Once upon a time…. (Sections 15 & 16)
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- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 3 months ago by
14th October 2004 at 3:22 am #40196
Participant[quote][QB]**** SECTION 15 ****[/QB][/quote]
For various reasons, many people were not resting easily this evening at the castle.A new set of guards listened and took notes as the dark man lectured them on potential ambush areas inside the castle and how to prepare defenses against them.
Jayne, worried over the impending arrival of the Emperors envoy. She was almost certainly going to be closely questioned about Stanley, Xev and Kai after giving her normal report. She regretted not being able to arrange an opportunity to talk to Stanley and Xev this evening as she could tell that they were excited about something. Unfortunately she could not be absolutely sure what it might be. However, she did not get her present position by being unprepared. Sighing, she got up. Perhaps it would be best if she gathered a few things this evening. Just in case.
Prince stroked the fur in his ceremonial robes and adjusted the position of the heavy gold chain of office. Turning away from the outfit, he pondered his preparations for tomorrow. A smile flitted across his lips at the thought of how surprised the Emperors envoy was going to be, should he attempt to affect any changes not to Prince’s liking.
Yawing, Xev got up and began peeling as best she could the two aloevera leaves she had left from treating her hand. While her hand still hurt a bit, the sticky juice from the leaves were needed to help hold her hair in place.
Frowning in concentration, Xev put the peeled leaves into a flattish soap dish she had taken from the sanitary chamber. She used the base of her now empty vase as a pestle to carefully mash and grind the alovera.
“Okay Xev, it is all yours,” Stan told her as he reentered the room washed and dressed. “How is the sticky stuff working?”
Xev looked up smiling, “Oh Stan, I think this will solve our problem of the hair not laying smoothly and pulling away and flying around when it dries.”
“Good. Um, anything I can do?” He called as she exited the room with the vase and soap dish full of pale green goo.
“Not just this minute,” she said, carefully wiping the base of the vase off with wet fingers and directing the last of the liquid towards the soap dish. “I am just going to add a bit more water and let it set up while I get ready.”
A very short time later, Xev was seated at the table and Stanley started working on her freshly washed hair.
Stanley smiled to himself as he considered the fix they might have been in, if 790 had not been comparing Xev to a sow’s ear last night. After rapping him smartly, Stan had demanded that 790 research all the fasteners that could be made using the materials they had at hand. Still spouting vitrol, 790 had suggested that since underneath it all Xev was a pig, and the bun form was
going on her fat head, he suggested that they use hog rings to fasten together her lame excuse for a project. A short time, and a few shaped pieces of wire later, both ends of the bun form was securely joined together. The C shaped fasting rings were covered by the sleeve sock and the entire form was now stable enough to use.While Stanley pulled Xev’s hair up through the form and laying it in place, he occasionally dipped his fingers into Xev’s greenish goo to smoothe her hair into place.
Working at a fairly rapid pace, he was able to get the bun form evenly covered and Xev’s hair securely pinned into place with out too much criticism from 790.
“Oh sorry Xev,” he apologized as an improperly smoothed hair pin caused her to wince.
“It is not your fault Stan, we just don’t have any of that dried resin stuff on the tips of yours like the ones that Jane gave us.”
“Well pay attention to what you are doing Tweedle and quit worrying about Xev. You have to make every pin count if you are going to try to do this with out using the pins that woman gave you,” 790 grumped. “After all we don’t want to give Prince a chance to pull a technicality on us.
“Yeah right, you stupid robot head,” Stanley retorted as moved the two love locks out of his way and brushed out the remaining hair for the braid. Stan had become amazing adept with using the teasel brush and soon had the side area’s of Xev’s hair smoothed back and gathered into the beginning of a tight braid.
“You ready?” he asked.
“I think so Stan,” Xev answered as reached back and took the separated bunches of hair from him.
Stanley followed Xev into the sanitary chamber to supervise as she finished the bottom half of the braid. “Looks good Xev,” he told her as he secured it with a hair band and gently pulled the love locks into place.
