Noob Questions….

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Babylon 5 & Crusade Noob Questions….

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  • #39714

    First of all, BAB5 KICKS ASS.
    Second of all… I do not think earth ships ugly (ok, civilian ones are ugly=/ ), but i do not know how do they keep gravity(when i see them theres only one part spining and i do not think its the crews quarters).
    Do u know the game Freelancer? How about some one makes a similar game but for bab5…
    Did u know, actually, we have the capabilitys to make a babylon ship? or even space ships?
    WHAT THE HELL? a battle ships bigger than bab5? Where do they get materials.
    Personaly, i like narn battle ships, theyre like mercenary, after a batlle, pick up whats left and then equip them on the ship.
    Ill be showing my battle ship design soon.

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