SadGeezer Bumper Sticker

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  • #39708

    [color=violet]Here is a start I have a few openings on this one go on take a look. When completed would you buy one of these would you buy one for a friend would you buy one to gag the hostage in the basement? Let us know.
    What would you add?

    Thanx. remember Ignore the “sample” plastered over it.[/color]



    Now that looks cool :mrgreen: You’re missing the heart of gold (h2g2) and the Excalibur “Crusade”, though 😉


    I really like the concept, but with so many vehicles it would be hard to read the small print. If you add, “If you can read this, then you’re driving way too close” it would really complete it in my opinion. It’s a great idea; nice job.

    Incidentally, my fave HGttG ship is the Bistromath.


    Nice, might cover the entire rear screen though. 😉
    Did I see the Liberator from Blake’s 7 there?


    [quote=”nursewhen”]Nice, might cover the entire rear screen though. 😉
    Did I see the Liberator from Blake’s 7 there?[/quote]

    It certainly covers my entire computer screen… 😉

    The Liberator, cool… and Moonbase Alpha (though the Eagle was the runabout vehicle)…

    By the way, if there was a [i]Space 1999[/i] forum here, my suggestion would be…
    “, where we always [i]party like it’s Space 1999[/i].” :mrgreen:


    I like it! I’d personally add:

    Ur-Quan Dreadnought

    White Star


    Kilrathi Dralthi

    but I’m biased =)


    K well if we can get a list going and agree what to keep and what to put in the “vertical file” we can keep the faves…
    email me at or keep posting here with your first and second choice till the end of the month we’ll put it to a vote on the top faves.

    Hope everyone will be happy I’d like to keep it in the realm of the sadgeezer site…

    we’ll see what the polls have to say… may be we can keep the top 5 if not top 10.. depends on what takes up how much space.

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