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    Lets talk Borg!

    What doe we know about the Borg?

    We know that there origin was a species that whanted to be perfect! They started to make themself cyborg with implants untill they where more mashine than human! They whent so fare that they started to make newborn babys cyborgnetic! The started to invade new worlds to get more info and more Borgs with out having to make babys (Man, doe they miss something) and having to wait for them to grow old! They made a collective to have al there foughts asd one and they lost there individualety! I ask you, what is the point in you cant enjoy it!

    We know that they have a Borg Queen!
    But what doe we know about her?
    We know that ske ca,e from species 1102 or something like that! She controles and gives orders to the Borg and without her they cant operate! She exist everywhere in the collective in clones or something! She is the Borg and have her own mind but not real individualety!

    How did she bekame Queen Borg?
    Was she Queen before they conected in to a collective! So that she would controle and get power!
    Or was she a species that even though assimilated, had her own mind? Like the (I cont remember there names! Something on B! I think its the same as the peapol that lives on the planet that Deep Space 9 orbeded around at the beguining of the series! Can someone please tell me what they where caled?) that starts with be! They ceap there own mind even though they are assimilated!
    Or did the Borg just need someone with an own mind to lead them so they did as with 7 of 9 and send her away to get a free mind and then take her back!
    Way I think the once that made Star Trek desided to make a Borg Queen was that Borg had lost there mystic and bekome like animals! As long as you knew how they worked they could be beten! They needed to bekome unpredicble! And they needed to have one mind that controled them to plan for them!

    As what I know, the Borg have tried to invade Earth 3 times! One when they made Picard to Borg and he destroyed Wolf something!
    The next was a derect assult on earth but was driven back by Enterprice!
    The 3:d was when they attacked earth and whent back in time to stop first contact and was defiated by Picard and Data!

    As what we found out in Voyager 5.15-5.16 Dark Frontier, they planed to invade earth again by sending a virus to earth and slowly tranceform the humans of earth to Borg!
    Have anyone heard anything more about that attack? maybe its happening on Earth in the Voyage Timeline right now but we and the humans dont know it yet! That means that humans might be conquerd by the Borg in Star Trek future!
    What doe you think?

    Post what you know about the Borg!
    And please tell me what that Speciase is caled that starts with B that I talked about before! The once that dont loose there own mind when assimulated!

    Lets talk Borg! What doe YOU know???


    crusader, the planet in DS9 is Bajor and the people are Bajorian Major Kira was Bajorian. and i don’t remember that they had the ability to stop the assimilation process. the Wolf you were refering to is Wolf 359 (or 259 i am not sure of the number) and it is a outpost and the last line of defense before getting to earth. i don’t remember a whole lot about the origins of the borg or the borg queen. but i look forward to reading this thread and refreshing my memory [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    To my knowledge on Spices 3971(?) those praying mantis things from another universe were immune to assimilation.

    It is Wolf 359 and it is a real star system.

    As for the queen, I think she was used more for a plotline then having any sort of scientific and/or cultural signifigance in the series.


    hehe thanks headgehog ( mary beth has Fuzzy Brain Syndrome from too much scifi and a little vodka) i thought it was an outpost but it has been forever since i have seen the eps. i am pretty sure it was a 2-parter. and i think that the species you are talking about is 8472 or some combination of those numbers. hehe FBS rears it head again [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Headgehog:
    It is Wolf 359 and it is a real star system.

    Wolf 359 is 2.35 parsecs from our sun, Sol. This would have made a perfect staging area for an attack on Earth. All the other nearby stars (Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri, Barnard’s Star, Sirius, UV Ceti) would have been heavily defended. The only other star that is less than 3 parsecs away is DM+36 2147. But I’m sure the writers of [i]Star Trek[/i] thought that the “Battle of Wolf 359” sounded much more interesting than the “Battle of DM+36 2147”. Besides, Wolf 359 is a RED DWARF star, a worthless burning ember. No one would bother settling it or defending it.

    (I’ve been working on a 3d starmap of all the stars in “sector 001” for many years now. Currently, I have a model that I built in 3d Studio MAX.)


