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Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Firefly New person here

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    Not new to the show though. Have been a fan since the beginning when Firefly was on FOX. Some of you my remember me from the Lexx board on I disappeared for about 3 years. My webtv got fried and didn’t have the means to get back on line. Right now my only means is a library computer.

    About my nick, Please don’t call me Froggy Froggie, Toadie, Toady or Frogger as my Nick has nothing to do with Frogs, toads. or video games. My nick, FrogSplash has everything to do with wrestling and a certain Latino Heat wrestler named Eddy Guerrero. Frog Splash is the name of his finisher.

    I’m female, and the first character in firefly to whisk me up in his manly arms was Jayne. Just something about bad boys. Then next came Book mainly because I loved Ron Glass in Barney Miller and had somehow missed his entire career after he left the show.

    I have A feeling I’ll be kicked off soon….and I was right. Talk at ya later.



    Hey there FrogSplash,

    gotta agree with you on Ron Glass, where I haven’t seen all of Firefly, I am excited for the movie and I used to love Ron Glass in Barney Miller too, that was a great show!


    Unfortunately I don’t have cable or Dish anymore. I do have the DVD’s though. For some reason I’m glad that I can’t see the commercials for the movie. I hate spoilers too. So I know absolutely nothing about it. I want to just go into the theater and experience it with no prenotion as to what the film is about. I’ve never done that before.



    FrogSplash wrote:
    [quote]For some reason I’m glad that I can’t see the commercials for the movie. I hate spoilers too. So I know absolutely nothing about it. I want to just go into the theater and experience it with no prenotion as to what the film is about. I’ve never done that before.

    That is a great way to see a movie- the only time I’ve ever done that was when I went to see The Matrix. I didn’t have tv then so I new absolutely nothing about it except it was a scifi movie with Kneau Reeves in it….and being the anime and cyberpunk fan I am I was so completely blown away – probably one of my best movie experiences ever.
    And they do give away a bit in the Serenity trailer- looks like anyway.

    Yeah Red Sox!! Hopefully Manny is done with his whining for the season.


    [quote]Yeah Red Sox!! Hopefully Manny is done with his whining for the season.[/quote]

    LOL!! Never been to Boston before. If the Royals weren’t so bad I’d root for them. I do like the Red Sox because of Matt Damon. Why the Royals traded him to Boston I’ll never know….oh wait I do They can’t recognize great talent when they have it right under their noses and they LOVE all the no talents they has on their team. Aside from Sweeny and Stiles who are great talents and probably will be traded in the off season. The rest of the team is a bunch of no talent little Mother F^&*ers and don’t deserve the print their getting good or bad. FS grumbles stupid Royals anyway!

    Sorry for ranting



    LOL!! Never been to Boston before. If the Royals weren’t so bad I’d root for them. I do like the Red Sox because of Matt Damon.

    I think you meant Johnny Damon. Anyway, it was good to see him hit that grand slam against the Yankees last year…

    Oh- and greetings, BTW.

    Go ‘Stros!!!


    Johnny Damon has been great for the team, undeniably.

    However, my baseball fan heart will always belong to V’tek and Trot.

    Love those guys!


    [quote=”Sidhecafe”]Johnny Damon has been great for the team, undeniably.

    However, my baseball fan heart will always belong to V’tek and Trot.

    Love those guys![/quote]

    FS Hit’s her hand against her head JOHNNY DAMON!!! I always get Matt and him mixed up have no idea why.

    I actually remember a time when the Royals were good enough to go to two World Series and winning the second one in 1985. This weekend the club is going to honor those 1985 World Champs. It’s a shame that they are Honoring the Greatest Moments in club history with the Lowest moments in club history…ie This tuesday night….giving up a 7-1 lead in the top of the 9 and letting Cleveland score 11 runs in that inning to win 13-7. Last night surpassing a club record with 13 losses in a row. This year on their way to finishing up in dead last place….in all of baseball…god I could go on but This isn’t a sports board so I’ll let ya go. Wish it was The ranting helps get the frustration out.


    And thanks for the greeting I appreciate it.


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