Season 4 on DVD?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Season 4 on DVD?

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  • #36635

    Just for fun I would want to hear your guess on when we will be able to get the last Season4 episode on DVD.

    I would think no earlier that year 2006. Seeing how they take their sweet a|ss time to get Season 2&3 on DVD. :rolleyes:



    Originally posted by Theli:
    I would think no earlier that year 2006. Seeing how they take their sweet a|ss time to get Season 2&3 on DVD. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    i am going to jump in here and forestall a whuppin by aleck [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]…it’s not just getting raw data from salter (whenever they decide to send it, which is another issue) but also formatting it, putting in breaks and snippets of interviews and so forth…not to mention acorn does do other dvd’s besides lexx…at any rate, rolf kaines (the president in lexx) told us that it would probably be 4 years before people saw lexx s4 in germany, partly because of the task of adequately translating the dialogue/jokes and dubbing it properly…so we really aren’t waiting that long…did i do okay aleck? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Hmmm….(maya x looks at her watch) Oh, I’d say in about…..a MILLION years….Or it will certainly seem that way.. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Theli:
    Just for fun I would want to hear your guess on when we will be able to get the last Season4 episode on DVD.

    I would think no earlier that year 2006. Seeing how they take their sweet a|ss time to get Season 2&3 on DVD. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    Given that a new dvd comes out every 2 months, the next dvd is in Jan 2002 for s2v5, 4 dvds for s3, I would assume we would see the first s4 dvd in (4 dvds * 2 month intervals + 2 months separtion)(Eight months after Jan) November 2002 or sometime thereafter. But I’m just hypothesizing.

    Try not to whip too hard Aleck [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by FX:
    did i do okay aleck? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    You did fine. The only reason I haven’t said anything is that the person asking the question isn’t in the US…they’re in Sweden, which is a Region 2 country. The video releases in, or available to, Sweden would be the ones released in the UK by Contender. They’re on a whole different timetable, so I’m not in any position to say anything. I think that we’re ahead of the UK in the DVD releases, and that the VHS releases of both seasons 2 & 3 have been out for a while.
    On my end, all I can say is that we’re working really hard to get the discs ready as quickly as possible.




    Originally posted by Headgehog:

    Given that a new dvd comes out every 2 months, the next dvd is in Jan 2002 for s2v5, 4 dvds for s3, I would assume we would see the first s4 dvd in (4 dvds * 2 month intervals + 2 months separtion)(Eight months after Jan) November 2002 or sometime thereafter. But I’m just hypothesizing.

    I hope your right, even though it seems too good to be true. I think they will have a huge pause between the release of the last Season3 and the first Season4. I wonder when we will see a VHS release of S4. Maybe at the same time as on DVD.

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