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  • #39502

    I waited for Saturday just for you…..the hard line sci-fi enthusiast…..

    What I want to know is what I have been questioning for that last year and a half; and that is:

    What makes you so passionate about sci-fi?

    Explain to me what you would say to someone at a party that considered all us Sadgeezers as a bunch of “obsessive crack-pots” with no lives. What would you say? How would you defend your “hobby”. Or, are they correct in their assessment…..

    I personally am a “obsessive crack-pot with no life”; but that is just me. Defend yourself and show us to the world as the normal people that we are…..I hope…..

    Finally; before you ignore this thread…..or beat me up…..please understand that I love you all…..



    Ohhhhhhh *rubs hands together* what a great thread.

    I hate the ststereotypef the obobsessiveeeky science fiction. Now granted those do exist but they are in the same group as those same obobsessivesports fans that drink heavily, paint their bare chest’s and cheer their team on in the middle of winter. Yeah they are just “real” sports fans. Bull shit! The fact is every one has their own obssesion and some take it to far. Ok I’m getgettingf my soap box now.

    As to why I love science fiction. I can’t remember where I read this quote but here it is “Science fiction is the only genre preparing us for tommotomorrowis able to stretch our imaginations to the limitless possipossibilities exist. Though this exploration we can see all our hopes, dreams and fears visulvisualizedhe most power ways.

    “The Outer Limits” both old and recent has shown us the dangers and hope of science and technology. But ultimatultimatelyt soley asollyscience technology. At the heart of all science fiction is the human element.

    In closeing closingscience fiction has helped to expand our ways of thinking at the quote about preparing us for the future is ever more important espcially in the 21st century.


    Maurice – Eegaddd! Even this thread is starting to lose it’s normal parameters….. [color=orange]{fixed}[/color]
    [color=red][i]{Headgehog: re-fixed}[/i][/color]


    [quote=”Fatguy”]What makes you so passionate about sci-fi?[/quote]

    I can sum it up with one word: [url=]Zardoz[/url] 😉


    What makes me passionate about sci-fi?

    Answer: The folks that are passionate about sci-fi. Never have I met a group of people more fun to be with than you guys and gals (and yes…..sci-fi is one of the few places guys actually connect with women…..and still keep their manhood 😯 ).

    Actually, I suspect that (like me 😀 ) many of you are on the edge of what most would call “normal behavior”; but this is all quite tame here in sci-fi land. I can actually poke fun at people and only get a poke back. On the gun boards (I am a reformed “gun nut”), if I poked fun at someone, this would be the response: “I know where you live…..and I will kill you.” That does not happen here…..thank God! Perhaps some of you take it a bit far; but I am quite open to your reasons to “live the sci-fi lifestyle.”

    There is nothing wrong with trying to escape the ‘Horrors” of the real world, by immersing yourself in sci-fi. I was most enthusiastic about sci-fi during my university years when I was under much pressure to keep my marks up, etc.. However, when I stumbled upon obscure web sites where people talk about the “horror” of some LEXX fiction I wrote, I have to wonder whether these folk may be confusing fantasy with reality. I constantly see this slip from reality into fantasy in the fan web sites, where an out of character manipulation of one of the fictional charactors – results in a passionate response from other members; almost as if that particular interpretation may disrupt the reality of that fictional character in the more obsessive minds. In a nut shell – talking about a sci-fi character “out of character” is forbidden, like these fictional characters actually exist…..

    I won’t even get into the people that live their lives in sci-fi land (like that woman who goes to work in a Star Trek uniform 😯 😯 ). I work with a Trekkie who owns a communicator and phaser; what would he say if he was caught with these toys by neighbors, etc.. What would he say…..what would you say?

    Maurice: P.S. I love you all…..


    Okay, well I must admit that I’m not particularly a sci-fi fan — I enjoy a lot of it, mainly for escapist reasons. I’ve always been big on “cult” shows, and movies particularly, though.

    I still love lots of sc-fi stuff, especially those that came out in the late sixties and early seventies — twas more cynical. I love dystopian sci-fi tales. Also enjoyed later ones like Brazil, Blade Runner, Outland etc. Brazil, GREAT movie.

