Newbie alert! but, DON’T PANIC.
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- This topic has 23 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 8 months ago by
1st December 2002 at 6:59 am #37857
ParticipantHey fellow sad ppl, im new here. hitch hikers is my favourite scifi thing. i like red dwarf too and star wars(?) id like to introduce myself. im Glenn, i use the nickname Kayo all over the web. i live in the highlands of scotland (no sterotyping plz) im 16 and am a hardcore geek. im onto building robots and computers, ive got glasses and im not into sports.
I really got into the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy about 6 months ago when i had to choose a book to study as part of my english course, i looked under sci-fi and i discovered HHG. i fell in love straight away. since then ive got the whole origional radio series on tape, got the tv series on video and im reading the books, at the mo im about half way through the third one. ive also been on a bunch of websites too.
just like to say hi to all other fans and look forward to chatting about the guide and all that. oh specially get in touch if you’re from scotland too.
1st December 2002 at 10:21 pm #59372Anonymous
Nice to see you Glen. This site originated (and is based) in Presto UK (which surprises loads of peeps!).
We are al lpretty much into most cool sci fi and the geekier the better.
By the way, have you seen the DVD HHG?
It’s very very good. There are some excellent interviews and snippets of info on it.
Eg. Do you remember the scene in the series when a bloke got sick of life (the usinverse and everything) and took all his clothes off and walked into the sea naked… well, the venerable Douglas Adams owned up to it being him!
The geezer certainly had some nerve!
[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: SadGeezer ]
2nd December 2002 at 4:13 am #59373Kayo
Participanthey, thanks from spelling my name wrong btw.
i havent seen the dvd yet, sounds good but ive already got the videos so it might be a bit of a waste getting it just for the few extras. interesting fact about the naked guy, funny. in fact i saw that scene today cos i was looking through the video to get a closer look at those blue biscuits. still dont know what they are. maybe some kind of dough?i wonder if anyone else agrees that the radio series was way better than the tv series. the radio version was really funny. the acting in the tv series was terrible. i did enjoy it though probably because i was already a fan of the guide. is there anyone out there who has only seen the tv series and become a fan based solely on that?
some thoughts
2nd December 2002 at 9:07 pm #59374Rag
ParticipantClose with the sig, a bit of a tweak and it’ll work.
Hi. Hows it goin. If you want to introduce yourself to all, the pub is the place to do it. There is a thread in there for the purpose.
Yeah, I thought the Radio series was better than the TV show, and the books better than both. Not that I’ve read them all, but he is a damn good writer.
Oh, and Saddy is right about the DVD. Exceptional value for money. Trust me it’s more than a few extras. Agreed it’s not cheap, especially if your on a budget. And a lot of the extra’s will only appeal to a hardcore anorak, but from what you say above, I’d say you qualify there. But if you do have the spare cash (oh, and a DVD player is handy too), you could do a lot worse than buy it. then you could knock out your vids, get back a bit of cash and free up some space on your shelves. Everyone’s a winner. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
3rd December 2002 at 7:55 pm #59375Anonymous
InactiveOch, you won’t find any stereotyping around here laddie, we all type in mono [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Sad, the Douglas naked cameo was well known before the DVD (I think it was mentioned in his biography by Neil Gaiman), although the stuff about them getting him really drunk before asking was amusing. And, is Presto anywhere near Abacadabra? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
3rd December 2002 at 9:20 pm #59376Kayo
ParticipantRag- the sig had spaces in to separate each slash and stuff but somehow when it came up half the spaces were missed out. never mind, K will do for now
i nearly kicked myself because i bought the two videos separately. a few days later i saw them in a double pack for quite a few quid cheaper! i might well sell the videos if i get the dvd.
we’re getting a new tv and dvd player at the weekend hopefully. so ill be getting a bunch of dvds for christmas. actually i dont think ill get the hhg dvd because any money i get will go to building my robots. that is my main hobby.
lol at cat and hi. haha, you live in wales. i bet you get the same sterotypical crap from some ppl too, or at least you know what im on aboot.
4th December 2002 at 5:16 pm #59377Anonymous
Inactiveis this coat your jacket?
5th December 2002 at 6:49 am #59378Anonymous
Originally posted by Kayo:
hey, thanks from spelling my name wrong btw.
