Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx NO MORE LEXX!!!! ?

  • This topic has 19 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #37219

    Kalatar sent me an email concerning a chat that he had with David Dagley of Electropolis Studios in Halifax (where much of the filming for the LEXX series takes place).

    This email was sent to a few concerned LEXXians and elements of it will be discussed for a long time to come. However, this part was probably the most worrying:

    quote[quote][b]”David informed me that filming begins on January 15th, 2001.”[/b][/quote]

    That’s good news….

    quote[quote][b]”…Unfortunately, he said that they’re going to filming all the scenes on the LEXX bridge first, and then the bridge set will be dismantled. This will end all doubts as to any future LEXX episodes.”[/b][/quote]

    That’s NOT so good [img]/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

    It has to be said that this news is unsubstantiated and I haven’t heard anything that confirms this.

    [b][i]The Operations Manager ‘Greg MacInnis’ can be contacted on (902) 429-1971, or emailed:[/i][/b]

    He’ll be getting an email form me!

    Any news as to if this is true?


    [This message has been edited by SadGeezer (edited 12-28-2000).]



    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    [b]Kalatar sent me an email concerning a chat that he had with David Dagley of Electropolis Studios in Halifax (where much of the filming for the LEXX series takes place).

    This email was sent to a few concerned LEXXians and elements of it will be discussed for a long time to come. However, this part was probably the most worrying:

    That’s NOT so good [img][/img]

    It has to be said that this news is unsubstantiated and I haven’t heard anything that confirms this.

    [b][i]The Operations Manager ‘Greg MacInnis’ can be contacted on (902) 429-1971, or emailed:[/i][/b]

    He’ll be getting an email form me!

    Any news as to if this is true?


    well sad, as i replied to cat, this was a mixed bag of news indeed…i am hoping to get home early enough tomorrow to call this gent tomorrow and see if i can get more details as email does not seem to work with salter in general…we did know have several hints from the beans that this would be the last season but the reality is still a big kick in the tush…oh well, if we can get confirmation or even if we can’t, we should plan on early uncon to take advantage of big blowout farewell with the principals…more later


    I had heard the rumour several weeks ago that Season 4 was going to be the last one. If true, its a darn shame. Lexx is one of the most unique Sci Fi shows to come down the pike. The rumour was tied to the actors and their desire not to end up type cast. I hate to see an end to this show. Are there any new bits of information? Man, an UnCon for the dismantling could be one hell of happening. I am begining to develop ravening locust syndrome. An urge to decend upon Electropolis as did the proverbial locusts of Moses time and confiscate a piece of history is becoming an intense urge. What is the time frame between filming the bridge and tearing it apart? Help!!


    Heh, I heard that ‘rumour’ from the mouth of Paul Donovan himself.. well, from the fingers of Lefty actually.. the best part of a year ago, and I’m not worried [img][/img]


    The same things was said before we found out that there was going to be a series 4!!!

    If series 4 sels good and pepol like it then LEXX will probobly have anouther series!!!

    I am the crusader



    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]The same things was said before we found out that there was going to be a series 4!!!

    If series 4 sels good and pepol like it then LEXX will probobly have anouther series!!!


    you are probably right but i would rather see lexx go out with a bang rather than a whimper


    The question mark that hung over series 4 was whether SciFi would give it the go-ahead since they’re funding was crucial. Series 5 also depends on whether they actually want to continue, and Paul himself has said that they wanted to stop at 4 series’.
    He is, however allowed to change his mind, and if series 4 is a commercial success for SciFi and Salter, then a 5th series may be inevitable.


    Lets hope so!!!

    (I hate the “No post in 150 scundes”!!!)

    I am the crusader

    Aeryn Crichton

    Well, I just feel rather sh***y now (I only put the astericks in case there’s kids on the board)! When I first saw commercials for Lexx on Sci-Fi, I thought that it looked silly. But, then, I watched an episode with my brother, and I instantly fell in love with the show. I just can’t imagine it not continuing. Well, perhaps, they will have a good conclusion for Xev and Kai.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer


    It should go to season 7 or 8, then some theatrical movies.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]Like the way it is with Star Trek, you meen?


    good point crusader, look i love lexx and i would hate to see it end but historical precedents aside with scifi series actors i would like to see these guys get a chance to do something besides lexx on a ventilator, clinging desperately to life!


    Like the way it is with Star Trek, you meen?