Xev turned back to the mirror and studied her reflection for a moment before turning to Stanley with a wide happy smile. “Oh Stan, we did it. We did it,” she laughed.
Smiling smugly, Stan went into the main room and began to clean up their work area. “Sit down Xev, let me get this stuff. We don’t want to dislodge your hair before Prince and Kai get here.”
Moving quickly Stanley rinsed out the remaining goo and replaced the soap dish in the sanitary chamber. He also stuck the teasels back into the wreath and used the left over hair bands to join a few clumps of flowers together before replacing them in the vase. “I think that is everything put back or hid,” he said as he sat down across the table from Xev and admired their handy work.
Down in the housekeeping area, Jayne was now on the move. She had been delaying taking breakfast and her cleaning staff up to the prisoners until she got word from one of her trusted upper floor house maids. The message her breathless maid gave her was that Lord Prince had just left his chambers dressed for the Envoy’s impending arrival and was being accompanied by the Dark man. Since the she was closer to the prisoners, she was able to catch a glimpse of Lord Prince at the end of the long hallway just as he was entering their room.
“They’re coming,” 790 hissed from his perch on the center of the table.
Stan and Xev exchanged big grins and then turned to face the door, not wanting to miss the look on Prince’s face when he saw Xev’s hair.
His reaction as he came through the door was all that they could have hoped for. He was richly garbed with velvet and furs with an enormous gold chain of office glowing across his chest. The moment he saw them, the smug self satisfied smile ran from his face and his cheery sarcastic greeting died in mid utterance.
So suddenly did Prince stop in the door way, only Kai’s superior reflexes kept him from knocking into Prince. Kai’s immediate swing to high alert at the sudden stop were calmed as he searched the room over Princes shoulder and saw no immediate threat, but only Xev and Stanley sitting at the table.
“Good morning Prince,” Xev cooed with a wicked grin.
“Hi Kai, hey Prince, good to see ya buddy” Stanley called jovially.
“My darling corpse,” 790 cried. “At last we can be reunited!”
Being the consummate schemer that he was, it took Prince mere seconds to regroup his composure and continue into the room.
“Why Xev,” he caroled, only the hardness in his eyes giving lie to the light cheerful utterances. “You have made some great progress.”
“Progress my behind Prince,” Stanley smirked stepping forward and addressing Kai. “We learned how to fix hair in Brunnen-G style, can we go now?”
Kai walked over to Xev and examined her hair, and then looked at Stanley. “This is very good,” he acknowledged studying Stan. “Did Xev help or did you do it by yourself?”
Ignoring the glare from Prince, Xev lifted her chin and answered proudly. “I figured out how to do the bun form, keep the hair smooth and did the braid. You can ask 790 if you don’t believe me, he recorded lots of it.”
Kai looked at Xev and then glanced at Prince.
“And I told them how to do the braid, fasten the hair, and hold the form together.” 790 interjected.
“Really?” Prince murmured. “Hummm. And how exactly did you fasten the hair? Or comb it for that matter?”
“Uh, Prince? Stan said, folding his arms and cocking an eyebrow at him. “I don’t think that is any of your business really. It wasn’t easy, and you sure didn’t do anything to make it easier, but we did it, and we certainly don’t have to explain how we did it to you. The only person here who has to be satisfied is Kai, so you need to butt out!”
Prince narrowed his eyes at the insolent posture and tone that Stanley was using.
It did not take a trained assassin’s powers of observation to know that Prince was furious. However, since Kai could easily control Prince, Stan did not feel much inclined to worry about any plans of Prince’s that their release might mess up.
While Stanley and Prince glared at each other, Xev moved close to Kai and did a slow graceful twirl that caused her blue dress to float about her.
“Well Kai? She inquired. Have we learned what you wanted us to know? Can we leave now?
