Moved to new server :)

Forums Announcements/New Stuff Moved to new server :)

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  • #39024

    Welp! After three months of total pain and hassle, I’ve managed to move away from that most awful of service providers Datacities and am trying out this new place called DoubleHost. I say trying out because for all I know, this one will be just as bad as the last. We’ll have to wait and see.

    Please post a message in this thread if you have any problems with the site.

    On another note. Most of you know that this site is split between the old web pages and the new database driven php pages. If you want to look at a babylon 5 review, you will notice that it is in the format (and style) of the old site. I [b][i]am [/i][/b]aware of this, but the only way to convert the site is to manually cut and paste the old pages into new database review forms. I’ve started this and the LEXX reviews are almost complete. Unfortunately I still have just over 600 web pages to convert. It’ll take a little while, but the site should be running at full strength in the next few weeks.




    well saddy, thus far it seems to be ‘sticking’ less than the old server; i can get to the site more quickly and flip back and forth between pages more quickly 8) so keep up the good work (awful lot of it though, my sympathies)


    Thanks 🙂

    It’s frightening moving server. I had to move six thousand files and a whole database of stuff to different domain and setup 🙁

    Hopefully this will match the needs of sci fi sadgeezers beter.

    BUT! Have you noticed a problem with the main page? Is the latest ppsts accurate? For me, it seems that I can’t se any posts in the latest sadbaord posts since March 17th? Do you have the same problem?

    And, anyone else, do you notice any bugs in the new server?


    well, if you’re talking about the sadboard forum index, no, i get the latest posts visible, but tonight i cannot get from the main sadboard forum index to the individual forums…i was only able to get to this page through the email link sent to me notifying me of a reply to this topic…weird huh? 😕

    alll riighhht, now i am totally confused; i just went back to the forum index to try to get to another forum and this time it worked…very strange 🙄

    is there a poltergeist in the system do you think? and why is it i cannot log in from aol? i know the site is not webtv friendly, but why not aol?


    It’s the war sweetie 😉

    Some terrorists have decided to scupper our attempts to discuss cool sci fi :/


    I saw your email – I have no idea why it happened. My problem is that I can’t see the latest posts on the main page?! (it’s probably a cookie problem).


    i feel your pain sweetie 😆

    okay, so the war is screwing up our lives in every aspect, and yes, you are right; when i go to the home page it is showing me the latest sadboard posts as being from march 19th, so yeah, another little headscratcher for you 🙂 …go to sleep already, will you? it’s bound to look better in the morning

    oh! before you go to sleep; i got to see the rerun of ‘once more with feeling’ on telly the other night, which as you know i first saw with you guys last summer; wow, it brought back wonderful memories of you, me and kate drinking wine and watching that incredible episode…gave me quite a lift ! (things have been a bit grim here)

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