Original Lexx Costumes and goodies on Ebay auction!!!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Original Lexx Costumes and goodies on Ebay auction!!!

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    Original Lexx Costumes and goodies on Ebay auction!!!

    As everyone has heard, Figdres isn’t doing any more auctions on Ebay. However, the stars are now having their Convention Manager sell a LARGE number of costumes, storyboards, scripts, and pictures they’ve got, only some of which have been seen before. The costumes will be posted at “Angela’s Store at Ebay!”, and detailed pics of all of them will be posted on the LexxUSA.com website! The auctions will be broken into several batches, starting around the end of next week.

    The acutal items will be posted on the LexxUSA.com website for each batch of auctions, so check back there regularly…

    The current list includes a total of 20 costumes and goodies, some of which you though you’ld never see! There’s costumes for Stan, Bunny, Xev, Zev and Prince. For the full list, check it out at:


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