SadCAST Review – Stalker is in the can (and downloadable)

Forums SadCAST SadCAST Shownotes SadCAST Review – Stalker is in the can (and downloadable)

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  • #40865

    This is the first of the SadCAST reviews. It was considered that the main SadCAST shows should be supported by short reviews and pieces because of the long waits between shows.

    This first review was done mainly in my garage to try and represent a little bit of the atmosphere of the film. That didn’t work too well, but the show only took a few house to produce as opposed to the days it take to produce a SadCAST.

    There are plenty of clips and even an interview with Newkate (who doesn’t particularly like the film) 🙂

    Hope you like it.


    Thank you, great review, although I am with NewKate on this one. Those endless monologues in the second half of the film …! It’s visually beautiful, I agree. I’ve seen it nearly twenty years ago and still remember many of the scenes and colors. And the atmosphere of that unspeakable, lurking menace.
    I liked Solaris much better, although not as much as the book.


    [i]Stalker[/i] is one of my favourite films of any genre. I think you did a great job with it.

    I think it’s an essential film for exploring the wide world of SF.

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