    The onlyuthing I remember have sein of the Battle of Wolf 359 are from the Pilot lto DS9!
    Was it in “The best of bouth worlds” episodes from TNG when Picard bekome Borg! I mean, it was he who attacked Wolf 359!

    Might be Bajorians I mean! What I know about it is from a Star Trek game named STAR TREK:BORG! Its about a boy (The Borg are attacking and hes onbord Enterprice and he whants to revenche his fathers death but arent aloud) who with the help of Q goes back in time 10 years to stop his father from being killed by the Borg at Wolf 359! Its like an episode and you move through it like you where in a episode! Its al real film! Its fun! The main character are from some spices that begins with B! They got some big mind and body power!
    Onetime he got electrequted but could continue his task even though he had passed out! He later bekome Borg but he continues to be himself even though hes Borg!
    As what I know its an spices that exist on manny Starfleet ships and they look exactly as human! But there DNA are difrent!
    I hope you understand and can tell me what it can be!

    Has anyone heard more about the attack that the Borg planed to doe! Infect everybody on earth with a virus to make them Borg with out knowing it! (heard in Voyager 5.16)
    Maybe its an future adventure! Maybe its already happening in the Voyager timeline and the peapol of earth dont know it!
    Maybe the Star Trek creaters have desided to doom earth to bekome Borg in a future movie of episode of some show!
    Anybody know or have thoughts about that?



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    Wolf 359 is 2.35 parsecs from our sun, Sol. This would have made a perfect staging area for an attack on Earth. All the other nearby stars (Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri, Barnard’s Star, Sirius, UV Ceti) would have been heavily defended. The only other star that is less than 3 parsecs away is DM+36 2147. But I’m sure the writers of [i]Star Trek[/i] thought that the “Battle of Wolf 359” sounded much more interesting than the “Battle of DM+36 2147”. Besides, Wolf 359 is a RED DWARF star, a worthless burning ember. No one would bother settling it or defending it.

    (I’ve been working on a 3d starmap of all the stars in “sector 001” for many years now. Currently, I have a model that I built in 3d Studio MAX.)

    Don’t forget Beta-Centari which is a white dwarf and sistar star to Proxima-Centari. Ever wonder why the proxima is there?

    Wolf may not be a worthless burning ember. At only about 7.7 light years from earth its a perfect target for colonization. It’s a single star system so it can have planets, and it has simular characteristics to Sol, our sun. While no planets have been discovered around it, it hypothesized that earth-like planets may exist there. In LBP Kai mentions the nearest star system is 7 ly away. He may have been refering to Wolf.



    Originally posted by crusader:
    The onlyuthing I remember have sein of the Battle of Wolf 359 are from the Pilot lto DS9!
    Was it in “The best of bouth worlds” episodes from TNG when Picard bekome Borg! I mean, it was he who attacked Wolf 359!

    Might be Bajorians I mean! What I know about it is from a Star Trek game named STAR TREK:BORG! Its about a boy (The Borg are attacking and hes onbord Enterprice and he whants to revenche his fathers death but arent aloud) who with the help of Q goes back in time 10 years to stop his father from being killed by the Borg at Wolf 359! Its like an episode and you move through it like you where in a episode! Its al real film! Its fun! The main character are from some spices that begins with B! They got some big mind and body power!
    Onetime he got electrequted but could continue his task even though he had passed out! He later bekome Borg but he continues to be himself even though hes Borg!
    As what I know its an spices that exist on manny Starfleet ships and they look exactly as human! But there DNA are difrent!
    I hope you understand and can tell me what it can be!

    Has anyone heard more about the attack that the Borg planed to doe! Infect everybody on earth with a virus to make them Borg with out knowing it! (heard in Voyager 5.16)
    Maybe its an future adventure! Maybe its already happening in the Voyager timeline and the peapol of earth dont know it!
    Maybe the Star Trek creaters have desided to doom earth to bekome Borg in a future movie of episode of some show!
    Anybody know or have thoughts about that?