Cheeky bugger! I spell everything wrong! WHat makes you so special? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
5th December 2002 at 6:58 am #59379Anonymous
Originally posted by Cat:
… Sad, the Douglas naked cameo was well known before the DVD (I think it was mentioned in his biography by Neil Gaiman), although the stuff about them getting him really drunk before asking was amusing. And, is Presto anywhere near Abacadabra? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Cool! I’d never heard of it before. It was a cool interview. There were some other interesting clips such as the insight into crappy BBC TV production and tight production timescales… ie. the clip with then trying the same scene over and over and getting more and more frustrated.
The HHG DVD is probably the most feature packed DVD I have.
6th December 2002 at 3:04 am #59382Kayo
Participantthanks rag, that seems to make sense ill change it in a mo and hopefully itll be sorted by the time you read this.
ah rag, well sort of yes/no. i am building a robot very similar to the ones on that certain tv show but dont get me wrong, i hate that show. its a big hyped up money making scam. the one im building will probably only compete at an idependant non-televised live event. a lot more fun and its fair to the roboteers. very different to that tv show. i also build smaller bots for messing about around at home. ive got little one that’s say as big as a computer case. im wokring on it now and hope to have it running properly before christmas. if youre interested ill be putting loads of pictures and info, maybe even a couple of short videos on the site. not yet though. i just deleted the old one and its under construction for the next couple of weeks. im pretty busy with school work so i really only have time at the weekends.
Cat: is this coat your jacket?
no, its my anorak
6th December 2002 at 6:29 am #59380Anonymous
InactiveNow they’ve reprinted the Don’t Panic biography by Gaiman everyone should have a copy. There was a recent book about DNA but it was much smaller and, while being an interesting read with some new information, wasn’t as enthralling as the Gaiman book which is amusing throughout.
6th December 2002 at 6:59 am #59381Rag
Originally posted by Kayo:
Rag- the sig had spaces in to separate each slash and stuff but somehow when it came up half the spaces were missed out. never mind, K will do for now
The problem you are havin is due to the font. Pay attention kids, this is the science bit… The font being used here is a proportional font Each of the letters, and punctuation including spaces, are different widths. This makes it much nicer to look at and easier to read (Thanks Saddy, for thinking about our poor tired eyes, and providing us with a nice gentle font – See? He really cares). Unfortunately these bits we get to type in use a fixed width font (each of the letters and punctuation take up the same amount of space). So all your spaces are there, it’s just they are shorter than they appeared when you typed them in. Just wap in more spaces and you’ll be fine.
I believe (and young Mr Geezer can correct me if I’m wrong) that the sig will be picked up from whatever you have set in your profile and display it live. So if you change your sig it will change it on the threads that are already there. So have a go, and look an old thread to see what the result is. You should get it sorted soon (as a rough guess, try using 3 spaces for every 2 that you did have).
And at this point I realise that this has nothing to do with HHG, so I’ll get my coat.
Oh, before I go (still unrelated…soz), what sort of robots? Big hulking ones for beating the smeg out of other robots on certain TV shows? Or ones that will benefit mankind in ways other than providing mindless, violent and strangly entertaining distraction to the masses?
18th July 2003 at 7:02 pm #67383Queen42
i am a sixteen year old psuedo-geek sci-fi girl. i love hhg and was really upset when i found out from the bbc website he died. Actually, i got a bit irrate that no1 told me but that is a different story.
why doesnt the bbc show the series again? i’d love that.
i also love red dwarf , farscape and futurama
umm see you all around here?
*not usually this weird honest*[/b]
30th July 2003 at 7:32 pm #67498Anonymous
GuestNIce to see you Veronica, hope you like the guides and… you can add your own comments and thoughts too if you like!
Anyway, welcome
28th December 2003 at 2:01 am #69532Zaphod42
ParticipantI just love ~The Hitchhikers Trilogy~ novels. 😀
If think Jim Carrey would be a great Zaphod and Hugh Grant would make a great Arther Dent if the movie ever makes it outa development hell. What do you think ❓
I’m panicking and I forgot my towel, arghhh.
