Poll: 1st T.V. sci-fi to have you hiding behind the couch?

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    This seems to be coming up alot in a few different areas and I thought it would be fun to have a confessional:

    It’s funny that I never thought of myself as someone who liked to be scared…but obviously I’ll have to re-think that idea as I realized how often I hid behind the couch (I have graduated to just a pillow now)

    I remember Buck Rodgers….An android took off his head in a scary cave…I was 6……my parents lost years of life from my behind the couch scream 🙂

    Most people seem to hide from our good Dr Who though…how about you?


    dr who for me, and nothing since has had the same effect, even when i was younger. what is it about daleks and cybermen?


    I chose the old Outer Limits


    Dr Who for me (late sixties), black and white and that theme tune…. oooowwwer.

    If you too have heard that theme tune, you might be interested in this from Wikipedia:
    [quote]In 1963, Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop created the Doctor Who theme music, one of the first electronic music signature tunes for television. Its haunting and ethereal sound has become as indelibly associated with the programme as the TARDIS or the Daleks, and the theme has endured over four decades. Grainer composed the music, and Derbyshire “realised” it with electronics.

    Recorded before the introduction of synthesisers, Derbyshire used musique concrète techniques. Each and every note was painstakingly handcrafted using pre-recorded individually struck piano strings as well as electronic equipment such as wave signal generators, noise generators, filters and square- and sine-wave oscillators (which were themselves rare at the time), with the results pitch-shifted if necessary. Finally each note, on magnetic tape, was cut up and joined together in the correct order.

    Grainer was amazed at the results and famously asked, “Did I write that?” when he heard it. Derbyshire replied that he mostly had. Unfortunately, the BBC — who wanted to keep members of the Workshop anonymous — prevented Grainer from getting her a co-composer credit and a share of the royalties.

    The theme has been often cited as being both memorable as well as frightening, priming the viewer for what was to follow. During the 1970s, the Radio Times, the BBC’s own listings magazine, announced that a child’s mother said the theme music terrified her son. The Radio Times was apologetic, but the theme music remained.[/quote]

    Naa, it wasn’t my mum that complained 🙂


    Yes, that theme music is outstanding and it is welling up from my unconsious right now.


    Without a doubt Dr Who……and it was the Daleks that did for me,followed very closely by The Sea Devils,I actually remember my Mum having to Bribe me with a bag of sweets so that I would get in the Bath…..Even then,she had to wait outside the door for me,and I was shouting “You still there Mum?” You still there?” Mum!……MUM!!


    Other programs had me hiding behind my hands/ cushions/boyfriend’s arm, but only Dr Who had me literally hiding behind the sofa.

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