    Crusader I have Star Trek:Borg, and I can tell you that the events of Wolf 359 are not entirely based on this game.
    The game is kinda like a version of the events of Wolf 359 but done in another dimension or parrallel universe.
    Also the events don’t take place on the Enterprise, as the ship is an Excelsior class vessel.
    The main character is Bajoran, but he does not have the power to stop assimilation, but the game claims he can go into a trance that blocks the assimilation from taking him over completely, this is done by a chemical that he uses via the hypospray, he can only stay in a trance for a limited time before he succumbs to the nanoprobes.
    The battle of Wolf 359 was a staging area for the Federation fleet to battle the Borg, but that was it’s only significance.
    And it was Best of Both Worlds that the battle happened.
    I don’t recall the use of a virus in Voyager by the Borg, the only virus developed that I can recall, was one that was developed by Voyager to help battle Species 8472, which the Borg were at war with.
    Also Species 8472 were trying to infiltrate Earth by disguising themselves by telepathy as humans, they even recreated Starfleet headquarters.
    The only other time we saw the Borg overun Earth was a fleeting glimpse when the Enterprise travelled back in time in First Contact.
    I think there was a plot by the Queen to send something to Earth, but I can’t quite remember, it might be what you are refferring to.
    Hope this helps,



    Originally posted by Headgehog:
    Don’t forget Beta-Centari which is a white dwarf and sistar star to Proxima-Centari.

    Uh, no. Beta Centauri is about 500 light years away from our Sun. Proxima Centauri orbits Alpha Centauri A and B, which are 4.4 light years from here. None of the stars in the Alpha Centauri System are white dwarfs (there are two yellow stars and one red, I believe).

    I think you’re confused with Sirius B, the white dwarf that orbits Sirius A in the Alpha Canis Majoris System.


    I am the beginning. The end. The one who is many. I am the Borg.

    Human. We used to be exactly like them. Flawed, weak… organic. But we evolved to include the synthetic… and now we use both to attain perfection.

    I bring order into chaos.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:

    Uh, no. Beta Centauri is about 500 light years away from our Sun. Proxima Centauri orbits Alpha Centauri A and B, which are 4.4 light years from here. None of the stars in the Alpha Centauri System are white dwarfs (there are two yellow stars and one red, I believe).

    I think you’re confused with Sirius B, the white dwarf that orbits Sirius A in the Alpha Canis Majoris System.

    Well whatever the stars inthe nearest star system are called, I know one is a white dwarf because it was only detected by novae. Hence why we can’t see the other, unless durign a nova.


    I didnt say that Star Trek:Borg took place on Enterprice!
    It started on Enterprice when they where about to attack the Borg who was attacking earth! (Its during the “First Contact” movie)
    Q came and took the kid back in time, 10 years and put him in a dead Bajorians body!
    He trys to stop the destrucsion of a ship that was destroyed at Wolf 359! Is father was on that ship!
    I saves it and to not change history, Q moves it 10 years in to the future!
    Its not in a paralell uneverse! NOTHING says that it does!
    As for the chemical, your wrong! I didnt use any chemical on himself before bekoming Borg!
    Q explained it as something with Bajorian powers or something!
    Just bekos we havent sean a Borg Bajorian in Star Trek episodes doesnt mean that it isent so! As for the Trace thing, that is right but I dont remember any chemical!

    In Voyager, 5.16, the Borg Queen tells 7 of 9 that they are sending a Borg virus to earth and that it will take a wile for the humans to turn in to borg but when they notice it it will be tolate bekos almoust everybody will be Borg by then!
    And since Voyager didnt stop that plan Im sure that its still going on! And I have a fealing that we will hear more about it later! They wouldnt have said anything in Voyager if they hadnt planed to use it later!
    I just got a fealing that they plan to destroy earth in a future movie or something!
    Or maybe they plan to change everything in Star Trek Enterprice!
    I havent sean it but I read that some mystic mind force from the future is trying to make earth ruler of the unerverse or something like that!
    Does anyone know who they are?
    Maybe its Spices 8472 whos behind it! There plan to take over by using earth!
    But as I said, I dont know what Im talking about since I havent sean the show!