    The Sci-fi is often considered optimistic in outlook, that’s not the sci-fi that generaly particularly appeals to me — though I like the humorous sci-fi ones like Barbarella a lot.

    A few years ago all I would watch were “arthouse” flicks, and I was a huge fan of directors like Kieslowski and Zhang Yimou — there were parctically gods to me, as well as other directors. Would read every academic publication I could about cinema. Unfortunately, where I live now, I have less access to them, and I moved to lighter fare, stuff that I liked as a child. Also, film studies put me off a bit — deconstruction and analysis was a chore, I generally like to watch something and just enjoy it.

    Before that, say a decade ago, my big love was British shows and movies. From mini-series like House of Cards, To Play the King, and The Singing Detective, to comedic series like Black Adder, Allo Allo, and Absolutely Fabulous, to movies like O Lucky Man (a must see), the Python ones, Naked etc.

    Before that it was cult whatever, and before that I only read books and listened to music. Now I hardly watch TV, read books, or watch movies at all. Seems board life took over, and now I’m getting more and more involved in real “family” life.

    Whatever I was really interested in at the time I was REALLY enthusiastic about, as age mellows me, and my mind dims, I find it’s harder to excite me. Anyway, I go through phases…


    [quote=”Fatguy”][quote=”Slopmaster”]”ststereotypef…..obobsessiveeeky….. obobsessivesports….. getgettingf….. tommotomorrowis….. possipossibilities….. visulvisualizedhe….. But ultimatultimatelyt soley asollyscience technology….. closeing closingscience .[/quote]

    Ok…..I am assuming this is some kind of parody in your post…..right 🙄 . Or maybe you might want to look over your reply again 🙄 . At any rate – is that the post you would show to the world at large… that how you would want to be quoted in the newspapers? We are all obsessive/compulsive to a certain degree…..but we should not advertise it….. 8) .

    Maurice – Eegaddd! Even this thread is starting to lose it’s normal parameters….. [color=orange]{fixed}[/color]
    [color=red][i]{Headgehog: re-fixed}[/i][/color][/quote]

    Hey! Thats not what I wrote. Try quoting me acurately next time.

    [size=9][i][color=orange]{Logan: edited to correct quote tags}[/color][/i][/size]


    [quote=”Slopmaster”][quote=”Fatguy”]Maurice – Eegaddd! Even this thread is starting to lose it’s normal parameters…..[/quote]

    Hey! Thats not what I wrote. Try quoting me acurately next time.[/quote]

    😀 Hey, I just reduced your post to the highlights (see the (…..)); so sorry 😳 ….. 8) .

    [size=9][i][color=orange]{Logan: edited to correct quote tags}[/color][/i][/size]


    [quote=”Fatguy”][quote=”Slopmaster”][quote=”Fatguy”][quote=”Slopmaster”]”ststereotypef…..obobsessiveeeky….. obobsessivesports….. getgettingf….. tommotomorrowis….. possipossibilities….. visulvisualizedhe….. But ultimatultimatelyt soley asollyscience technology….. closeing closingscience .[/quote]

    Ok…..I am assuming this is some kind of parody in your post…..right 🙄 . Or maybe you might want to look over your reply again 🙄 . At any rate – is that the post you would show to the world at large… that how you would want to be quoted in the newspapers? We are all obsessive/compulsive to a certain degree…..but we should not advertise it….. 8) .

    Maurice – Eegaddd! Even this thread is starting to lose it’s normal parameters….. [color=orange]{fixed}[/color]
    [color=red][i]{Headgehog: re-fixed}[/i][/color][/quote]

    Hey! Thats not what I wrote. Try quoting me acurately next time.

    [size=9][i][color=orange]{Logan: edited to correct quote tags}[/color][/i][/size][/quote]

    😀 Hey, I just reduced your post to the highlights (see the (…..)); so sorry 😳 ….. 8) .[/quote]

    Don’t apologize just fix it and you didn’t quote the hilights. You simply took some words I wrote and mushed them together.


