OK, so what have i missed????

Forums General Sci Fi General Sci Fi Stuff OK, so what have i missed????

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    without ploughing through every single item that’s been posted in the last 18 months, what sort of things have i not seen? i started watching the last seasons of stargate-sg1 & atlantis and bsg-only to find out because of the time that i had that i’d miss massive chunks of them!! 🙁 is there any other sci-fi that’s passed me by? should i go out and buy a stack load of dvd’s, or shall i wait for the repeats on the tv and hope that i have the time to get my sci-fi fix?? i’d love to know what people think and what sort of stuff you’d recommend, because i’m feeling a bit out of the loop!!


    Aww, I dont know. I don’t think you’ve missed too much (getting bittorrent might be useful 🙂 ).

    Other than BSG you’ve nothing has been happening much besides a new series of Dr Who.

    Also we’ve started doing a video podcast of current sci fi news and views. You can download it from iTunes or many of the other podcast directories on the net (it’s called SadCAST).

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