    Originally posted by crusader:
    I didnt say that Star Trek:Borg took place on Enterprice!
    It started on Enterprice when they where about to attack the Borg who was attacking earth! (Its during the “First Contact” movie)
    Q came and took the kid back in time, 10 years and put him in a dead Bajorians body!
    He trys to stop the destrucsion of a ship that was destroyed at Wolf 359! Is father was on that ship!
    I saves it and to not change history, Q moves it 10 years in to the future!
    Its not in a paralell uneverse! NOTHING says that it does!
    As for the chemical, your wrong! I didnt use any chemical on himself before bekoming Borg!
    Q explained it as something with Bajorian powers or something!
    Just bekos we havent sean a Borg Bajorian in Star Trek episodes doesnt mean that it isent so! As for the Trace thing, that is right but I dont remember any chemical!

    In Voyager, 5.16, the Borg Queen tells 7 of 9 that they are sending a Borg virus to earth and that it will take a wile for the humans to turn in to borg but when they notice it it will be tolate bekos almoust everybody will be Borg by then!
    And since Voyager didnt stop that plan Im sure that its still going on! And I have a fealing that we will hear more about it later! They wouldnt have said anything in Voyager if they hadnt planed to use it later!
    I just got a fealing that they plan to destroy earth in a future movie or something!
    Or maybe they plan to change everything in Star Trek Enterprice!
    I havent sean it but I read that some mystic mind force from the future is trying to make earth ruler of the unerverse or something like that!
    Does anyone know who they are?
    Maybe its Spices 8472 whos behind it! There plan to take over by using earth!
    But as I said, I dont know what Im talking about since I havent sean the show!

    For starters…you’re an idiot, and don’t ask for help if you are going to be rude.
    You weren’t clear on the Enterprise thing, you said it took place on the Enterprise.
    Secondly pay more attention to the game and you will realise that he uses a hypospray to induce the trance.
    As for the start having to do with First Contact, there is no indication of that whatsoever, so don’t spout off when it’s just speculative on your part.
    The reason that this game doesn’t tie in with the battle of Wolf 359, is because the Excelsior class was not seen in the battle, this game is not meant to be part of Star Trek lineage, it was a fun offshoot by Simon and Schuster that had no relevance to the Star Trek timeline.
    Oh and as Q was manipulating time, and actually changed events, in that way you could say that these events never actually occurred. In essence the storyline was just part of a game, and I don’t think that anyone is going to write a piece about what happened in this game for future Star Trek reference.
    And as for your stupid ideas about something in the future happening, well seeing as you are way behind everyone else, it’s a bit dumb to make those assumptions, when everyone else knows this is not going too happen.
    As for a Bajoran Borg, I never said anything to indicate that a Bajoran could not have become Borg, so don’t claim otherwise.
    And what the hell are you talking about a mystic mind for, it’s bad enough that your writing is terrible, but then you start spouting this absolute rubbish…go away and learn english and also on how to make sense of what you write.
    Lastly, your overall tone to my trying to help you was disgraceful, I’m not in the habit of flaming anyone here, but if you respond to me that way again I will not hesitate to have a go back.
    I would say to everyone else not to bother responding to your posts if you are going to behave like an idiot, I certainly won’t be trying to help you again.
    Squish [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    Now Squish, no need to be testy.

    Don’t get mad, Crusader. You’re a good guy. I mean, you have a point about the Borg virus being mentioned on the Voyager TV show.

    Anyway, cool it, you guys. Don’t need a flame war.


    well considering he/she/it didn’t call anyone names, nor did they put anyone down, i’m not sure how you could call them rude… but whatever.

    this person doesn’t have the greatest grasp of spelling, but they could also possibly not speak english as a first language, so you just never know.

    crusader, you do seem to need to play ST:Borg more before you make all of these statements about the game… but also you did say you just wanted to talk about it so accept the corrections as a good thing, not critisim.

