
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Moss

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  • #37447

    This was definitely Lexx at its best. From beginning to end, it was funny and kept the action moving. It took satire a little too far when they said they were going to kill preist, though. That’s just not cool.
    Highlight: Steven Mchattie taking on and off that stovepipe hat as he switched characters.


    Definitely great. And the return of Prince’s season 3 look was nice.

    Oh and yet another reference to “a parallel universe” instead of just saying the light zone or the light universe.

    I can’t believe this episode was already 4.16. Only 8 more left.


    Yeah. I was watching it with 2 friends and all of us said in unison “Oh my god, its Prince” as if Prince hadent been around all season. Seeing him in season 3 garb and attitude was a jawdropping scene.


    didn’t suck [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    One last thing:

    Its a well known fact all English are homosexuals.

    That had to be the funniest line of the episode. Wonder if it made Saddy spit out any beer.

    [ 03-03-2002: Message edited by: LexxLurker ]



    Originally posted by LexxLurker:
    One last thing:

    Its a well known fact all Englishman are homosexuals.

    i liked the crackheads’ thinking idaho was part of canada, where drugs are legal [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    I agree. This episode was ace. When Moss is explaining the various ways he’s come up with 666 to Stan and Xev! The look on thier faces was priceless…


    Judean People’s Front vs People’s Front of Judea… SPLITTERS!!!

    Steven Mchattie was great! I think he did a better job than his work in [i]2.3 Lyekka[/i]. The ending was priceless. Yet again, our heroes merely duck for cover while the mainiacs around them kill eachother. And the music that they play as they made their getaway was cool! Which track was that from the soundtrack CDs?

    I’m not sure, but was Kai’s performance art piece playing in the background on television at one point?

    Something that’s been bugging me since even as long ago as the end of series III, I’ve been wondering if Prince is not that bad of a bad guy. Of all the things that fans have been theorizing about (cycle of time, Lyekka is the source of the carrot probes, etc.), I feel like I’m the only one theorizing that Prince is actually a good guy. Somehow. The only thing I can say as proof is that I don’t recall him actually causing harm to anyone. His henchmen always do it for him.

    If Priest thinks Bunny has the key, [i]why doesn’t he take the key himself?[/i] Maybe he has a supernatural nature like Prince. If Prince is the Devil then maybe Priest is God? ROFL!

    Looks like next episode is lunchtime for Lexx, Dutch-style!

    mandara k

    Oh yeah it was very good. Mr. McHattie was great as a Lincoln-like lawyer and then what’s that lawyer from “To Kill a Mockingbird” yeah him and then the English wig judge. Priceless. And the numerology stuff which in mho is crap like a lot of new-age stuff. And the fridge very funny and the drugs are legal in Canada. Yikes!!!!! No wonder the beans are sucking on the glass d….
    What’s next orgies at the border?
    By the way, the Hirschfield inter; I got to say one thing about those school girls to him.
    “Those chicks are too young to fry, baby.”
    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Mandara K



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    I’m not sure, but was Kai’s performance art piece playing in the background on television at one point? [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    If Priest thinks Bunny has the key, [i]why doesn’t he take the key himself?[/i] Maybe he has a supernatural nature like Prince. If Prince is the Devil then maybe Priest is God? ROFL! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    Yes that section where Bunny complains that she can’t watch this junk any more was the Henry 5 thing. This appears to be the Mud Crawling section that didnot make it to the eps. You really couldn’t see MM very well at all, after all he was covered in mud or something. However I noticed part of the Henry 5 set behind him, which is what cued me in to paying more attention.

    As to Prince taking the key, I don’t think it will go to him, anymore than it will go to Kai. They are not alive in a way that the key will accept in its host apparently.


    Priest like Prince remembers Fire, and his past life. At least it seems that way especially after Priest tested Moss by calling him “Prince of Water”

    I doubt Prince sat Priest down and explained his past life.

