recent musical discoveries you’ve made…..

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  • #77668
    mandara k

    The album and crooner that turns me into ooze is “What a Crying Shame by the Mavericks.

    I followed them one summer for a couple of shows….

    Raul Malo… what a voice; it melts my b^&chy heart any day of the week.

    And lyrics to one of my favs on this album: I should Have Been True

    You held —my hand
    I was– your man
    I know –that I –was wrong —to lie

    Chorus 1
    If I could go back –in time
    Back when you —were mine
    I could hold– you tight
    And –be -with -you

    Chorus 2
    I should have been true
    I should have been blue
    I shouldn’t –wonder -why -you’re -gone
    I should have -known -that- I -was- wrong

    Your eyes –your lips
    Your touch –I’ll miss
    The nights– so long
    Since you’ve been gone

    Repeat chorus 1

    Repeat chorus 2

    Repeat chorus 1

    Repeat chorus 2 twice

    mandara k

    Scandal’s “Good-bye to You”….

    and um artists 😆

    You are an artisan….. artists CREATE their own and improve others work; they are not stoopid enough to steal; nor become arrogant.

    😆 😆 😆 I’m laughing so hard I’m wiping a tear from my eye.

    mandara k

    Yeah, The Hollies “The Air that I Breathe….

    to breathe some life into new endeavours

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