    and i think the ‘borg queen’ was an obvious route for them to take since the borg have a ‘hive mind’. i really liked the queen, she was a cool villian due to the fact she can apparently reform herself at another location even when *killed*! that would be a tiring task if you were trying to take her out, lol [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    although, it seems like a lot of new borg factoids tossed about on voyager were done totally as plot devices because they fit — not because any great thought was put into them. so i mostly ignore what was revealed there on the basis that they’ll change it again later. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    and they’ve already checked the area wolf 359 (aka Cn Leonis + other numerical names) and there is *nothing* orbiting it or anywheres near it. not to mention it is a ‘flare star’ and anything in it’s space would be toasted unless it was about as far from it as venus is from Sol… but there it wouldn’t get *any* light and the water would be frozen, so, i dunno what an outpost was doing there. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] lol so i’ve got to go with the theory that no one would give a rat’s booty about it… it just sounded better. *G*

    unless it was a totally self contained ship/ space station putting anything in it’s space would be pointless.

    (and it is 7.5 lightyears from earth…!!!)

    elfie <- done being a total dweebo geekwad and going back to drooling over butts. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by elfie:
    this person doesn’t have the greatest grasp of spelling, but they could also possibly not speak english as a first language, so you just never know.

    I think Crusader said he was Swedish?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    and they’ve already checked the area wolf 359 (aka Cn Leonis + other numerical names) and there is *nothing* orbiting it or anywheres near it. not to mention it is a ‘flare star’ and anything in it’s space would be toasted unless it was about as far from it as venus is from Sol… but there it wouldn’t get *any* light and the water would be frozen, so, i dunno what an outpost was doing there. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] lol so i’ve got to go with the theory that no one would give a rat’s booty about it… it just sounded better. *G*

    unless it was a totally self contained ship/ space station putting anything in it’s space would be pointless.

    (and it is 7.5 lightyears from earth…!!!)

    You’re right, there wouldn’t much of interest at Wolf 359. Planets are doubtful, but we don’t know for sure. At the current time, astronomers can only indirectly detect very large gasgiants in orbit around neighboring stars. But that doesn’t rule out terrestrial rockballs or asteroids.

    It would seem to me that it would be in Starfleet’s interest to station some sort of outpost at Wolf 359. Even if it was just a shotgun shack or quanset hut.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:

    At the current time, astronomers can only indirectly detect very large gasgiants in orbit around neighboring stars. But that doesn’t rule out terrestrial rockballs or asteroids.

    Flamegrape has a point, Elfie. Currently we can only detect gas giants no smaller then Saturn. Or 0.8 Jupiter Masses. We detect planet by the gravitational wobble they cause on their respective stars. Earth-like planets cause too little a wobble to be detected from this far away.

    It should be noted that Sol is located in the middle of nowhere in the Milky Way. We’re not even in a rural area of the galaxy. We’re in like the Siberia of the Galaxy.


    Thats was the rudes thing I have ever herd!

    I didnt say anything rude to you! I just said how I saw things! There was no need for you to cal me a dumb idiot!

    If you had looked at my post you would have sein this: “! Its about a boy (The Borg are attacking and hes onbord Enterprice and he whants to revenche his fathers death but arent aloud) who with the help of Q goes back in time 10 years to stop his father from being killed by the Borg at Wolf 359!”
    Its not saying that it takes place on the Enterprice!

    I have the game! Q send the hole ship in to the future since history said that the ship disapeard on its way to Wolf 359 witch means that they wheren there yet! If you had played the game resently you would have known that instead of jumping at me with it!
    Now, I dont remember the Hyper spreay thing but I can be wrong! But it HAD to doe with him being Bajorian!
    As I se it it can only have bein during First Contact movie since its the only Borg attack that takes place 10 years after the Massacure a Wolf 359!

    “And as for your stupid ideas about something in the future happening, well seeing as you are way behind everyone else, it’s a bit dumb to make those assumptions, when everyone else knows this is not going too happen.”

    No ideas are stupid! How the hell doe you know that that wont happend? Huh? Have you some info about the future adventures in Star Trek we dont know about? If not then shut up! I can say what ever ideas I whant! Everybody eles gives ideas about what will happend in Future series and movies so way cant I!
    From how I se it it looks like its possible since Borg plans use a virus on earth that noone can find untill its tolate!
    I saw the episode about the Borg Queen telling 7 of 9 about the virus they where planing to send to earth, 4 days agoe so I know what Im talking about! Noone stoped that plan so that means that they will continue with it!
    That can mean that they plane to use it in later movies or series!

