Roomies for this y’rs Dragon*Con

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Conventions Roomies for this y’rs Dragon*Con

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  • #40850

    Hi Fellow Sci-Fi Fans,
    I’ll be sending in my moeny for DC weekend of fun, sometime this month; then get myself ready for some great fun & a wonderful weekend.
    I’m also looking for anyone to either room with or that wouldn’t mind having me as a roommate for the weekend; I’ll probably arrive there the Thursday before & leave Atlanta the day after the convention. I snore (on occassion, tend to talk in my sleep, don’t take up much room, like to hang my costumes up & wash up (sponge bath) when I don’t take a shower or bath; I don’t care where I sleep, just as long it’s somewhere I can crash for either the day or evening.
    I hope to see you all there & can’t wait for it to start; all my music groups are gonna be there & some guests that I’d like to meet.

    Sci-Fi Fans Unite,
    Jhevz 😉

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