She’s still a purple bitch!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda She’s still a purple bitch!

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    In the episode “The Widening Gyre” Rommie (the backup version) asked how Trance knew that they were ‘headed deaper into Magog territory’.

    No-one was supposed to have been there before. Trance simply answered that it was a lucky guess. She’s obviously hiding something, not only is she not afraid to shoot up her pals, but she secretive too!

    With frieds like Trance, who needs Nietzscheans!


    yes, even the suppodely disloyal one,Tyr, helped out Harper in that episode.

    You just have to watch out for the seemingly nice girls Sad…

    >;-> bwahahaha


    yes, even the suppodely disloyal one,Tyr, helped out Harper in that episode.

    You just have to watch out for the seemingly nice girls Sad…

    >;-> bwahahaha


    That’s the way of things…the characters get introduced, you like/dislike what you see, and then the Dreaded Character Development starts and ends up God knows where…


    That’s the way of things…the characters get introduced, you like/dislike what you see, and then the Dreaded Character Development starts and ends up God knows where…


    nope. i still think Trance can be trusted. even after seeing the preview for next week. IMHO i believe that fate has put trance exactly where she is needed for one reason or another. that she will play an intregal part in the story arc. but we shall see [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    nope. i still think Trance can be trusted. even after seeing the preview for next week. IMHO i believe that fate has put trance exactly where she is needed for one reason or another. that she will play an intregal part in the story arc. but we shall see [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

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