    “As for a Bajoran Borg, I never said anything to indicate that a Bajoran could not have become Borg, so don’t claim otherwise.”

    What are you talking about? What I said was that we havent sean any Bajorian Borgs in Star Trek episodes so we dont know how they react!

    “And what the hell are you talking about a mystic mind for, it’s bad enough that your writing is terrible, but then you start spouting this absolute rubbish…go away and learn english and also on how to make sense of what you write.”

    Se. there is a new Star Trek show that is caled Star Trek:Enterprice! It takes place before Kirk! There they find out that a mysteries mind from the future is trying to change time and make earth rulers of the universe! Way and who they are I dont know since I havent sein the show! I just said that maybe it has something to doe with Spices 8472 and that the once making Star Trek might plan to use that show to change the Star Trek timeline as we know it!

    Dont talk about things you dont know! I havent even sean ST Enterprice but I clearly know more about it than you! So dont cal me an dumb idiot with stuped ideas again, OK?

    “I would say to everyone else not to bother responding to your posts if you are going to behave like an idiot, I certainly won’t be trying to help you again.”

    If theres someone acting like an idiot, its not me!
    I thought you where a nice guy! Guess I was wrong!
    You just attacked and bad mouthed me for nothing! Just bekos you thought I was being rude when I didnt have any intensions being that!
    You acted totaly un friendly to me and I whant you to apologise!
    None speaks to someone eles like that! Eseshaly not when where trying to have a friendly convesasion!
    So, if you dont whant to talk about Borg ideas, stay out of this thread!

    Sorry you guys for getting so mad but I dont like it when someone treats me with no respect! Like Im dirt! Peapåol have done that to me al my life and I dont come to this forum to get picked by bullies! [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    about the planets —
    i don’t know, i think that is a bit outdated. they’ve detected moons & asteroids around bodies and a planet with an atmosphere now. we don’t have to see a planet to be able to detect it, we can look at the body in question’s orbit and tell if it is holding things within it’s gravity, or not. if there was *anything* around Wolf 359, we’d at least have some suspicion by now i would think. considering it is one of the closest bodies to us i’m sure we’ve looked at it extensively.

    and yes we’re a bit off in the far corner of the universe, hehe… i don’t know what i said about Earth & Sol’s location in opposition to that but okay then. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    and to crusader —
    back to talking about the borg… their nanite technology just got moved from the realm of scifi to scifact even moreso than it was last year — read this ppl!!!

    you will be assimilated. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by elfie:
    i’d actually like to see your model flamegrape, do you have any artwork of it rendered? and do you want my poser xev model or not? lol [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] i made the hair myself — it’s transmapped. i’ll upload pictures of it if you want to take a look. the only pics i have online right now are of when it had the terrible poser hair prop on it so don’t look at those, hehe.

    You’re the one who emailed me about it last week? Cool. I’ll start a new thread over at the general Lexx discussion forum…



    Originally posted by Headgehog:
    Flamegrape has a point, Elfie. Currently we can only detect gas giants no smaller then Saturn. Or 0.8 Jupiter Masses. We detect planet by the gravitational wobble they cause on their respective stars. Earth-like planets cause too little a wobble to be detected from this far away.

    Actually, smaller terrestrial-type planets have been detected using other methods.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:

    You’re the one who emailed me about it last week? Cool. I’ll start a new thread over at the general Lexx discussion forum…

    yah that was me! i only signed my letters “elfie” about 500 times, lol [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] cool, i’ll check your post there out when i get back from going downtown — byes!



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:

    Actually, smaller terrestrial-type planets have been detected using other methods.

    Really? References please.


    The most famous system with terrestrial planets would be PSR 1257+12. The three planets are 0.015, 3.4, and 2.8 Es respectively. That’s from Sky & Telescope magazine. There are others, too, but my extrasolar planet list is at home.