    Also if you noticed Priest was tuning into “His Show” which was a documentary on Vietnam. Most likely so he could learn something about it to explain his 35 years there [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]



    What an episode! It seems most of what I was going to say was said while I was looking for a picture of Stephen McHattie, but I’ll try to compose a worthwile post.

    Moss was great! They took the character of E.J. Moss (from [i]Lyekka[/i]) in an unexpected direction for this season, but the end result was excellent. Deputy Commander Moss is possibly the most creative character conceived for [i]Lexx[/i]’s fourth season.

    I’ve read up on cult and fringe groups, and Moss isn’t that far off from some of these real life characters. He appears to practice the form of Y Ching divination known as cubomancy, the ritualized casting of dice with the belief that the universal force that consciously controlls all seemingly random occurences will guide them to a certain outcome, each one having been preassigned a certain significance in the situation.

    Here’s an explanation for the numerology stuff: In 1981 cult leader Gregory Gordon figured out that “Ronald Wilson Reagan” equalled 666 (the number of the Great Beast in Revelations) if each letter were given its alphabetic number and added up (I think that was the method). He also found ways that the numbers of many things in relation to Reagan added to 666. From that he contrived an elaborate Apocalyptic scenerio that has failed to take place.

    Long before season four began to air, there were a number of rumors (treated sceptically by me) about Waco in the upcoming season. It was said by some that the fourth season would be a kind of docudrama of the last days of the Branch Davidians with [i]Lexx[/i] characters inserted in. There were even rumors that Prince would be David Koresh. [i]Moss[/i] appears to have been the actual seed from which all those rumors and speculation grew (unless there will be more on Waco). In case you didn’t know, in 1992 the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas was stormed by the A.T.F., because the Davidians, a doomsday cult, had been illegally stockpiling weapons for the upcoming war. A fire broke out in the compound, and the Davidians and their leader (a theologaster calling himself “David Koresh”) died. Though it is generally believed that the Davidians started the fire as part of a ritual suicide, there are rumors and conspiracy theories that the A.T.F. started the fire for some obscure reason, possibly by the use of encendiary bullets.

    People have been saying that Deputy Commander Moss was very different from Captain Moss, but I’ve found some similarities. Both have accents, are patriotic toward their region, misunderstand events which cause them to act violently toward the Lexx crew, and call Kai “the guy with the hair.” It appeared that Deputy Commander Moss knew that his soul came from a parallel universe, but that was never really explored.

    This episode had further references to the fact that many (if not most) astronomers no longer believe that Pluto is a true planet. Stan says that he did not blow up any of the Solar System’s planets, but adds that he did destroy “a little thing way far away…it probably wasn’t even a planet.”

    George W. Bush reference: Reginald J. Priest makes the infamous three-finger sign. I think Priest could take the key, but I doubt he has memories of his life on Fire. Remember, the Priests of Fire were not deities like Prince (several were reincarnations of characters in the first two seasons). I believe he was genuinely lost in the Viêt Nam jungle for 32 years.

    Previous episode reference: [i]Twilight[/i]-Kai chants “wheel” when running low on proto-blood, like his poem when he was afflicted with Ruuma’s radiation.

    Best line: “Your honor, the defendant has just confessed to plutocracide!” -Moss

    [ 02-03-2002: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    To add to what Dalek said I think this Moss and the previous Moss were very much alike.

    Remember Moss in Lyekka had a secret agenda once aboard the Lexx, it appears he might of wanted to steal it or some other useful technology. Hence why he sent a recon patrol out once the crew was asleep. He was also fanatical about values, and PotatoHo.

    While they werent the exact same character it was clear the personality had carried over, only amplified and Earth based.

