my first attempt at fanfic!

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  • #38536

    Part 1

    Leaning back in the cryochamber, waiting. Before freezing, his mind performs a kind of inventory of his body– broken ankle, dislocated knee, ripped tendons and muscle in his arm. He has long since stopped thinking of the sensations that these injuries cause him as pain. Pain was something one shrank from, something to avoid, something for the living only. He notes the searing feeling, and then dismisses it from his mind. Already his body is reassuming the perfect condition it had been in several hours ago, when he was awakened by a somewhat panicky Stanley. Stanley and Xev had (carelessly, he thinks) allowed a very large, dragon-like creature to gain access to the Lexx during one of their feeding stops on a primitive planet. The creature had fought well.

    A coldness that brings with it a sensation of warmth. Oblivion.

    “You will never cross this river, child.” The insect speaks to him from across the wide expanse of a river. The river is so still as to appear glassy. Marsh grasses are reflected into the water on the insect’s side, but on his bank there are only large jagged rocks. He sees that the river is not water after all, but blood. Then he is in a large room with the insect. It uncurls its body to reveal a beautiful breast, he leans forward to put his lips to the warm nipple presented to him but before he can reach it he sees his Shadow’s hand, bearing the knife that will stop his heart.


    “Kai, Kai, are you awake?” Xev asks.

    “You have need of me?” Kai responds.

    “Yes Kai, Stanley and I have found a planet that we want to look around on, there seems to be an interesting city.” Says Xev.

    “Very well” Kai answers in his usual remote tone. Xev wonders at times whether Kai’s mind is not completely blank when he is not working out some problem. He is so silent that this seems to be the case. Xev says “Well! I am bored, and I want some adventure even if no one else around here does!” Looking sideways at Stanley who has drifted into the crychamber hall she flounces off. The two men follow her.

    Part II coming soon.


    Hummm, flouncing…. sounds like theSpouse. So now what happens?

    *theFrey settles down attentively to wait.*

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