    By the way, the smallest planet to be detected using the “wobble” method would be the one orbiting HD83443 in Vela, which is an estimated 47.7 Es (0.15 Js). My source on that would be Discover.


    Wow! I have to admit that much of what’s been mentioned above is news to me! Cool! DT, if you ever get the chance, post that list of extra-solar planets. I could add them to my map of “Sector 001”.


    ok thanks, Which issue of Discover? I haven’t kep up with planet searching in about two years, I just assumed no real progress was made since I hadn’t read anything on it. (Ostrich Syndrome)



    Originally posted by crusader:
    Thats was the rudes thing I have ever herd!

    I didnt say anything rude to you! I just said how I saw things! There was no need for you to cal me a dumb idiot!

    If you had looked at my post you would have sein this: “! Its about a boy (The Borg are attacking and hes onbord Enterprice and he whants to revenche his fathers death but arent aloud) who with the help of Q goes back in time 10 years to stop his father from being killed by the Borg at Wolf 359!”
    Its not saying that it takes place on the Enterprice!

    I have the game! Q send the hole ship in to the future since history said that the ship disapeard on its way to Wolf 359 witch means that they wheren there yet! If you had played the game resently you would have known that instead of jumping at me with it!
    Now, I dont remember the Hyper spreay thing but I can be wrong! But it HAD to doe with him being Bajorian!
    As I se it it can only have bein during First Contact movie since its the only Borg attack that takes place 10 years after the Massacure a Wolf 359!

    “And as for your stupid ideas about something in the future happening, well seeing as you are way behind everyone else, it’s a bit dumb to make those assumptions, when everyone else knows this is not going too happen.”

    No ideas are stupid! How the hell doe you know that that wont happend? Huh? Have you some info about the future adventures in Star Trek we dont know about? If not then shut up! I can say what ever ideas I whant! Everybody eles gives ideas about what will happend in Future series and movies so way cant I!
    From how I se it it looks like its possible since Borg plans use a virus on earth that noone can find untill its tolate!
    I saw the episode about the Borg Queen telling 7 of 9 about the virus they where planing to send to earth, 4 days agoe so I know what Im talking about! Noone stoped that plan so that means that they will continue with it!
    That can mean that they plane to use it in later movies or series!

    “As for a Bajoran Borg, I never said anything to indicate that a Bajoran could not have become Borg, so don’t claim otherwise.”

    What are you talking about? What I said was that we havent sean any Bajorian Borgs in Star Trek episodes so we dont know how they react!

    “And what the hell are you talking about a mystic mind for, it’s bad enough that your writing is terrible, but then you start spouting this absolute rubbish…go away and learn english and also on how to make sense of what you write.”

    Se. there is a new Star Trek show that is caled Star Trek:Enterprice! It takes place before Kirk! There they find out that a mysteries mind from the future is trying to change time and make earth rulers of the universe! Way and who they are I dont know since I havent sein the show! I just said that maybe it has something to doe with Spices 8472 and that the once making Star Trek might plan to use that show to change the Star Trek timeline as we know it!

    Dont talk about things you dont know! I havent even sean ST Enterprice but I clearly know more about it than you! So dont cal me an dumb idiot with stuped ideas again, OK?

    “I would say to everyone else not to bother responding to your posts if you are going to behave like an idiot, I certainly won’t be trying to help you again.”

    If theres someone acting like an idiot, its not me!
    I thought you where a nice guy! Guess I was wrong!
    You just attacked and bad mouthed me for nothing! Just bekos you thought I was being rude when I didnt have any intensions being that!
    You acted totaly un friendly to me and I whant you to apologise!
    None speaks to someone eles like that! Eseshaly not when where trying to have a friendly convesasion!
    So, if you dont whant to talk about Borg ideas, stay out of this thread!

