Series and Movies…

Forums British Sci Fi Series Dr Who Series and Movies…

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  • #38894

    Well, it looks like I’m the second one to create a topic here! That’s not the point actually, but oh well!
    I don’t suppose anybody knows how many series and movies there were, I’m sure that they weren’t all aired over here.


    I’m not sure you can really class it as having series, but there have been 7 different Doctors on the tv serial and it was seasonal so I suppose you could divide it up either way.
    There have been three movies as I recall, the recent one with the ‘eigth’ doctor played by one of the McGan brothers and the two old Dalek films (‘Dr Who and the Daleks’ and ‘the Dalek Invision of Earth’ I Think?) that bore little relation to the series (I can’t remember exact details but at one of them had Roy ‘Record Breakers’ Castle in it and I think Peter Cushing as the Dr?)

    The 7 acors from the series were
    William Hartnel
    Patrick Troughton
    Jon ‘Worzel Gummage’ Pertwee
    Tom Baker
    Peter ‘DIsh of the Day’ Davison
    Colin Baker
    Sylvester McCoy

    The 1st Dr was played by Richard Hurndall in ‘The Five Doctors’ as Bill had already died at that time (he was already ill for the filming of ‘the Three Doctors’ so only had a minor part). Incidentally, Tom Bakers appearances in ,the Five Doctors, were all stock footage, from the unbroadcast episode ‘Shada’.

    There have been a couple of specials.. ‘K9 and Company’ which I have read but never seen which didn’t feature the Dr at all and some charity specials such as the Dr Who/Eastenders crossover presented in 3D and the more recent ‘Curse of Fatal Death’ spoof.


    The BBC has an excellent site for Doctor Who; here is the link:



    BTW, slightly O/T for this thread; however for those interested – In the sci-fi art forum in the thread Dalek-Cop; Sadgeezer has posted a somewhat nude poster of Joe (I think that is her name), one of Dr. Who’s partners.


    Jo 🙂
    You know, I can’t help but think that Dr Who is something like the sci-fi version of James Bond (who never gets the girls). 😀


    [quote=”Chameleoin”]You know, I can’t help but think that Dr Who is something like the sci-fi version of James Bond (who never gets the girls). :D[/quote]

    But The Prisoner far more so. 😀

    [url=]Rock the Foundation[/url]

    [url=]A Prisoner in Bondage[/url]


    [quote=”Logan”][quote=”Chameleoin”]You know, I can’t help but think that Dr Who is something like the sci-fi version of James Bond (who never gets the girls). :D[/quote]

    But The Prisoner far more so. 😀

    [url=]Rock the Foundation[/url]

    [url=]A Prisoner in Bondage[/url][/quote]

    I suspect Number 6 and Doctor Who of conspiring:


    After all, they both have residences which are larger on the inside than they are on the outside. 😛


    LOL 😀

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