Rolling Stone/Officially Dead

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  • #39390

    The rag has finally gathered too much moss:

    [url=]BRAIN DEAD[/url]

    No further comment necessary 🙄

    Fair and Balanced


    Well I don’t know, I kinda liked the twins in the [url=]new Lexx movie[/url]. 😉


    But seriously, the Stone has been rolling downhill for years. Sad. 🙁


    Unfortunately they’ve been pushing shit uphill for a long time now, and this toilet rag has been going downhill ever since. 😥

    Its all about lifestyle now – then again, maybe it always was. Jugding by the smell, the times are just changing and its a new answer thats blowing in the wind.


    The best music magazine, IMAO, is Britian’s Uncut. Its actually a bit of a trojan in that the cover often suggests a conservative or nostalgaic look at music – Neil Young is on the current cover in my hands, Fleetwood Mac were on the previous issue’s cover – although it is always pushing more progressive an/or contemprary artists on the inside.

    It’s trojan like approach seems to be working to – it was recently awarded the the PPA’s Consumer Specialist Magazine of the Year and International Consumer Magazine of the Year as well as continues to experience annual sales growth. Ironically, I never even wanted to look at it, even though it would come into my parent’s newsagency and I could’ve read it for free. The covers always deterred me, but one bored morning I decided to peek at their album of the month, and it was a progessive electronic act – the following month, alt.county, the next month, underground hip hop…

    To cut a long story short – if you see it on the newstands, don’t make the same mistake I did. 😳

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