of the Living Dead[/i].

    Did you get the feeling that Didi was a combination of Xev and Kai? Think we’ll see more of Didi? Maybe Gigerotta will eat her.

    New texture was given to the trio. Since Stan was born under the rule of His Divine Shadow, we see his completely heartless outlook on life underscored. We see the same sort thing with Xev since she was raised in a wifebank. Even Kai added a new layer to his character with, “The dead are messed up.”

    I think I’ll create some mp3s of Xev from this episode! LOL!

    And what was up with the reanimated eye? Will we see that again too? Or was it blown away?


    I liked the eyeball, the passing homage to the Reanimator movies. I thought it was so CUTE when it hit Stan in the shoulder. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    I have to say, I was pleased and relieved with Mort. It seems Lexx is heading back in its original direction (and who on God’s green earth knows where that is?).

    I laughed through the episode, was mildly grossed out by the sight of Didi’s half-body and the toe thing, and impressed by the way they did the flashbacks. The mortician was ghoulishly, hilariously creepy. The cop was too much of a cliché. Everything Kai did at least had a discernible motivation this time. Xev grows in my estimation all the time as a tough, smart, but carelessly optimistic woman. Stan’s portrayal was brilliant! BD has a comic sense of timing that I wish we could see more of. He gives me hope that a spin off would be well worth the viewing.


    Oh, I forgot to mention something about [i]Mort[/i]! Has anyone in the USA noticed the coincidence of this episode and the case of the crematorium down in Georgia? In the episode, the part-time sheriff deputy accuses Mort of doing something suspicious with the caskets or bodies. It just so happens that this week a man in Georgia has been arrested for mishandling remains contracted for cremation by near-by funeral homes. Hundreds upon hundreds of bodies have been found around his property “out in the woods”, stacked like cord wood. The creep decided to save money by not creamating the remains and passing off cement powder mixed with random remains of others.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    [b]Oh, I forgot to mention something about [i]Mort[/i]! Has anyone in the USA noticed the coincidence of this episode and the case of the crematorium down in Georgia?[/b]

    I thought about that too when then scene came on. Could a writer make up something like the crematorium story?

    It struck me again, as it’s struck me a number of times this season that satirizing modern society is
    a thankless task….I’m not sure it can really be done successfully.

    Look at[i]Stan Down[/i], it had the Kennedy assassination parody–but in real life, when you go to Dallas, they actually advertise guided tours of assassination related sites–the Texas Book Depository, the movie theater where Oswald hid out, the place where Oswald shot a cop, etc. How weird is that?

    Or [i]Prime Ridge[/i], way over the top huh? A couple of days ago I was in one of the outer NYC suburbs (almost countryside)–and the sign that greets you says: Pearl River: Still the Town of Friendly People. (Still???) I had to stop at a drugstore, it was a CVS Plaza–the usual mini-mall. It consisted of the drugstore, a Dunkin’ Donuts, a nail shop, a Bowling Lane and yes, a Firing Range with a couple of muscle cars parked in the handicapped spaces and guys on cell phones lounging by the front door. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP! I could go on with more (but won’t…. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]) But that’s the problem I’ve had with Season 4 at times, though I’ve enjoyed it in general–how do you satirize a society that’s already totally off the wall?

    I liked Mort more than I expected to–I figured with Kai completely out of it the story would start to drag; but they managed to use him very cleverly without going totally out of character. He flops around very gracefully too! And Stan and Xev comforting the bereaved were great. I assume we’re being shown the various functions of protoblood for reasons to be revealed later…. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]




    Originally posted by elmey:
    I assume we’re being shown the various functions of protoblood for reasons to be revealed later…. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    My thoughts exactly!


    sorry warsaw, for not opening a mort thread, but i was busy yesterday, so i am glad you did it for me [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]…i have to admit i like mort much more than prime ridge, but of course, i stayed awake this time [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    i love the reanimator stuff/evil dead/living dead etc, so this was fun for me…and yeah, mort reminded me of tarantino without having quite enough geek-creepiness [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]…and kai is definitely getting weirder…i’m getting the feeling that more and more of mm’s improvisation is making it onto final cuts…and stan’s frustration with the earth and its inhabitants is good; even his attempts to ‘get some’ seem less enthusiastic this season…on the whole the crew seem to be getting more stunned and passive by the earth encounters than they have by their other planetary visits… but again the dark dark satire of s2 isn’t as evident this season; s4 seems to be more about the surreality and disconnectedness of our own little planet


    Oh and has anyone else noticed the recent repeated use of “parallel universe” when referring to the Light Zone.

    I wonder if that was to some how associate the series with the “Tales from a Parallel Universe” title for season 1 here.

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