SadCAST – New logo

Forums Announcements/New Stuff SadCAST – New logo

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  • #40834

    SadCast #01 will be posted this evening, it’s still in post production at the moment and will not be ready for a few hours yet. I haven’t seen it but the logo (first draft) is out:


    Cool huh?

    Actually, this wont exactly be the one used, it’ll be the same except sadgeezers will be replaced with sci fi or Science Fiction (depending on what fits better).

    From the top clockwise:
    SadGeezer, Creature013, Kato, Newkate, Mbedd

    I hope the sadcast is as good as the promo image!


    This is the latest [i]and final[/i] SadCAST logo


    What do you think?


    Very nice Tony. But….. you remind me of the ‘Scince Guy’ in that pic. 😀

    😀 😀 😀 😆 😆


    Wow – I think I’m in love with the couple with long black hair (the guy and gal next to each other). The guy with glasses scares me though.


    Great graphic(s). How did they put that together? Was it individual photos photoshopped together, or some very uncomfortable group pose?

    I personally prefer the “Sadgeezers” over the “Science Fiction” title, but the later is more marketable to thoe who don’t know about the site.



    It looks very professional, hats off to Creature013 and Mbedd (They did the logo?)

    As long as it has SADCAST Im happy. That way I can boast about it being the South African Dude CAST. Sheeez. How lame was that. Im not even funny. Must be bedtime for me.


    Hey Sadgeezers!

    I’m down as creature013…. although my psuedo name is actually ‘Mister Sam’. ‘creature013’ is my email address… heh!

    Ok well, yeah… the pilot for our first ‘SADCAST’ is now complete… should be up there at some point real soon, if not already, for the multiverse to oggle at and listen to.

    Kato will be listing a top ten of various Sci-Fi favourites in the next and future ‘SADCAST’s, such as – ‘Top Ten Sci-fI Weapons’, ‘Top Ten Sci-Fi Monsters’, ‘Top Ten Sci-Fi Babes’ and so on…

    Each podcast will list a different ‘Top-Ten’ – the results will be compiled from the emailed favourites from any and all listeners.

    So tune in to the first ‘SADCAST’ to find out what the first ‘Top-Ten’ will be and then email Kato with your own ‘favourite’ to be put in for the vote!

    We also welcome your own ‘Top-Ten’ suggestions for future ‘SADCAST’s.

    email (either a suggestion for a ‘Top-Ten’ or once you’ve seen the pilot/first ‘SADCAST’, your favourite for our first ‘Top-Ten’).

    Until next time – chiao!

    Mister Sam


    Get a haircut, mister!

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