    Another clever line was Xev claiming that Moss “Smelled familiar”

    Remember she never met Moss in Lyekka, but his protein partly makes up what Xev is today. Either that or his smell lingered on the Lexx shortly after her birth.


    yea, this episode was definately more in the Lexx groove, you could tell Lex and Paul were back at the helm….Did I hear it correctly? Moss’s full name is Mossy Wood??
    Funny ep that moved along at a good pace and I definately like seeing Prince with his lip ring back! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    When I saw the preview for the next episode with Xev and Bunny… my head almost exploded! It’s the episode I’ve been waiting for! It’s like what Tom Servo (on [i]MST3K[/i]) would say during any scene involving women in their underwear: [i]”YES! THANK YOU, MOVIE! OH!”[/i]


    [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img] I’m sorry, I guess I’m all alone here, but I found this episode downright tedious. Who decided half the episode should be a showcase for Stephen McHattie?! All that babbling about numbers and switching hats was amusing for about 2 minutes, but it went on endlessly. I’m sure he has some further part to play in our continuing story. Frankly, there wasn’t much to get excited about, what with Stan and Zev in cages and poor Kai in a refrigerator! I did love the part where the idiots who flew away in the moth got obliterated. (Mr. Salinqmind points out that maybe after 2-3 weeks of sheer outrageousness, what with anal probing carrots and lust-crazed robots, I’ve been spoiled and this is just a calm stretch after the storm, so to speak.) Whatever. I love Lexx anyway and will be devastated when it’s over. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]


    Just as the Georgia crematorium story hit the news when Mort was shown, reality may have caught up with Moss as well. From the 3/3 New York Times:

    [url=]Far Right Militia’s Far Fetched Plot[/url]

    I don’t know what I liked better, the Project 7 leader using his snowmobile to “snuff out” his neighbors’ luminaria, or the overall plan to incite an invasion of Montana by NATO troops. YA CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP. As the state senator quoted in the article says: “There is a comic element to these people, but it washes away pretty quickly because of the guns.” [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    Is this continuous convergence of Lexx and real life coincidence or something more sinister…. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]??? Don’t know, but I think we need to keep a close eye on the Netherlands in the coming week!!


    [ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: elmey ]



    Originally posted by elmey:
    I think we need to keep a close eye on the Netherlands in the coming week!!elmey

    ROTFL!!! Yes, we must. Okay peeps, no trips in that direction next week!.


    As interesting as it was to see Prince back in his Fire Attire (lip-ring and all) I’m fairly sure he did explain to Priest his true origins at one point, just not on-screen. Priest started off honestly believing that he’d been lost in the jungle for 35 years, after all, and when Prince said “I rescued you” he’s quite clearly telling porkies, unless he managed to rig the election to remove the old President.

    Such a shame that we’ve not gotten to see Ralph Haines as Duke, he’d have made an excellent head of the AFR in a very different capacity, although I can’t imagine him pulling off the hat-wearing insanity that Stephen McHattie managed.



    Originally posted by Chris_A:
    Such a shame that we’ve not gotten to see Ralph Haines as Duke

    I think you mean Ralph Brown.



    Originally posted by Chris A:
    Such a shame that we’ve not gotten to see Ralph Haines as Duke, he’d have made an excellent head of the AFR in a very different capacity, although I can’t imagine him pulling off the hat-wearing insanity that Stephen McHattie managed.

    I think somebody said something about Ralph Brown being unavailable for filming season four.


    I thought that Moss was excellent! I say that it was a vast improvement on “769”, “Prime Ridge” and “Mort”. Can’t wait for “Dutch Treat”. Moss was so exciting that when the credits came I wanted more!



    Originally posted by :
    [QB]As interesting as it was to see Prince back in his Fire Attire (lip-ring and all) I’m fairly sure he did explain to Priest his true origins at one point, just not on-screen. Priest started off honestly believing that he’d been lost in the jungle for 35 years, after all, and when Prince said “I rescued you” he’s quite clearly telling porkies, unless he managed to rig the election to remove the old President.

    When did Prince say he rescued Priest from Vietnam? Even in the more recent eps when Bunny mentions Vietnam, Priest has no idea what she was talking about at first, then remembers “Oh yes, Vietnam” Then tunes in to watch “Vietnam: Party in the Jungle” as if he’s trying to “read-up” on where he was supposed to be.

