My Internet Obsession.

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    I forced myself to spend the better part of today going out and talking to friends, and it occurred to me how much I have been affected by the internet.

    It has actually been a couple of months since I talked to my best friend (known him for 28 years, Best Man at my wedding, etc.). I actually went out to an event which used to be a weekly occurrence before the internet took hold of my mind, now such activities are a rarity. Women have petered off in my physical world from the one nighters (in the real word, at my age, all the women are separated with kids – too complicated…..sorry ladies, but sadly true) to not even the no nighters…..hehehehehee!!!!! They have all been replaced in the virtual world 😯 .

    It has come to the point where last week I had to put up with living in the real world (working and eating and stuff) just long enough to go back into my virtual world. Ok – I will admit that last week was a bit involved (even exciting in some ways); but it only exemplified what has been happening to my social existence since I first started to explore the internet. I will also be honest with you and state that I actually find the physical dissociation of an internet life a new experience and a change from the ordinary. I can act as I want with people without regard to the fact that I physically have to get along with them on a day to day basis. However, I have to ask myself if I am on the way to ruin?

    Am I headed to a fall? Perhaps not yet as I can still go back to my real world with a minimal amount of make-up time. What happens if I get more involved? I have no wife or kids to think about – my time is my own to waste. Some of you here must have been in my situation before… it healthy? Is this the future of human socialization, and am I just some “old-fart” clinging to old fashioned views; or is this a sickness I have to admit to myself?




    Well, you went though this same thing about a year ago when you were over at At that time if I recall you felt it necessary to break away from the net. What lessons did you learn that time? How is it that you are once again in that situation?


    [quote=”thefrey”]Well, you went though this same thing about a year ago when you were over at At that time if I recall you felt it necessary to break away from the net. What lessons did you learn that time? How is it that you are once again in that situation?[/quote]

    Funny you should say that…..yes I did leave; but the “situation” never left. I just moved on to other venues, and kept spending more time on the net….. I am not hurting here, possibly just playing with fire 😆 . Everywhere I go I am connected – even at work I carry a computer that is constantly receiving and sending information in real time – perhaps being constantly wired to the “net” is the future. I just do not know where this will lead. Some of you must have gone this route; where are you today?






    [quote=”Fatguy”] Some of you must have gone this route; where are you today? Maurice[/quote]

    Texas, Dallas area to be precise.


    Yikes, You need to disconnect a bit sounds like it. Virtual relations between humans is not the answer for the future. There is a beautiful world out there filled with trees and wildlife and people!
    Take a white water rafting trip, go sky diving!!!!
    Physicality has it’s own adreneline rushes and rewards.
    Hell, go sit at a bar and have a few drinks and chat with the regulars.
    It’s fun!!!!! I do most of my posting between other things at work because I’m a receptionist and get time to burn occasionally. And after my first Dragon*Con I wanted to keep in touch with scifi fandom because it helped deal with withdrawal from Dragon*Con.

    I’ve lived in Boston almost 3 years. When I first moved here I didn’t know many folks in the city. So I went to neighborhhood pubs and talked to people. I’ve met some great folks, created one great friendship, still see my old friends north of the city, and go out to socialize.
    And I always get the comeback about this , “But you’re a woman, it’s easier for women.”
    If you open yourself to certain experiences, I’ve found they generally happen. And it’s always good to mix it up!!!
    “Variety is the spice of life” is not a cliche for nothing!


    [quote=”Sidhecafe”] “Variety is the spice of life” is not a cliche for nothing![/quote]

    Actually, Variety is a magazine for the entertainment industry. 😛 😉


    Oh the Horror!!!!



    I have done a lot of physical, exciting things; at least that is what my friends keep telling me 🙄 . Perhaps they find it exciting as they do not have the “balls” to do the things I do without thinking….. Anyway – no more of that as it only seems to frighten women 8) .

