Sadgeezer Gear

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  • This topic has 31 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #39693

    Well, Sad wants it, so we shall provide. I am thinking t-shirts, coffee cups, bumper stickers, mouse pad, clocks ect…..

    We only have two little teeny problems….

    ‘Geezer Art…….

    I have been a bit bogged down lately so if anyone wants to assist in recreating some of the Sad art, that would be a big help. Sad lost all the high res files a few computer crashes ago. The format is the same as when we do the Lexx Contests. 8″ X 10 size, .png format and 300 dpi. If anyone would like to tackle this, let me know, I have copies of all his logos and such that I can send you. Needless to say, your good works will of course not go unrewarded.

    Slogans, we need Slogans…. While we will use several I am sure, I will gift something to the person who thinks up the best one. Perhaps I can choose a few and then we can do a poll??

    Well??? What are you waiting for? Be creative darn you. Go, think. draw…. report back soonest. We gotta win this one for the ‘geezer!


    Hummm, what about this one?

    [size=18] the most fun you can have on the net with out the Fed’s seizing your computer[/size]


    There are LOADs of fun things we can do.

    I think we should approach it like Television Without Pitty. We could have a SadGeezer image doing something to do with our fave sci fi shows. For instance, one that came to mind was the sadgeezer character with a Centauri hairstyle looking at his arms and the caption would read, “I wish I also had six hands!”

    Hmmm.. maybe not that much fun unless you you know about the Centauri culture 🙂

    Or maybe, “SadGeezers do it with Lasers” 🙂

    I’m currently chatting with a couple of peeps at the moment who are very serious about developing the site further and looking at options for adding a commercial angle to the site.

    You see, the big problem that we have is that SadGeezer.Com is a fansite – It’s a BLOODY BIG fansite that has far too many page views for it’s meagre resources. If we need to continue and keep it all up to date and providing the right info that sci fi sadgeezers like us need, then it needs to be more professionally done. We need a partner – someone who can handle merchandising, marketing and on-line promotion.

    Problem is, we are like a big shop with thousands of visitors a day that don’t sell anything 🙂 It’s dificult top get such partners interested. 🙂


    I’m a ‘geezer, he’s a geezer, she’s a geezer, we’re all geezers, wouldn’t ya like to be a ‘geezer too!


    hummm, just drawing out loud here. 🙂








    mandara k

    I do want so bad to buy a metal lunch box; but I have been holding off looking for just the right box to reflect what I want to say. I would consider a Sad lunch box if it were thr right color and the right line.

    No offense, Frey but something simpler and more catchy might be what you want; ( and you being in Texas and talking about the Feds….tsk, tsk 😈 You could get your ass in trouble… you know with the crackdown on free speech we are heading for and spy wear everywhere)

    Will it come with the soup/ hot beverage container? I always liked them.

    Now to find the dutiful haus-herr to pack my lunch give me a peck and pat on the hiney and send me off to tackle the world! 😉


    Well they only come in this color. So deal with it. 😉

    As for simple, what did you have in mind? You don’t have to draw it, but give an idea of graphic, spacing and words.

    Oh, and sadly, no thermos. Sigh…..

    Hummm, what should the backside of this stuff say?

    Sadgeezers Guide to Cult TV Sci Fi ???

    Sadgeezers Guide to Cult TV Science Fiction ???

    Sadgezers Rule! ???

    mandara k

    Yeah, thermos; hey now give the girl a break here I only had one cuppa chai yet and for cripes sake it’s before noon 😥

    I’ll have to think on it Freysky- dahlin-kski; the synapsi are not firing as of yet this morning; I’m just getting all warmed up for the day.

    Leave me alone…. I’m still fantasizing about my good-bye scene with the properly schooled houseboy.

    I’ll get back to you. 😯 😈


    Hey frey, Send some files over my way so I can work my magic again. I’m surprised no one asked me in the first place. BTW still missing a promised shirt


    Sure, no problem.

    Missing the shirt!!!! 😯 My darling, why did you not say something when it didn’t arrive? I purge my postoffice insurance receipts after six months or so. Otherwise they would take over the house.

    hummmm, let me think on this. I am sure we can come up with something.

    [quote=”Barabbas”]Hey frey, Send some files over my way so I can work my magic again. I’m surprised no one asked me in the first place. BTW still missing a promised shirt[/quote]

    Ummm, please look at the top post. I did ask everyone!!!! 😆
    Only thing is, for t-shirts, totes ext… it needs a transparent background.



    Some of these will need redone, since Sad lost the high res originals.

    The finished need to be in .png format at 300 dpi and on a white or transparent background.


    how about this for a car sticker??

    [b][u]WWW.SADGEEZER.COM[/u][/b] a sci-fi fix for all sci-fi fans

    with a picture of Saddy himself on the end? :)[/b]

    mandara k

    I like Snookle’s idea; if I had a car I’d buy the bumper sticker.

    mandara k

    It’s the line “a sci-fi fix for sci-fi fans” 😉 that fits.


    …..any chance of a freebie for coming up with the idea??? 😉

    at least somebody liked it!!!


    Who gets the files? Want the proofs. Or demos?
    I’m Starting them up now… anyone in the ADMIN ranks have graphics you want me to use pls send them to me… I’ll get back to ya at the end of the week.


    You can send them to me for right now. After we decide what (if any 😀 ) that sad wants, I will pop them up in his own sadgeezer store or just transfer them to him…. I think I remember where I stashed my server password. 😀


    We don’t need no stinkin’ Prime Directive here!

    Any site featuring Lexx, Farscape and Red Dwarf has surely gone to the farside of Sci-fi!

