Ok whats the deal here

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Babylon 5 & Crusade Ok whats the deal here

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  • #37592

    I mean why isn’t anyone posting here, aren’t there any more B5 fans around. Tons of people are posting in the other forums. Is it just me or has the world gone crazy but how can there be more fans of LEXX than B5.I mean LEXX is Power Rangers in space(with some nice graphics).And SadGeezer you need a Vs debate section here. [img]/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
    P.S.If i offended anyone i’m sorry its just that i havent slept for 24 hours have had too much to drink and just watched Sleeping in the Light the second time. [img]/ubb/frown.gif[/img]


    I think it may have something to do with Lexx still running and B5 not.

    Methos: I was in Rome once. 93 AD, the Coliseum. I saw Christians facing the lions. Some of them looked almost happy to die for their faith…then afterwards, the only ones looking happy were the lions.


    I don’t know what the deal is. I’ve tried to keep the [i]Babylon 5[/i] boards alive, but no one ever responds to my posts.

    [i]What do you want?[/i]

    A: Order and obedience
    B: Chaos and evolution
    C: None of the above


    more current stuff happens with lexx…we see episodes we haven’t seen before, etc.
    i expect things will perk up in here once “legend of the rangers” comes out. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

    Gideon: I thought you said you don’t hold a grudge.
    Galen: I don’t. I have no living enemies. At all.


    I’m shore that things will perk up but the problem is I won’t see Legend Of rangers for about TWO freekin years. The reruns just ended too and i’m beginning to experience withdrawl signs. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] so I thought I could soften the blow by talking about Babylon 5 over the Internet. There has to be something you havent already discussed.


    If you want to discuss something how about the way the Non-Aligned Worlds are treated and shown?
    As a bunch of litle children.
    I mean, some of them are older than humanity!



    Originally posted by Lethke:
    [b]If you want to discuss something how about the way the Non-Aligned Worlds are treated and shown?
    As a bunch of litle children.
    I mean, some of them are older than humanity![/b]

    Well…it does add some more humour to the show and I have seen many politicians act in a similar manner. Besides, age doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with wisdom.

    Methos: Great. So I lose my head after 5,000 years, so that you can play marriage guidance counselor. I must have been out of my mind!


    Maybe a wrong topic? I must admit you are right. 🙁
    Still do not like the way they are shown.
    Hmm dunno anything else, hope someone else can defend my statement better…


    It was a nice try. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
    Well, I was watching it with my brother the other day and every time a spaceship showed up he would say that he wanted one. So which ship do you prefer on the show? I personally like the shadow ships and white stars(despite looking like plucked chickens)

    I know it’s a bad topic but I tried.

    Methos: Great. So I lose my head after 5,000 years, so that you can play marriage guidance counselor. I must have been out of my mind!


    I couldn’t post for a few days because my Internet connection was down [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/mad.gif[/img] but i’m back now.
    Yes i think the Non-Aligned worlds are shown as small children but like Tolandria said age doesnt have anything to do with wisdom. I think many of them are so paranoid and mistrusting of other races because they have been conquered by some of them in the past.


    My favourite ships are the Shadow ship (Shadow Battlecrab 3km version), Whitestar and the Omega.

    Omega mainly beacausse its exactly what i think the ships in the future will look like.I mean a ship has to be practical and not necesseraly beautiful.

    Sorry for the spelling mistakes but english isn’t exactly my first language.


    The coolest looking ships must be the Vree Saucers (The version from the Shadowwar and not the one from Deathwalker) with the Brakiri Cruiser comming second.

    Yeah, i like the Non-Aligned. Does it show? 🙂

    Btw am i the only one who believes the Lumati ship looks a lot like a shadow vessel?
    Espacialy the hull?


    I really miss the shows, when is the new series occurring?The current SciFi on in the UK is bordering on rubbish.Any news on Blakes 7 series


    Btw am i the only one who believes the Lumati ship looks a lot like a shadow vessel?
    Espacialy the hull?

    The last topic did not last very long.. So how about this one?


    Vorlon ships are the coolest! They’re organic cephalopoid vehicles with really neat solar wind panel dealies. Vorlon…everythings are the coolest. [b]Vorlons[/b] are the coolest! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/cool.gif[/img]

    If this message seems incoherent, then listen to the music, and not the song. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    [i]What do you want?[/i]

    A: Order and obedience
    B: Chaos and evolution
    C: None of the above

    [This message has been edited by DalekTek790 (edited July 17, 2001).]


    I wonder how much crew a Vorlon ship will cary?

    I mean there are not so much of them left, so will fighters cary a crew? if so they lost lot of people…

    [This message has been edited by Lethke (edited July 24, 2001).]


    Not much people replying here….


    Well, I don’t know but I’m thinking about naming my kitten Ivanova or maybe Ripley. What do you think?

    Joe: He’s young, all right? Young people….they make mistakes.
    Methos: – Yeah, look at disco.


    Ivanova’s cool but I somehow like Ripley better. Seems more catlike. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]


    I’m really not sure. I like both but I think I am leaning towards Ripley. It’s better then Mittens anyway.

    Joe: He’s young, all right? Young people….they make mistakes.
    Methos: – Yeah, look at disco.


    How about naming it aafter Max Eilerson’s cat? The one that got kidnapped in an episode of crusade.

    Could be a bad omen of course. 🙂


    Mr. Kitty!!!!!!!!!!
    (I didn’t like Max before that episode…but any man who names his cat Mr. Kitty has my undying affection…)

    Gideon: I thought you said you don’t hold a grudge.
    Galen: I don’t. I have no surviving enemies. At all.

    “I’d far rather be happy than right any day.”
    “And are you?”
    “No. That’s where it falls down, of course.”–Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

    “It’s all in the mind.”–George Harrison


    Want to know why I don’t post here? I’m simply not a fan. Its not my fault. Most good scifi was aired around midnight in Australia.

    Yoda of Borg are we: Futile, resistance is. Assimilate you, we will. Hmmm?


    Well, she’s female so many I should call her Miss Kitty instead.
    Unfortunetaly, I haven’t seen any Crusader episodes because I got a satelitte dish too late. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img]
    So, they kidnapped a cat?

    “The Minbari say. . .something really profound.” -Marcus
    (B5 blooper)


    Yep, it was a fluffy black and white kitty and Max said it was one of three things he’d ever loved(awww)…and if you haven’t seen it I’m gonna shut up before I spoil anything.

    Gideon: I thought you said you don’t hold a grudge.
    Galen: I don’t. I have no surviving enemies. At all.

    “I’d far rather be happy than right any day.”
    “And are you?”
    “No. That’s where it falls down, of course.”–Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

    “It’s all in the mind.”–George Harrison


    They never aired crusade here in The Netherlands, so i had to buy them on video.

    I do hope B5 will also be released on DVD. The quality of the videaos is already running low. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Catalina:
    [b]Yep, it was a fluffy black and white kitty and Max said it was one of three things he’d ever loved(awww)…and if you haven’t seen it I’m gonna shut up before I spoil anything.


    That’s so sweet! I really hope that they play the episodes on a channel I get. I was so happy when I heard that they were making it but I never got a chance to see it.

    I think they should put it on DVD too even though I don’t have a DVD player. One day maybe.

    “The Minbari say. . .something really profound.” -Marcus
    (B5 blooper)


    i only have a dvd player on my computer but when B5 would be released on dvd i would certainly buy a player.

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