Rook to Queen of Vancouver 6: Group Games

Forums British Sci Fi Series The Prisoner Rook to Queen of Vancouver 6: Group Games

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  • #39566

    Look what someone (I shall call him Number 34– oh, wait, he calls himself that!) just emailed me:

    (Related item from the Village Voice which I’d just like to draw your attention to: )

    Does Number 5 know any pawns who will be viewing the world as a single chess piece this weekend?

    I would also like to take this opportunity to unveil these Prisoner group games for the *ahem* less cerebral or more wasted….

    [url=]Roverball[/url]: Goes especially well with a bottle of Scotch. Or Kool-Aid, depending on the age of your players. 😉

    [url=]Prisoner LARP[/url]: Also goes especially well with a bottle of Scotch.

    The LARP comes with an optional PSG (Paintball Scenario Game) variation designed and play-tested by the above-mentioned Number 34: this probably does [b]not[/b] go well with a bottle of Scotch.



    Re Pet:

    I still could not find out it the two players that move the “pieces” are at ground level or above….. Quite a bit harder to play God when you are all on one level. 🙄

    Furthermore….. Why not arm the pieces with real weapons and give them free will and see what happens…..more interesting that way…..don’t you think…..



    [quote=”3.14″]Re Pet:

    Furthermore….. Why not arm the pieces with real weapons and give them free will and see what happens…..more interesting that way…..don’t you think…..


    I believe those are the rules according to L.A.*, rather than the rules according to Hoyle. 😉 j/k

    [size=9]* actually, if I remember right, Baltimore is more violent than LA, they just don’t get as much press because it’s not as close to Hollywood. [/size]


    Unfortunately I was not able to participate in the event. Very cool idea, though.

    “You have a collect call from Rook to Queen’s eight, will you accept the charges?”

    Those games at your site, Pet, are intriguing.

    Speaking of pieces with weapons, anybody here play Archon?


    Speaking of pieces with weapons, anybody here play Archon?[/quote]

    Don’t tease me and tell me Archon is back!?!

    Haven’t played since I was a lil bitty kid, think mid 80s or so? I remember when Harry Potter first came out and I saw the “Wizards Chess”; I wanted to scream: “Archon ripoff! Archon ripoff!”

    Very fun


    Speaking of pieces with weapons, anybody here play Archon?[/quote]

    Don’t tease me and tell me Archon is back!?!

    Haven’t played since I was a lil bitty kid, think mid 80s or so? I remember when Harry Potter first came out and I saw the “Wizards Chess”; I wanted to scream: “Archon ripoff! Archon ripoff!”

    Very fun[/quote]

    I loved my Commodore 64 games. 😀 Archon was a favourite. Haven’t played Wizards Chess.

    The latest version of Archon that I know of was Archon Ultra in 94.

    I recently downloaded the game from [url=]HERE[/url], but haven’t unzipped it yet. It’s a pretty small file, but I’m always a bit worried about opening stuff from sites I don’t know well. Don’t want anything unsavoury popping up when I unzip (malicious code, verile viruses, naughty trojans, a worm that won’t take no for an answer — must update my VDs (Virus Definitions)).

    Hope they come out with a new version of Archon…

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