Series 9?

Forums British Sci Fi Series Red Dwarf Series 9?

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  • #37663

    Does anybody have any info about that?
    The only thing Iv fund was this!!!

    Robert Llewellyn writes: “As for the hundreds of e-mails I’ve had asking if there’s going to be a series IX (9) all I can say is the BBC are very keen for there to be one. Only yesterday I heard it from the woman who is the head of the Independent commissioning group, it’s down to the wonderfully talented Mr Doug Naylor to sit down and write them. But he’s about to start writing Red Dwarf, The Movie. So who knows!”

    I am the crusader


    All I have heard about series 9 is sometime after the movie is done. The movie starts filming this spring, or so I have heard probably hit theaters this fall/winter. I suspect they would start series 9 next year, or at least not start filming it until late this year.


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