    Prince *doesent* understand his true origins, he never has. He made that quite clear in Series 3. All he knows is that he is bad and to dominate all before him. Why have a sit-down with Priest? He never bothers to explain things to him anyway, why that one thing?

    Also Priest when asked what kept him alive in the jungle for 35 years he mentions his dreams of childhood which included “strippers” among other things.

    His wife says “War hero my ass” and Priest has very little to no knowledge of America or even Earth in general. He doesent even know what Florida is. He has no knowledge of Earth but can remember very clearly that Prince was ruler of the planet Fire, and his enemies were Water? Just doesent make any sense to me. To me at least it seems quite clear Priest came straight from Fire much like Prince and did *not* live full lives here on Earth.

    I just dont see how Priest could’ve been concurrently living on both Fire and Earth.



    Originally posted by LexxLurker:
    I just dont see how Priest could’ve been concurrently living on both Fire and Earth.

    That’s what I was getting at in my first post on this thread. I’ve been wondering about that for a while and [i]4.16 Moss[/i] really made me think about it.

    If Bunny lost the key while having sex with Priest in [i]4.13 769[/i], then [b]why didn’t the key go into Priest?[/b]



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    then [b]why didn’t the key go into Priest?[/b]

    His hand wasn’t up. Your hand has to be up to release or get the key.



    Originally posted by Headgehog:

    His hand wasn’t up. Your hand has to be up to release or get the key.

    I’m not sure I buy that.



    Originally posted by LexxLurker:
    When did Prince say he rescued Priest from Vietnam? Even in the more recent eps when Bunny mentions Vietnam, Priest has no idea what she was talking about at first, then remembers “Oh yes, Vietnam” Then tunes in to watch “Vietnam: Party in the Jungle” as if he’s trying to “read-up” on where he was supposed to be.

    Prince *doesent* understand his true origins, he never has. He made that quite clear in Series 3. All he knows is that he is bad and to dominate all before him. Why have a sit-down with Priest? He never bothers to explain things to him anyway, why that one thing?

    Also Priest when asked what kept him alive in the jungle for 35 years he mentions his dreams of childhood which included “strippers” among other things.

    His wife says “War hero my ass” and Priest has very little to no knowledge of America or even Earth in general. He doesent even know what Florida is. He has no knowledge of Earth but can remember very clearly that Prince was ruler of the planet Fire, and his enemies were Water? Just doesent make any sense to me. To me at least it seems quite clear Priest came straight from Fire much like Prince and did *not* live full lives here on Earth.

    I just dont see how Priest could’ve been concurrently living on both Fire and Earth.

    I think the reason he didn’t know much about the U.S. was [i]because[/i] he spent 32 years in the jungle. When does it imply that he was not in Viêt Nam (besides his wife questioning his being a war hero, I think she was just skeptical of the ‘hero’ part)?

    The people who were reincarnated on Earth after the Soul Migration seem to have established lives there. It’s almost as if 50 or more years elapsed between the destruction of Fire and Water and the election of Reginald J. Priest. I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m sure the Beans will make it clear to us at some point.

    By the way, so far we have seen 28 reincarnated souls (that I know of, if you count Prince, Priest, and Kai but not Longbore).


    I’m convinced that the souls have come from Fire and Water, but reality has been conveniently rearranged to make a space for them. Priest was “found” having reincarnated in the jungle, and it’s not too hard to imagine people ‘deciding’ he was from Vietnam. Conversely, in Dutch Treat Bunny references a family that she cannot possibly have since she’s been on Gametown for 4000 years.

    When Prince ‘rescued’ Priest in Battle, he explained to Xev that he did so because the snivelling wretch was useful to him – the smirk when Prince learns that Priest has won the election suggests that if Prince wasn’t directly responsible for the victory, he’s cetainly happy about it; President Davidson was extremely difficult to manipulate.