    I am a very old man and I rejected the computer as a young adult. Now that I am into my “Golden Years”; I was forced to embrace the computer at home and have found the possibilities intriguing….. I have been at it for about a year and a half, and the idea of giving yourself into the internet (like in the “Lawnmower Man”) would be another new experience. Humans have been looking at the sky and trees since the first time they stood erect (“stood” as in standing 8) ), cyber space is something new.

    The kids seem to have it right as they throw away most privacy issues by embracing an openness that we “toothless old farts” find appalling. However…..I am forced to rethink my issues as I post personal stories (and post pics of me in my undies, etc.) so the privacy issue is not as steadfast as I thought. I have contacts with people around the world and I do not even hear the accents anymore (just realized that).

    I can almost be in constant contact with friends and people anywhere in the world and in any predicament. The only bother is the time zones. I have had sex with enough women to still remember what it is like (senior moment…..); but having a kid would be a new experience (Go Logan Go!!!!!), but I think that is just wishful thinking. Having said all that; the “Web Head” (as Lexxlurker puts it) phenomena is still interesting…..



    [quote=”thefrey”][quote=”Fatguy”] Some of you must have gone this route; where are you today? Maurice[/quote]

    Texas, Dallas area to be precise.[/quote]

    My dear girl – Is this an admission of guilt? If so, please elaborate…..



    Ok Maurice, Then I don’t get it. What is the purpose of your question/inquiry. Are you happy? Are you not happy? Are you worried your behaving oddly. Or you just need a breather, took one and then needed to check in to see if that was ok?

    Don’t compare yourself to other people, and whatever about scaring women (hope you were joking)….
    I’m a woman who scares men most of the time, because I’m blunt and up front about things most people find uncomfortable. ie, big ego…

    If you have you’re groove on -fine.
    Even a groove that’s going well can improve by a little improvisation (excuse the pun/heavy handed metaphor)

    You don’t read demented. 😉
    Good Luck! -Suzanne


    [quote=”Fatguy”][quote=”thefrey”][quote=”Fatguy”] Some of you must have gone this route; where are you today? Maurice[/quote]

    Texas, Dallas area to be precise.[/quote]

    My dear girl – Is this an admission of guilt? If so, please elaborate…..


    Okayyyyyy. I am not a ‘girl’, I am certainly NOT your dear…..

    *theFrey types very slowly*

    It was a Joke

    Unfortunately, I do not have time right now to explain the concept of humour to you. Well actually, a life time might be too short for that. So please forgive me if I pass.


    Thanks for the replies. I guess if I had a wife and kids one could say I was depriving them of a father (or something like that); but I have a free hand now-a-days….. I suppose an internet addiction is not as bad as drugs, smoking, etc. I don’t think anyone with and internet addiction was found passed out in the gutter – or- selling selling themselves as a prostitute to feed the addiction. All I lose is time (plenty of that 8) ).

    Actually…..reading the above paragraph is starting to depress me – There you go – an internet addiction leads to depression 😉 .



    Ummmm…..depression is not caused by addiction, usually the other way around.

    Like the guy said to Neo, “Maybe you just need to unplug, man. Get a little R&R. What do ya think Du Jour? Should we take him with us?”……………………………………

    It’s not better than another addiction….either accept you’re an addict- drugs, internet, sex etc… and go with it…..or do something about it!

    as for theFrey …so sorry you find yourself in Texas… 😉 😉
    (never been to Dallas – I like Austin though)


    [quote=”Sidhecafe”] as for theFrey …so sorry you find yourself in Texas… 😉 😉 (never been to Dallas – I like Austin though)[/quote]

    I know, I know…. just another cross I have to bear. *sigh* 😉 Well they tell me that Okalahoma is worse…. but I am not sure that is possible. 😀



    Are you a born/bred Texan, or was it some other unfortunate circumstance? 😛 🙂

    Ever been to Massachusetts? New England?

    I like to travel as often as I can/afford.

    i love travel/airplanes, if I had the money to be a space tourist, even if it cost me down to my last dollar, I’d go! 🙂

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