spoilers, thoughts, x-post

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx spoilers, thoughts, x-post

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  • #55822


    Originally posted by Squishi:
    No Jason I’m not going to flame you, this board has never really been about that, and I’m not going to start now.
    You have your opinion and I have mine, and I’m just going to leave it at that.

    too true, squishy….who would of thought discussing which girl was prettier would raise such hackles? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] you guys should have seen what happened when i mentioned kai could stand to gain a little weight… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
    well siggy, watch this forum for spoilers, tonight is vlad and all will be answered…not…see ya [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Ah the old debate.. I’d do ’em both.

    But I think uberfrosch summed it all up best in her post. Eva does get a bit cross-eyed though, kinda reminds me of Yoda. She did look a lot better I think in Season 2. But over all I prefer Xev’s character in Season 2 and Season 4. Xev kinda got this dry attitude in Season 3 which was very similar to Zev in the first movies.

    Spice Girls? ew… now Justine Frischman from Elastica.. now there’s a woman.


    And I’ll take FX’s word on Eva and Xenia [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    [ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: X ]


    Aleck, I like you and all, but please do not patronise me, I realise that I was being harsh on Xenia and it was unfair to promote Eva and then slag off Xenia.
    As I have said, Eva is a sore point for me, I do get up a head of steam if someone says derogatory things about her, I can’t help that as I am a huge fan of her’s.
    I like Xenia as an actress, and maybe I was naively sucked into this discussion, but we all have a little corner that we would fight for, mine is Eva.
    I found your post offensive, in the way that you wrote your post as if you were responding to Dalektek, I am nothing like Dalektek, and I found your post extremely condescending.
    I have my opinion’s on things and don’t need you to remind me to keep things in check, please do not do so again.
    I have already said that for me the whole discussion is at an end, I don’t want too create a flame war on here for any reason.
    Although you have valid points on my posts, I don’t require a full breakdown of them, as that just comes across as bad as Dalektek used to do, a simple message saying that there is no point in continuing this discussion as it’s a two way street and nothing could be achieved through it, to which I would have said fair comment and left the matter alone.
    I think a lot of the ladies on here are equally likely to get upset if MM received some unneccessary comment.
    In retrospect I acknowledge that this was a unfair attack on Xenia, but it was just as unfair on Eva.
    And looking back on the posts it was actually you that would have started a flame by saying she looked like she’s been hit with a mackerel, now to me that’s an insult.
    What I said prior to that was the Eva whipped Xenia in the looks department, no insult there just personal opinion) and I mentioned that Eva is bigger in Germany than Xenia, which is true (check it out if you don’t believe me), she has done more things in her homeland than Xenia has regarding acting work and is a model as well.
    Also I did not drag Lady Di into the topic and slag her off or the spice girls, the only time I will retaliate is if someone is being unneccessarily nasty in their posts by adding comments that are derogatory.
    I am as guilty as everyone who made a insulting comment, but I am not responsible for starting an unneccessary flame (or what could have been) the ball lies in your court for that one.



    Originally posted by Squishi:
    Aleck, I like you and all, but please do not patronise me, I realise that I was being harsh on Xenia and it was unfair to promote Eva and then slag off Xenia.

    It wasn’t my intention to be patronizing, Squish. If you read my post that way, you were mistaken as to my tone. I was just trying to point out that you had this double standard going on, and it was insulting, whether you meant to be insulting or not.

    quote[quote]And looking back on the posts it was actually you that would have started a flame by saying she looked like she’s been hit with a mackerel, now to me that’s an insult.[/quote]

    True, however I was speaking mostly about her acting, rather than her looks. Acting, she could do something about and improve. You were making insulting comments about someone’s physical attributes. Plus, you were using someone else expressing an opinion as an excuse to insult *them*, which is just rude.

    quote[quote]I am as guilty as everyone who made a insulting comment, but I am not responsible for starting an unneccessary flame (or what could have been) the ball lies in your court for that one.[/quote]

    The ball lies in your court. A flame is when you are addressing someone personally in a hostile, insulting, or abusive manner. A flame is not talking about a celebrity or actor that someone else may or may not like. You insulted Jason, and broadly insulted the tastes of people who prefer Xenia to Eva. I found that offensive, and as close to a “flame” as anything in this thread.

    I never said anything about anything to you until you started insulting other board members because of their opinions. When you called Xenia “ol’ fish lips” (which, BTW, you’ve done in the past *before* this thread, so don’t start looking at me as being a precedent-setter), nobody said anything about *you*, but you took someone else’s opinion personally (when it had nothing to do with you) and responded with insults about their looks, their eyesight, and other people’s tastes. And I don’t think that your action was warranted, and I pointed that out. I was just trying to say “Squish, just step back and look at things objectively.” If you found that offensive, I’m sorry that you did. I’m not, however, sorry for calling it to your attention.




    Originally posted by Aleck:

    The ball lies in your court. A flame is when you are addressing someone personally in a hostile, insulting, or abusive manner.

    hmmm, i am going to slap [b]both[/b] of you with a wet fish as soon as i can shake this hangover…and find a wet fish who’s willing to cooperate [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    er, wet fish is kind of redundant isn’t it…how about , oh forget it….

    [ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: FX ]



    Originally posted by FX:
    hmmm, i am going to slap [b]both[/b] of you with a wet fish as soon as i can shake this hangover…and find a wet fish who’s willing to cooperate [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    God, you’re absolutely right, FX. I probably shouldn’t have replied to that post whilst I’m nursing a hangover of my own.

    Apologies, Squish. I still think you were being unnecessarily harsh on others here, but I didn’t need to reply in such a harsh manner myself. So, I’m sorry. It was the booze talking!





    Originally posted by Aleck:

    God, you’re absolutely right, FX. I probably shouldn’t have replied to that post whilst I’m nursing a hangover of my own.

    Apologies, Squish. I still think you were being unnecessarily harsh on others here, but I didn’t need to reply in such a harsh manner myself. So, I’m sorry. It was the booze talking!



    Certainly Aleck (I’ve always considered you as such), we both said some harsh things, I guess the Princess Di thing really got me throwing the personal insults at Jason, thing is we are still very proud of her in the UK.
    Anyway, happy that we can both decide to shake hands and end the hostilities, for me the thought of getting a slap from FX is prompting emough, especially when the use of a fish is mentioned.
    Not a hangover in my case, I tend to post very early in the morning, a bit dreary eyed and the fangs tend to be sharper at that time of the morning.
    Anyway sorry for all the things I said, probably best left with just saying that both and Eva and Xenia are beautiful women.
    (FX, after you have slapped us both with the fish…can I eat it?)

    [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Squishi:

    (FX, after you have slapped us both with the fish…can I eat it?)

    [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    i dunno squish, the only one i could find looked like one of those three eyed ones in the simpsons….ewww…
    btw i think the lady playing vlad is amazing looking, but i am still confused as to who exactly was playing the aged vlad, any ideas aleck (tequila hangovers suck…i think i need a bloody mary with lots of horseradish…)

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