    We know that some period of time passed between the souls from Fire and Water, and the Lexx’s arrival on Earth, and I’m guessing from references in Little Blue Planet that it’s been about nine months (when Priest ‘turned himself into a tour bus’.) That seems more than enough tiime for one as ambitious as Prince to get himself set up as head of the ATF. After keeping Fire from descending into chaos – partially – Earth must have seemed like an easy task.



    Originally posted by Chris A:
    I’m convinced that the souls have come from Fire and Water, but reality has been conveniently rearranged to make a space for them. Priest was “found” having reincarnated in the jungle, and it’s not too hard to imagine people ‘deciding’ he was from Vietnam. Conversely, in Dutch Treat Bunny references a family that she cannot possibly have since she’s been on Gametown for 4000 years.

    Trillions of souls didn’t just appear on Earth, apparently some of them were just born into human form there over a period of time, starting at least 50 years before [i]Little Blue Planet[/i]. This still hasn’t been explained to anyone’s satisfaction. I find it unlikely that they could have all only been on Earth for 9 months. These people have taken places in society, and have families.

    How has Jeff Davison been president for 4 years when he should’ve been on either Fire or Water ever since Stan killed him at Frontier Post 65798-4-8? How can Lomia have parents if she just appeared from Fire? Big Angry Ed should have been killed at the battle over Garden City at the same time he was wronged by Brund Parsnec. And how can former clerics who sacrificed themselves to the Divine Cleansing get jobs as prison guards, T.V. technicians, or as a guide for Eco-Tours? The A.T.F. soldier Digby held at gunpoint has been dead since before Kai was alive, and one whould think he would stay that way. And while I’m at it how does an Austral-B chick with a funny accent become a trash film star? Okay, now I’m rambling pointlessly, but really, how can this happen? I’m not sure, but we can be pretty certain there has been more than 9 months between their appearance on Earth and our heroes’ arrival.

    [ 09-03-2002: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    The warden and his wife themselves commented that they didn’t remember ever conceiving Lomea. But, then, she’s here now so they MUST have had a daughter, it’s not like she just flew down to the planet, right? …right?

    Perhaps the problem lies in that, over time, Lexx has given us a grand total of three reasons for bringing its actors back for additional roles. (Lex mentions on the 2.01 DVD commentary that Paul is fond of repeatedly asking back people he likes.) We’ve had the simple cases of actors filling in more than one role with no regard to the story (like Walter Borden as the voice of His Shadow, and Patricia Zentilli as a member of the troupe in Brigadoom). Then we’ve had the ‘archtypes’ Kai mentioned, Brud Parsnip being alive on Earth while Stan was galivanting around on Fire and Water, for example. And, finally, we have the problem of some of these people actually being the same “spirit”, from the Light Zone to the twin planets and now to Earth.

    How can we tell the difference? Most of the time, we probably can’t. It’s safe to say that Bunny and Priest arrived from Water, along with Lomea and Giggerota. President Davidson? The clerics? Who knows.

    There’s one other possibility I can think of. After seeing ‘eaven & Hell’, a friend of mine raised the point – why did Stan’s soul return to his body when Fire and Water were destroyed instead of heading around to Earth with the others? The only answer I could give as that since Stan’s body had been repaired by the protein regenerator, it was ready and willing to accept a wandering spirit.

    If we had archetypes of Bunny, Lomea, Davidson and co. on the Earth already, it *might* be the case that the approaching souls from Fire and Water were able to find matches for their original bodies and simply take them over to varying degrees. This might explain how Bunny has seemingly lost 20 IQ points in the transition (she was niave on Water, certainly, but guileful enough to get Kai fondling her in the shower) and Lorka’s personality completely changed from a beleagured trucker to a self-serving First Lady.

    Of course, this doesn’t explain why Earth now isn’t severely overpopulated to the point of immobility, or where people are going now after they die ….. perhaps, given that we’ve had talking suns and drone arms crossing a unvierse in around 15 minutes, we’re not meant to ask questions like this. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    For a few sound bites from the ‘Moss’ episode, check out my site:

    (5 or 6 sounds in a zip file)

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