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  • #35625
    Christine Carroll

    ok …ok I’m just the person you go to if you WANT a problem… can anyone help me ??? every time I try to do one of the purity tests so it could rate me… I can get to the test and answer the questions but when I push the “rate me” button I get an error message…. I don’t have a bad server nor do I have any kind of “robot” installed in my system… if any one can help thanks !!!

    “to air is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”

    [This message has been edited by Christine Carroll (edited 02-02-2001).]



    It’s possible that no-one has answered you because they don’t know the answer to your question. I don’t have a quick answer for you, either. While it may not be the perfect solution, you could send a little email to the site’s administrator explaining your problem. Click on the ‘@’ sign (above the word “COMPOS”) on the banner at the top of the page. That should open a window all set up to send mail to the site’s administrator. I would imagine that they’re busy folks, so I’d give them time to figure out what may be happening and get back to you.

    Perhaps this was helpful and correct. Perhaps not. But I suppose it’s better than nothing.


    “And the sandcastle virtues are all swept away, in the tidal destruction, the moral melee.” Jethro Tull



    Originally posted by Christine Carroll:
    [b]ok … every time I try to do one of the purity tests so it could rate me… I can get to the test and answer the questions but when I push the “rate me” button I get an error message…. [/b]

    I’ve tried all the purity tests myself and except for a minor bug on the Farscape test, I can’t get an error.

    Pershaps if you could copy the error message and past it in reply to this message it would help me find the problem.


    Christine Carroll

    Bad Referer
    You have attempted to directly call a script which processes forms.

    If you are an interative user and believe this error is incorrect, please email

    If you are running a robot and see this page in your index then your robot is not obeying my robot.txt file. Please consider using a better written robot.

    If you are running a site ripper then you should realise that your type of software seriously messes up my bandwidth charges. Don’t do it again.
    © Bann Consultants Ltd.

    “to air is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”

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