New to Farscape – Episode Order

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape New to Farscape – Episode Order

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    Just new to Farscape I bought the UK DVDs of Season 1. Ive just checked the order of episodes on the DVDs and the order they were first aired on US TV. They differ? Are the UK DVDs incorrect? help!


    I am new to Farscape, too, and live in the U.S. I recently read somewhere, or perhaps it was on the DVD commentaries, that the order of the season 1 episodes was changed slightly on the DVD releases because the producers thought they all fit together better this way. Unfortunately, not all of season 1 has been released here, so I still have to wait quite a while before I can own them. sigh! [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] I cannot speak to the order that they were released in the UK.


    I watched FS on cable ScFi and saw it from the begining. If you have seen it then the shows were alittle out of order. I noticed that when Chiana came on board she was gone from the story line for a bout 2 shows then was back to stay. I think if you get the shows on DVD they are in a better order and it makes more sence. I dont have DVD so I am only guessing. Still watching it in reruns!


    Chiana was originally supposed to DIE at the end of the ep where was first introduced, because of this she only had a small part in the beginning of the next ep (A Human Reaction, the one with The False Earth and The Ancients and the Rygel autopsy), before Crichton left, she was having an argument with Zhaan because Zhaan found one of her belongings in Chiana’s quarters (Chiana had snurched it, naughty Chiana!).
    Chiana had a bigger part in the next ep Through the Looking Glass.

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