<br>”Well, it’s something called the Infinite Improbability Drive. Don’t ask me how it works or I’ll start to whimper.”
“But a Ship?”
“Oh yes, a ship. It’s parked in a cup fifteen miles above us. Please don’t ask me about that, either.”26th March 2004 at 2:51 am #70463ZaphodBeeblebear
ParticipantHey all,
I’m a newb 2. Just wanted to say hi. Zaphod has been my favorite sci-fi character since I first read H2G2 twenty years ago.ZB
27th March 2004 at 6:25 pm #70478sgtdraino
ParticipantYou like to build robots, Glenn?
Have you anything to do with Robot Wars UK? Man, I freaking LOVE Robot Wars UK.
My favorite team is Bigger Brother.
27th March 2004 at 9:30 pm #70480Anonymous
GuestNice to see all newbies!
It actualy takes a lot of guts to post on SadBAORD!
I have no idea why!? This is a very safe and friendly board but peeps tend just to lurk… which is ok, but it’s nice to see peeps venture out and post something – even if it’s just to say hi.
Regarding the HHG: I actually don’t like the books much – yep, weird huh?! I much prefer the TV series – [i]there isn’t much reference to the books in the series reviews.[/i]
27th March 2004 at 9:39 pm #70481Anonymous
Guest[quote=”sgtdraino”]My favorite team is Bigger Brother.[/quote]
[size=18][b][color=white]WHAT! [/color][color=orange]Waddabout Razor or Hipnodisk!?[/b][/color][/size]28th March 2004 at 3:00 pm #70490ZaphodBeeblebear
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”][quote=”sgtdraino”]My favorite team is Bigger Brother.[/quote]
[size=18][b][color=white]WHAT! [/color][color=orange]Waddabout Razor or Hipnodisk!?[/b][/color][/size][/quote]Razor rocks!
29th March 2004 at 6:30 pm #70521sgtdraino
ParticipantOh, Razer and Hypnodisk do indeed kick arse, but I gotta go for the charm of the underdogs. I love the way Joe, Ellie, and their dad keep pulling off narrow victories. In fact, that semi-finals fight in Robot Wars 5 between Bigger Brother and Hypnodisk was possibly the best fight I’ve ever seen.
Bigger Brother got the living piss beat out of him until the last possible moment, but somehow kept going, and just barely managed to shove Hypnodisk into the pit. Woooo!!!
21st May 2004 at 1:14 am #68090TranceGemini613
ParticipantHi other n00bs!
I would never have read the Guide if it wasn’t for my (English) best friend…he wouldn’t stop nagging me until I read it…and its subsequent sequels…Argh, love it! ^^ It’s so funny. And it’s so English. Jim Carrey would need to learn to do a really REALLY good English accent before I’d let him touch the role of Zaphod, guys…
So yeah…uhm…I need food still…better go eat…yeah…
23rd June 2006 at 2:44 pm #76519Kayo
Participantwoah talk about a blast from the past. i cant believe this thread still exists. i got an email from the admin about sadcast, i forgot this site even existed, amazed my username is still working.
anyway on the sci fi front ive recently completed my collection of the red dwarf series’s on dvd. loving futurama too, better than the simpsons. ive got HHG on dvd now, it was worth buying after all 😆 . im still bashing my way through the novels, i went back and started book 3 again cos i forgot what happened, im doing chapter plot summaries to help stop me getting lost. by the end of book 5 ill have a pretty comprehensive plot outline..
also, i completely lost interest in robot wars, then later i heard it was off the tv. i tried looking for some websites but most of them have dissapeared, can anyone help? not into robots so much at all anymore since i learnt to drive and really got into cars. i love retro volkswagens now and im into that scene, its kinda like a cult so im sure you sadgeezers understand.
oh liked the hhg film..
24th June 2006 at 11:01 pm #76528Faldor
ParticipantWelcome back Kayo!
for me, the books are ok and the Tv series is lovely the movie… we dont talk about [if i was a mod of such areas the very mention of it would be a bannable offence!] but the radio series are the definitive Hitchhikers to me. its the original inception and its at its purest.
i’ve been listening to the Dirk Maggs adaptations of the last 3 books and aside from some passing issues [they were written as novels after all] their almost as good as the originals. 🙂
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