Nitpicking and Lexx, my problem

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Nitpicking and Lexx, my problem

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    I really try and not do nitpick when it comes to Lexx but the logical side of my mind is a loud mouth. Like in the first Lexx DVD in the rated Lexx segment about 790’s origin. 790 says the planet he/she came from was called B1B but its obvious the planet it Water and the other one is fire. As is the building she worked it. Also like in Giga Shadow they reused scenes from IWHS to portray the cleansing. Well that wouldn’t have been so bad if they hadn’t shown the Lexx in one shot while a prisoner transport entered the Cluster. There are a few other things in Lexx that are hard for me not to question but those are some of them. Is there a cure to this problem and am I the only one. Maybe we should form the Lexx version of AA and call it LA…Lexx Addicts. What a perfect acronyme that would be…hehe



    Well, when they showed the prisoner transport arriving it could have been for flesh gathering for the Giga-shadow etc….there were many prisoners arriving at the Cluster, i doubt they were all used to feed the Lexx.

    “I throw a little fit, I slit my teenage wrist. The most I can learn is in records that you burn”

    “drove the children from their chores. Handcrafted housewifes into whores. Fear of the beast is calling it near, creating what we’re hating; its only fear that is here….”

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