Forums Announcements/New Stuff READ THIS FIRST!

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  • #38057

    Sorry I was late getting the board up again.

    As you’ve noticed – the ISP was not able to restore the backup from last thursday because that (and all the previous backups from the third week in June) have become corrupted.

    How a large and supposedly professional organisation can get away with it is beyond me. Needless to say, I’m desperately looking for another hosting service as soon as possible.

    Ok, the thing is, they are still trying to fix the problem – it’s not just the Board, it’s all the news and updates since the middle of June that are missing. I can put back much of the updates, but the News, new links and bopard messages are probably gone for good [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] !

    There is a slim chance that the ISP will be able to reconstruct a backup from early July, but I doubt it. However, if the DO manage it then everything you post from no on will be lost.

    I am told that if the backup can be restored, it will be restored on Friday. I have therefore only opened the BOARD so that urgent messages and posts can be left (IE. The LEXX UNCon notices and stuff). I would suggest however, that LEXXians use the MessageBoard at [url=][/url] until at least Saturday.

    You are free to post here, but please bare in mind that the SadBOARD is still very poorly and wont be well again until Saturday.

    I sincerely appologise for all the hassle you guys have had to put up with in the last week. Please be assured that I am taking steps to make sure that it wont happen again.



    Welcome back board!

    Best of luck getting on recovering the missing stuff (and finding a new host) Sad.


    DOn’t worry Saddy, you’ve got my support! (Now if only I can get a credit card….)

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