“Now wait just one minute Kai! You seem to forget that while you made an agreement with them, you also made one with me.” Prince’s eyes flashed as he glared at Stan and Xev. His voice deepened with menace, “And I do not like it when people break their agreements.”
Kai stepped past Xev and motioned Stanley to pick up 790. “I have fulfilled my agreement with you. I only agreed to work in your service * until * Stan and Xev learned this thing, which they have. Therefore, I have kept my word to you, and I now intend to keep my word to them.”
Grabbing Stanley by the arm as he reached for 790, Prince pulled him across the table and thrust his face close. As they looked eye to eye, Stanley could see that Prince was red faced with fury. All of his urban poise and mannerisms were gone as he glared at Stan.
“Tell me,” he spat eyes dark with rage. “Tell me who helped you.”
“No one.” Stan snapped, trying to shake his arm free. “Let go! We figured it out ourselves, no thanks to you!”
“Let him go Prince, we are leaving now,” said Kai as he reached over the table to pick up 790.
“Oh my darling, I love it when you are stern,” trilled the excited robot head.
“You’re lying.” Prince snarled stalking towards the door and throwing it open. “You and Xev could not figure your way out of a bad dream with out assistance!”
The guards in the hallway, came to full alert at the tone in Prince’s voice. The ones closest to the door obeyed his waved command to enter the room.
“Stop!” He called as Xev took the robot head from Kai and then they moved towards the door.
Walking over to Xev, Prince struggled to regain his calm, reaching out for Xev’s hand. “Now Xev, you can’t leave yet, we need to make a deal* about * what provisions you will need for the remainder of your stay on this planet* And you’re keeping these fine new clothes.”
As quickly as clouds blown away on a bright summer day, Prince’s expression cleared and he regained his persuasive tone. He continued clasping her good hand and drawing her off to one side. “I’ll tell you what, if Kai stays here until tomorrow morning, and you can have those clothes and I will even make you honored guests at the banquet tonight,” he offered, folding her hand in his and clasping to his chest to draw her nearer.
Ignoring the sputtering robot head in her arms, he moved closer until he was blocking her view of Kai and Stanley. “Then tomorrow, perhaps we can work out a deal that will allow me occasional access to Kai and 790 and allow you and Stanley to live in some comfort while you are stuck on this miserable mud ball of a planet.”
Xev was mesmerized by his intensity of his gaze. Unable to move or even breathe until Kai broke the mood.
“We do not need to make a deal for that,” Kai said. “We found lodgings and support when we came here, and can do so again. And as for the other* you *gave * them the clothes, just like Xev gave you her comb. You chose to keep the comb, they can choose to keep the clothes.”
Taking advantage of Kai’s distraction of Prince, Xev slipped her hand free and began to ease around Prince towards Stanley.
“Now Kai, let’s not be hasty.” Prince said turning and trailing after Xev. “I can make them much more comfortable with my resources than you could as a huntsman. Really, that squalid little cottage buried in the woods, it just simply does not bear thinking of does it?” Noting the narrowing of Kai’s eyes, Prince hastened to add, “Although I did think that you showed remarkable flexibility and considerable ingenuity in translating your skills to that position. I congratulate you on that. It just shows how valuable your assistance could be. And Kai, make no mistake, I am willing to pay for your assistance quite handsomely.”
Kai frowned, studying Prince intently. “We will do as Stanley and Xev wish.”
“Well I wish to get my butt out of here and so does Xev, come on Xev, let’s go.
“Yeah! We’re leaving! Just me and my dead man, alone in the woods.”
“Oh. And for your information, I was the one who found the huntsman job and negotiated the salary for it. Xev helps find the wolves, bears and boars using her cluster lizard sense of smell. And after Kai kills them, I take the identifying bits into town to provide proof of our kill and pick up our pay. We’re a team you know!”
“Oh Stanley, I am most impressed. I didn’t think you had it in you quite honestly.
Prince sighed, “Oh, well. If that is how you feel about it. Guards! If any of them move kill Stanley!”
