Moss review posted

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Moss review posted

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    A LEXX review of episode 4-16 entitled ‘[url=/lexx/lexx4-16.htm]Moss[/url]’ has been posted to the [url=/lexx/ltreks.htm]LEXX Episodes Section[/url].

    I can’t say it’s a particularly good review… but then it wasn’t a particularly good episode.



    But at least it was better than Mort, eh?

    Thanks for another great review, Saddy. Looking forward to the next one!


    There were some really funny moments in “Moss”, especially when he was pointing out all his “666” theories. Part of why it was funny was because there are real conspiracy theorists to whom Moss’ ideas would probably have seemed rational. Most of them are, fortunately, harmless.

    Despite the fact that a fair number of people seemed to like “Mort”, I found it way too disturbing. I think part of the problem was that it aired the same week that the Georgia crematory scandal broke. Somehow,I can laugh at silly conspiracy notions but find defiling corpses pretty devoid of humor. There were a lot of really funny lines and situations revolving around Kai being dead, but perhaps they were funny because they were so improbable. There are too many creeps IRL just like Mort, so I didn’t like that ep.

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