
Forums Announcements/New Stuff SadStats

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  • #38070

    I’ve been asked to provide some stats for visitors of the site.

    I have a stats page at: [url=/misc/stats/stats.htm]/misc/stats/stats.htm[/url]

    They’re actually quite difficult to generate because the stats log file was 126Mb big. I could still only get enough for three days because the log file re-writes itself when it gets that large.

    I’ve also taken out references to the txt (news pages) and the .pl (banner references) so the page views should be accurate

    Saturaday, Sunday and Monday are traditionally busy days for the site so the stats will appear quite high.

    The best part is the statistics on what people have searched for when they visit the site [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    (I still don’t know how people can get here by searching for ‘short skirt’. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    I’ve finally managed to gather all the log files for a rport covering the last week.

    I’ve taken all references to the txt files (used for news) and the .pl files (used for banners) so the web page hits stats are pretty accurate.

    It shows that now has it’s busiest period at the END of the week rather than the beginning as it was a few months ago.

    Weekends are still pretty slow but on average, [b]the site gets around 3,500 visitors per day[/b].

    The revised stats page is at: [url=][/url]

    [ 06-10-2002: Message edited by: SadGeezer ]

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