    I am the crusader

    Christine Carroll

    Sorry in advance to anyone….. but really people I just say an ad for the next new lexx episode…. some tell me something is there even a small plot in this show?? I mean all i saw was an old guy with his tongue hanging out at a bunch of alien women in very bright colors??!!?? I mean how is this a story ?? and that guy every one thinks is so cute….. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] how can you think a guy with 3 1/2 ft hair is cute??? anyway i think lexx should be classified as a comedy/cult/totally weird show not sci-fi or cultscifi! Anyway thanks!! [img][/img]

    “to air is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”


    I don’t know why people see science fiction as being any less bona fide than other forms of fiction. [img][/img] Shows like “Lexx” and “Star Trek” have just as well-written plots as mainstream shows, as well as their own creative exoticism. A show is not a comedy just because it is not like real life.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    Here! Here! What Dalek said!
    People are defined “cute” or handsome by their cultures. Women who were considered beauties in Boticelli’s Italy would have been made sport of in ours. And, have you seen the hair on men in 16th century Europe? No one dissed the Musketeers, I’ve noticed. Kai is not an American male; he’s a Brunnen-G male. Since we have suspended our belief and accepted the world the characters live in, we also accept their cultural mores. Just as one would hope a traveler would not be a stiffie when visiting a foreign land. Because, if the strange and different freaks him out, it would be better for him not to travel. And, in sci-fi, we are all travelers. Plus, not to state the obvious but, have you actually looked at Kai or are you so blinded by the odd hairstyle(which, I might add, would not be so strange in some countries), that you’ve missed the handsome man just below the hairline? Of course, each to one’s own tastes, I guess. No need to apologize; that’s what channel changers are for. As far as “Lexx” not being classified sci-fi, are you kidding? Have you ever seen any vintage sci-fi that was, at the time, serious sci-fi? Better yet, have you actually seen “Lexx” from the beginning, or are you prejudging, based on snippets here and there? Hey, if I can choke down several episodes of “Black Scorpion” [img][/img], before passing judgment, you can at least watch the show before reaming it. Your assignment for the week is to rent the first four films and view them. There will be a rect..uh, oral exam afterwards.(j/k!) [img][/img]

    “Time begins then time ends, and then time begins once again.”



    Originally posted by BlackCloud:
    [b] Your assignment for the week is to rent the first four films and view them. There will be a rect..uh, oral exam afterwards.(j/k!) [img][/img]



    And come back and let us know if you actually bothered to rent it or not! We want to know.

    “…we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what normal is anyway.”


    did someone say rectal exams (sound of latex gloves snapping!)

    yeah, i guess in the traditional sense the old guy (STAN?!) leering at young nubile nymphets is kind of a turn off, but i guess you haven’t seen any old men trying to flirt with a young lady before? regards kai’s hair, yeah, it’s extreme but again hats off to the man for carrying it off ( took me aat least five minutes to notice the hazel eyes and exquisite nose and lips) is science fiction real literature? depends on the work just like other fiction, at its best science fiction is allegory and can be used to state universal points and realities, at its worst it is just mindless entertainment appealing to some form of the lowest common denominator…how is that different from speed? or predator? or bill and ted and so forth…if you get a chance , watch the movies and then tell us what you think…again different tastes for different people

    Christine Carroll


    Originally posted by trillian:
    [b] LOL.

    And come back and let us know if you actually bothered to rent it or not! We want to know.


    I can’t find were to rent any of the shows your talking about …but I’ll try and watch them on tv if i can….. i think most the people here are from the UK right?? really you know it really sucks… you guys get all the good stuff… including stuff before we do… for example ANDROMEDA… I’m at least two episodes before you guys…. [img][/img] and whats with Crusade only coming out in the Uk and on a PAL system?? it really sucks!!! (not that the UK is Bad) its just you get all the good stuff !!!!!! [img][/img] [img][/img]

    “to air is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”


    *Rustam is laughing like a Hyeena****
    Oh-mgod, LOL!!!!
    Rectal exam…hehehee!
    *Rustam dons her latex gloves and waits for the fun to begin*

    Okay, okay, I’ll fess up. When I turned on the movie accidentally as I was channel surfing one night, I saw his Shadow and cried, “Oh, not another Darth Vader look-alike!” Nevertheless I watched somemore.
    I saw Kai, and immediately screamed out “NO! No more big haired aliens!” I turned the channel. As I did so, a little thought came into my head: “Hey, that guy was cute…Nahhhh!”
    I went for another year, Lexxless, before SciFi actually showed the series.

    *Sob!* Now you have my confession! I admit, I was blinded by the Bun!!!! [img][/img]

    ~~~Rustam~~~ “Help me, Lexx is eating my brain!”~~~~



    Originally posted by Rustam:
    [b]*Rustam is laughing like a Hyeena****
    Oh-mgod, LOL!!!!
    Rectal exam…hehehee!
    *Rustam dons her latex gloves and waits for the fun to begin*

    ahem, having performed any number of rectal exams, i am here to tell you they are not fun…especially when you have to go back to rescue various inanimate objects that have there way into truly inaccessible places…such as wrist watches and class rings! but if you find one you enjooy please write and share!

    *Sob!* Now you have my confession! I admit, I was blinded by the Bun!!!! [img][/img]

    blinded by the bun?! given the above discussion i don’t think we should go there in a public forum [img][/img])


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