Section 16 to be announced. ;D
15th October 2004 at 2:15 am #73019theFrey
Participant[quote]Section 16[/quote]
“Me?” Stan yelped, “Why me?”
“Yes kill him,” 790 urged.
“790, be silent.” Kai said.
Prince was quite satisfied that his threat was having the desired affect. A few comments, but no one moved. He quickly checked to make sure that Stanley was between him and Kai, no sense in taking chances after all. “Restrain him,” he ordered the guards gesturing towards Stanley.
“Don’t move Stanley,” he said smiling as the obedient guards began to move warily into the room. “I would hate for them to have to kill you, it might upset Kai, and we don’t want that do we?”
“Yes we do!” 790 shouted.
“790, shut up.” Xev said, giving the robot head a small shake, stopping when she saw one of the guards, flick his gaze her way.
“The dead do not get upset,” Kai said. “You know that.”
“True,” said Prince. “But you might do something that would upset me, and we don’t want that do we?”
“We certainly do!” Xev said, glaring at Prince, but still not moving.
Noting Kai’s almost imperceptible shifting of position; Prince moved close beside Stanley and tossed a mocking smile to Kai.
“Now Stanley,” Prince said, not taking his eyes off of Kai. “Perhaps this would be a good time to reconsider your desire to leave without coming to some sort of accommodation with me. After all, Kai said he would do as you and Zev wished…. we are all reasonable people here, I am sure some sort of compromise can be worked out.”
Stanley felt strangely calm despite the fact that he was, once again in mortal peril. Oh, there was panic there, welling up inside him, but… he almost felt like he was not really part of what was going on. Kai was scanning from Prince to the guards and back again. No surprise there, Kai always kept his eye on the main threat. Xev and 790 were watching Kai intently, again no surprise. Prince was watching Kai, as were the guards, as they slowly advanced towards him as commanded. Startled, Stanley realized that no one was watching him. Without thinking, Stanley threw himself sideways at Prince, grabbing his robe and trying to maneuver him so that he stood between Stan and the guards.
“Stanley!” Xev cried as Kai shoved her and 790 towards the wall, and then began targeting the guards rushing towards Stan.
Transferring his hold to the front of Prince’s robes, Stanley whirled Prince in a circle crying, “get ‘em Kai!” Just as Prince struck him with sharp blows to his unprotected sides.
Cries of confusion, command and pain erupted from various areas of the room as Prince and Stanley struggled, and the guards tried to fend off Kai’s brace wrapping a cable around them at knee level.
Xev, quickly placed 790 down by the wall, pausing only long enough to obey his shrieks that he be turned so he could see his corpse of delight. Looking up, she saw Kai begin to tighten his hold on the guards. Xev danced impatiently by the wall, waiting for an opening so she could slip past without crossing near the guards and help Stan.
Stanley was not having a good day. Granted he was still alive, but that was possibly the only thing going his way now. He tried warding off blows by shifting his body, but unless he released his hold on Prince, he couldn’t really defend himself that well. And for some reason, he felt that giving Prince a chance to break out of the fight personally… was a bad thing to do. Prince was enough of a pain in close quarters, but Stan was sure he could cause worse trouble if he was not kept occupied.
“You’ll never win Stanley,” Prince snarled. Very soon reinforcements will arrive and you will all be overwhelmed even Kai.”
Before Stan could reply, Prince struck a low hard blow. Stanley’s knees buckled and his eyes widened like saucers, only his grip on Prince’s robes kept him from collapsing to the floor. Seizing the advantage, Prince punched both fists up between him and Stan forcing his arms apart to break Stan’s hold on his robe.
Prince was breathing heavily but his lips curled into a sneer as he aimed a kick at the fallen man’s ribs.
Xev cried out as Stanley fell heavily backwards. Darting around Kai, she barreled into Prince, knocking him sideways. Prince staggered a moment trying to keep his footing, but he fell over Stanley, crashing to the floor with Xev on top of him keening her cluster lizard cry.
