New (or old) or different Sci Fi anyone?

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    As I was posting the Kin Dza Dza (part one) film on the sci fi multimedia newsgroup, I added this:

    [quote]After fansubbing the Rooskie classic Kin Dza Dza, I was wondering if anyone else had any cool cult sci fi stuff that isn’t shown (much) on TV.

    Many of us at the sci fi site ( are desperate for new innovative stuff, and we’re running out of material!

    If you haven’t got any stuff to post, maybe you could recommend something ie. something not like star trek, more like LEXX or Babylon 5 or Outlaw Star or Aeon Flux or Red Dwarf or hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy or… well, you know.

    Any suggestions on stuff we might have missed would be really helpful!



    The SadGeezers Guide to Cult Sci Fi


    This was a reply from a person called Coke [i]( 🙂 )[/i]

    [quote]Hmm as for your question regarding rare stuff,
    what about that series Belfigor ?
    They remade it in a movie recently[/quote]

    I’ve tried hunting for other references, but all I can come up with is a Polish Heavy Metal band 😀 (Belfegor)

    [b]Has anyone any news on what this could be?[/b]


    It’s [url=]Belfagor[/url] I’m pretty sure.


    [quote=”Logan”]It’s [url=]Belfagor[/url] I’m pretty sure.[/quote]

    COOL! Well spotted 🙂

    Read the review, it sounds quite interesting – not sure if it’s sci fi though.


    BTW, here’s an interesting looking show that I haven’t seen that I mentioned in the [url=]Sci-Fi Films and TV Cult Classics[/url] thread: [i]Quark[/i]

    Like I said before, it looks like a prime candiate for a sci-fi cult classic. It’s got girls in skimpy costumes and … ahhh … isn’t that enough?

    * [img][/img] …. [img][/img]

    These Quark girls remind me of those sensational Transylvanian twins (at least I think that’s where they’re from) whose “Touch my Bum” single has not only universally topped all the charts, but is now the top song ever on every music critics list in the cosmos. 😉 Oh, and they also remind me of Slinka and Yoyo from LEXX.

    [size=9]*images lifted from the aforementioned site minus the Hawaii Five-Oish text that I added in.[/size]


    Yep, looks good 🙂

    I faintly remember hearing about it, but I’ve never seen a show.


    *scrambles for the edit button*


    Sorry. My bad! The site is already aware of Starhunter. My apoligies to fans of it if you felt insulted. That wasn’t the purpose of the post. Could someone hand me the sizzling sausage scraper? I seemed to have stepped in some warm, smelly gooey stuff. 😳


    Saw some re~runs of Quark when I was a kid. Not bad. But there were only two girls in skimpy costume. Not enough for me now.


    THREE (3) girls in skimpy costume. And they fly through air like Lois and Kai.

    [i]Cleo is a [b]screaming b i t c h[/b], hel is a walking dead beet, Sarge just want sex.[/i]


    gorgeous!Hehe, yep – I see yer a big fan of Cleopatra2525 🙂

    I’ve never actually seen the show, but Gina Torres is (IMHO) one of THE most beautiful women on TV!

    I guess I’d have to check it out just for that 🙂

    I’m also after the more unusual references to obscure and weird Sci Fi – like the film from 1973 – Fantastic Planet (just amazing!).

    Many of the other visitors are desperately looking for other cool sci fi. There is a lot of rubbish on TV at the moment and I’d love to find something new! – Any ideas?


    [quote]I’ve never actually seen the show, but…[/quote]
    Consult Flamegrape. 😳

    Sample a red~head Gina Torres…

    And then answer The Question:: [quote][i]Who is Xev? [img][/img][/i][/quote]
    That metal skirt Vicky is wearing makes me unable to watch that episode (Mind Games) anymore. Its too much for me. I just start crying. 😮

    Here are some interesting articles. I strongly suggest the article entitled [b]A Hero for All Time[/b]. Compare Cleo with Stanley Tweedle. Opposites in many ways, they end up being identical “heroes.”


    I think of the way Salter Street always lists BD ~first~ in their LEXX credits–a foolish wrinkly old man in a silly suit, but the VHS/DVD makers fall over themselves advertising [i]”gladiator”[/i] Thodin or [i]”warrior”[/i] Kai on their video boxes.

    I lifted the pic from which has a fairly large gallery. Jen Sky (Cleo, short blonde hair) can match Xenia’s facial expressions with ease.


    Well this is fantasy, but Fluffy Bunny mentioned it before in another thread: [b]Monkey[/b]. I saw bits of it years ago and thought it was great, and I believe that it may be still be airing on Channel 4 UK.

    And I’d also suggest, ‘though this is stretching the sci-fi criterion to extremes, [url=][b]Black Adder[/b][/url]. It had sci-fi elements in two of the specials. In [b]Blackadder — Back and Forth[/b] where Baldrick builds a time machine and in [b]Black Adder’s Christmas Carol[/b] where we see the future and it is not pretty (it involves Baldrick and BlackAdder in loincloths). BTW, anyone see the UK Comic Relief where Rowan Atkinson (of Black Adder and Mr. Bean fame) plays Dr. Who? [url=]Dr Who: The Curse of Fatal Death[/url]

    A weird sci-fi miniseries that I enjoyed despite some really hammy acting was the BBC produced [b]Cold Lazarus[/b]. Oh, and one of the greatest sci-fiish mini series I’ve seen was [b]First Born[/b] based on the novel [b]Gor’s Saga[/b] about a human-gorilla hybrid — very moving.


    I think there should be a section in SadGeezer.Com dedicated to [i]Cleopatra 2525[/i]. Hot women wearing skimpy clothing shooting laserguns and lots of explosions. I managed to tape the episodes they aired on the SciFi Channel a month ago.

    Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t I convert the first episode into a Divx file? It’s something else that would be cool to post on Sadgeezer.Net.

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