    Ok, I admit I am being mean – I apologize. But I have no idea how to fix that (I am actually trying to build a web page…..don’t even ask me how that is going…..). I could edit down the posts completely. Tell me what you want me to do.



    Now, apart from the interesting folks that you meet in sci-fi; I would have to say that early sci-fi held an allure that was dear to my heart.

    Many of the social problems were not seen in traditional sci-fi. Racism, extremes in wealth/poverty, etc., were not the norm. I think the idea that mankind would explore or react to intrusions from outside – as opposed to reacting to internal problems – was a pleasant change from the turbulent sixties and seventies (for those of us old enough to have been around then 😉 ). If you look back then, you can almost see people talking and acting “robotically”. Science could solve all (we know it can not…..but what the heck) and science could get us out of any problem science could get us into (and again, we know that this is also sometimes not true). It was full of possibilities and adventure; no wonder many people would choose this genre as their choice for escapism.

    I, for one, will admit to purchasing one of the first paperback pictorial summaries of Star Trek (which my sister sold at one of the conventions); and I can probably tell you the exact text of almost every episode from the original series…..if I am in the mood. Unfortunately, I never attended any of the conventions; but my kid sister did and helped organize them (and told me of the “Diva” like attitudes of some “B” grade actors of the original Star Trek series). My passion for the actual, present day sci-fi has waned, but not with the interaction of the sci-fi community. There are some real visionaries among you, and if you take an interest in your community (and play your cards right); you may just get the chance to put those ideas into being. Rambling on again when I should be working on a web page – Take care.



    Me again…..I have only one thing to say about HTML: “Who ever came up with this idea should be shot and pissed on…..”. OK, now for the main event:

    A Saturday Night Date With Fatguy!

    Yes you lucky folk who are reading this tonight – you now have the unique opportunity to spend the night with the fabulous Fat one himself!. First of all, here is what I look like (if time ever became irrelevant):

    Now that was just Corel WP and not a proper web page (so do not snicker…..). I will now serenade you with my melodious voice:

    [audio src="" /]

    Feeling a bit “moist” between the legs (if you are a woman – that is); then let me read you some poetry I will create right now:

    My Sci-fi Dream.

    I dream of a world without hate,
    A world where only love can flourish.

    I dream of a child of God,
    Created by the union of me and you.

    I dream of a full life,
    A life of no regrets.

    But if these dreams were not to be,
    And if my tired face were to gaze at you.

    I could only hope to see my failure,
    Reflected in eyes as beautiful as you.

    Ok, not Edgar Alan Poe, but not bad for “johnny on the spot”.

    Now it is time for some lovemaking; but this is the internet – what to do – well the closest I can get is to show you a picture of my behind (if you want to that is…..):

    Was it as good for you as it was for me? Time to take you home and say “goodnight”. I will leave you with a kiss (only if you are a woman – or a really good looking, rich, guy) and this:

    P.S. If you went through all that – then there is no hope for you to ever escape the grip of sci-fi – but that makes two of us 😉 .



    Interesting topic FatGuy, I saw it earlier today but didn’t have time to post. Now I’m back and see you decided to derail your own thread for some reason 😕 Bored?

    On to the next subject 🙄 …..



    [quote=”elmey”]Interesting topic FatGuy, I saw it earlier today but didn’t have time to post. Now I’m back and see you decided to derail your own thread for some reason 😕 Bored?

    On to the next subject 🙄 …..


    An interesting topic – yes – but one that may have to be “shelved”.

    Yes I “derailed it”; after I received several indications that I was about to possibly “upset” many people’s reality….. I had to “ease” into this subject…..posting a thread telling everyone how much I loved them, telling them I loved them at the end of posts, etc.. The idea was to examine the obsessive nature of fandom and the positive and not-so-positive results of such an obsession. I intended to back-off at the earliest signs of possible damage and that has already occurred. Obsession is something I personally have to deal with…..and I feel for those who may find this a trap. I tried; but I am way out of my league here. Apologies to anyone I may have upset. I will now take a back seat in this thread; but if any of you wish to continue – that is up to you…..


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