With a quick twist, Prince knocked Xev off of his back. “Oh, no you don’t,” he growled as she tried to scramble upright. Continuing his roll, his hand found her braid and yanked her backwards as she tried to scramble to her feet.
Kai, flicked his wrist and brought the brace back to its sheath. Reaching out, almost casually, he picked up a chair and slammed it against the stone wall. After a moment, he broken off enough that he was left with a decent length club which he brought down on the head of the first guard jumping up from the ground. His next swing knocked aside a sword thrusting towards him, and then took care of the other guards in very short order.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Kai. I just love it when you get rough,” moaned 790.
Ignoring the robot head, Kai glanced over to see Prince straddling Xev, but leaning backwards hands clutching his heavy chain of office, trying to keep an enraged, breathless Stanley from strangling him with it. Judging that he had a moment to spare, Kai darted to the door to make sure that no crossbow men were headed their way as re-enforcement.
“Quickly,” Jane hissed as he looked up the hallway. “I hear the guards coming up the central stair.”
Kai stepped back into the room, casually kicked a guard who was stirring in the head and then went to retrieve 790. “Stanley, leave him and help Xev up, we need to leave.”
“I’m. Going. To. Kill. Him,” Stan grunted face red with effort.
“No, Stanley, we have to leave now.”
Stan threw a exacerbated look over his shoulder and then strained trying to draw the chain tighter.
Prince fell forward gasping as that final tug caused the chain to break. Xev, pushed him off of her, and accepted a trembling, sweaty offer of assistance from Stanley.
“I’ll get you,” Prince gasped crawling to his knees. “One way or another.” *coff* “I’ll get you.” Had he not been facing away from them, he might have been surprised at the look of utter irritation that passed over Stanley’s sweaty face.
Of course, he would have also been surprised at the business like way Stanley folded the heavy chain in half, took a step back towards him and then swung the chain sharply down on the back of his head. “And that,” Stanley told the motionless form sprawled on the floor, “Is for messing up Xev’s hair.”
“Oh Stan.” Xev laughed as she hugged him, tears bright in her eyes.
“Hey, hey. Xev, come on, let’s get out of here.
“Come, we must hurry,” Kai told them, handing 790 to Stanley.
They ran from the room. Jane was waiting for them in the hall. “This way,” she hissed, running away from the central hall. The next few minutes were a dizzying scramble down narrow service stairs, through long galleries, back hallways and then finally fetching up by a ground floor door opening out to the work yard.
Xev, who had been shedding hair pins the entire trip, pulled the bun form off her head and pushed her hair from her eyes, just in time to see Jane pull a small bundle from a storage cabinet by the door.
“Here are your things,” she said, thrusting the bundle into Xev’s arms. “Beside the stables, you will find three horses saddled and ready to go. There may be a few boys there waiting for my housemaids to bring out the alms bundles that I am sending to the village. Don’t hurt them, they’re young, a few shouts should send them running.”
“We won’t hurt them,” Kai told her opening the door. Xev, hugged her quickly, and then followed after Kai.
“Jane, I don’t know how to thank you,” said Stanley, snatching up her hand, and holding it tightly.
“Taking the dark man away from here quickly is all the thanks I need Captain Stanley.”
“Stanley,” Xev hissed, reaching in the door way and tugging at his sleeve. “Kai said to come now!”
“Goodbye Captain,” Jane said, drawing her hand away.
Taking the door key off the wall, she watched them through the small window, as she locked the door. Walking back towards the hallway, she casually tossed the key ring behind a stack of boxes waiting to be carried down to the basement. And then adjusting her apron, she sailed back to her duties. mentally reviewing what would be needed to erase all signs of Prince in the Governor’s chambers.
15th October 2004 at 2:23 am #73022ZevofB3K
ParticipantHope ya don’t mind me posting here, but hey, fighting is always cool. Heh, I like 790’s quotes in Section 16.
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