    Sadgeezers Guide to Cult TV and Science Fiction


    How’s this for a bumper sticker:-

    If you can read this, then you’re not at home watching sci fi. – we understand your sci fi addiction.


    [quote=”nursewhen”]How’s this for a bumper sticker:-

    If you can read this, then you’re not at home watching sci fi. – we understand your sci fi addiction.[/quote]

    I like it, but might just add, “We put the Sad in Geezer” to that, since the addiction bit makes us sound, well, kind of sad… 😆

    I even have a DVD player with screen in my van; now that’s sad.

    How about this sadgeezer teaser to appeal to all the macho-wannabe men out there:

    [i]A sadgeezer knows how to please her.[/i%5D


    [quote=”Logan”][quote=”nursewhen”]How’s this for a bumper sticker:-

    If you can read this, then you’re not at home watching sci fi. – we understand your sci fi addiction.[/quote]

    I like it, but might just add, “We put the Sad in Geezer” to that, since the addiction bit makes us sound, well, kind of sad… 😆
    How about ‘We put the Geezer into Sad.’ as more upbeat?

    Don’t be Sad, be a Geezer, come to Sadgeezer’s where pan galactic travel is the norm


    Sadgeezers do it in the pub.


    Sadgeezers do it anywhere they can… discuss cult sci-fi, that is. 🙂


    Barabbas has posted his bummer sticker too. I think it is pretty cute. Of couse I also wonder if it could be seen while driving. 😀

    Barabbas writes “Here is a start I have a few openings on this one go on take a look. When completed would you buy one of these would you buy one for a friend would you buy one to gag the hostage in the basement? Let us know.
    What would you add?

    Thanx. remember Ignore the “sample” plastered over it.



    thanx Frey… and to all there is a thread to put in their opinions.

    BTW this is a REDUCED example the actual size will be 10″ X 3″

    the larger letters are like 1/2″

    if i make the other (middle letters) larger we will have to sacrifice half the ships so choose wisely.


    Hummm, I think larger ship names would be okay. There would still be a lot of them. I think you have all the main ones ;D


    Why not use the classic: Sadgeezer, Glad to be Sad?


    I’ve always liked “Glad to be Sad.” For certain merchandise one may want something a little more descriptive, however.

    I like the idea of car signs like the “Baby on Board” ones… So here’s my little visual submission. Don’t think I quite got the sadgeezer sunglasses right, but you get the idea…


    Edit: come to think of it, the baby should be operating a keyboard, and have a monitor and computer in front of it… (that way the “board” pun would be more obvious).

    How about this:

    “Tired of [i]boring[/i] sci-fi? Hop on board… [i]SadBoard[/i]., home of great [i]cult[/i] sci-fi.





    Just when I thought the ‘Baby on board” fad had finally died…..


    [quote=”thefrey”]Barabbas has posted his bummer sticker too. [/quote]
    He’s posted what?!! 😯 😯

    mandara k

    WAAAAAAAA!!! I want a Sadgeezer lunch box! What happened? It kinda a pushed out of the way……. I’d like a lunch box before I’m a real’ Sadgeezer and don’t have a job to take a lunch box to because I would be too old to work.

    Hello (echo) HELLO! Is anybody in here? “Thump” I know you are in here…. Where are you?


    [quote=”mandara k”]I like Snookle’s idea; if I had a car I’d buy the bumper sticker.[/quote]

    I like Snooklepie’s idea too, but I also love Mandara’s line for a line of mugs and stuff: “If I had a car, I’d buy the sadgeezer bumper sticker. [i][/i]”

    For those who drive expensive automobiles:

    “If you can’t afford this bumper sticker, you can’t afford this car. [i] Home of bumper stickers for the rich and famous.[/i]”

    “If you think this car is cool, check out the bumper sticker… [i] — we make good bumper stickers.[/i]”

    “My other car also has a bumper sticker.”

    “I visited and all I got was this lousy bumper sticker.”

    [quote=”mandara k”]WAAAAAAAA!!! I want a Sadgeezer lunch box! What happened? It kinda a pushed out of the way……. I’d like a lunch box before I’m a real’ Sadgeezer and don’t have a job to take a lunch box to because I would be too old to work.

    Hello (echo) HELLO! Is anybody in here? “Thump” I know you are in here…. Where are you?[/quote]

    I think it’s a good idea. What would be the caption?

    “It’s not what’s in the box that counts, it’s what’s on the box., home of cult sci-fi TV.”

    “Lets’s do lunch, SadLunch. The home of cult sci-fi.”

    “Fed up with bad sci-fi? Chow down on cult sci-fi. Home of the SadLunch.”

    A general one: “If it isn’t Sad Sci-Fi, it’s Bad Sci-Fi.”

    EDIT: More jokey lunchbox specific ones:

    “Looking for sci-fi reviews, events, downloads and great sci-fi discussion? Get stuffed! SadStuffed. Stuff yourself silly at, the home of cult sci-fi stuff.”

    “Want more sci-fi in your diet? Try, it’s sure to whet your appetite. Warning! May cause some users to wet their pants.”

    “Visit the SadBoard @ for a veritable smorgas[i]board[/i] of sci-fi delights. So dig in! If you like cult sci-fi, you’ll really dig this site!”

    “Tired of boring lunchboxes? Try the all new lunchbox!, home of great sci-fi.”

    “Tired of being chewed out at the boards? Come to for cult sci-fi stuff. We have sci-fi menus but our members are never on the menu. So pull up a chair and relax, we don’t bite… much.” 😉

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