    Sorry you guys for getting so mad but I dont like it when someone treats me with no respect! Like Im dirt! Peapåol have done that to me al my life and I dont come to this forum to get picked by bullies! [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    Excuse me Crusader, but you brought that on yourself, I found your reply to me incredibly rude, after I responded to you with an intention to help on things that you appeared to not understand about.
    I would never have responded to you in that fashion had you not replied in such an unfriendly manner.
    If that wasn’t your intention then I apologise, however, you should write your posts in a more friendly tone, it’s easy to get upset when someone who tries to help you get’s a reply like the one you gave.
    Just remember that it was your post that appeared rude, and I simply replied in kind.
    Like I said prior, I don’t wish to start flaming anyone, but I won’t personally tolerate the type of hostility you showed in your post.
    If you didn’t want any help in understanding what happens in other Star Trek shows, or information about Star Trek:Borg, then you should not have requested it, better still ignore my reply if you felt that I was not giving you good information, rather that than have you respond in that way.
    As I’m not looking to start an ongoing fight over this, so I’ll say no more.
    My intentions were to help you, I don’t expect that help to get thrown back in my face the way you did…anyone would be offended by that.
    And you will find for the record that I am the last person you would call a bully on this forum, but everyone has their limits.
    Try to phrase posts a little better in future, and you’ll find me a little more receptive.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    Now Squish, no need to be testy.

    Don’t get mad, Crusader. You’re a good guy. I mean, you have a point about the Borg virus being mentioned on the Voyager TV show.

    Anyway, cool it, you guys. Don’t need a flame war.

    Sorry about that Flamegrape, but I found Crusader’s post to be a bit in yer face, maybe it’s just the way he/she writes, but like any cluster lizard…I bite!!!
    Maybe I just misunderstood the tone of the post, and if that be the case…I apologise.
    And in retrospect, it was wrong to call Crusader names, and I also apologise for that.
    But Crusader really needs to be careful on how he/she writes posts, late at night things can be taken in the wrong context.
    Anyhoo, sorry for any upset Squishy might have caused.
    [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    Elfie wrote:
    well considering he/she/it didn’t call anyone names, nor did they put anyone down, i’m not sure how you could call them rude… but whatever.

    The name calling was wrong and I’m sorry, the rude part was because I felt Crusader was answering my post by claiming everything I said was wrong (and I don’t like people using caps i.e NOTHING, that seems offensive), moreover he seemed just to dismiss it out of hand.
    I have been a Trek fan since ST:TNG through to Enterprise (which I have seen, friend sends DVD rips from the states), so I do pride myself on a good knowledge of Star Trek.
    Also I have had Star Trek: Borg for three years now, and it’s still one of my favourites. The point about Star Trek:Borg, was that it is not meant to be taken literally, as it really plays no part in the Star Trek story, it was a game invented for the fans, and was not part of Star Trek history, Crusader seems to believe that to be the case.

    Elfie wrote:
    this person doesn’t have the greatest grasp of spelling, but they could also possibly not speak english as a first language, so you just never know.

    Point well made, Crusader’s grasp of english may have made the response a little odd to what I’m used too.

    Elfie Wrote:
    crusader, you do seem to need to play ST:Borg more before you make all of these statements about the game… but also you did say you just wanted to talk about it so accept the corrections as a good thing, not critisim.

    That’s all that I ask, it would seem that Crusader being behind in terms of many Sci-Fi programmes, was looking for clarification of future Star Trek events, I simply wanted to say what happens from the perspective of someone who has seen the programmes, and therefore would have more insight as too what happens.
    I will put the whole episode down to a misunderstanding and leave it at that.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    oops, sorry headgehog, i thought i’d read all of your post before i posted but i hadn’t. lol [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] that’s what happens when i get up to go get coffee while trying to wake up *and* read on the computer at the same time, hehe… (its 6am est here lol) i got side tracked off into crusaders post. (this place needs MORE smilies! lol)

    well, considering W359 is only about 1/10th the size of Sol making it about the size of Juipter, planets the size of earth would be *very* likely to effect it because it’s own gravity isn’t as dominate as our sun’s is.

    and Earth *does* effect Sol, we are part of the pull on the sun that causes it’s own orbit to wobble… they estimated without earth, the sun would move away from mercury about a third of the current distance between them now and it’s orbit would become less egg shaped and more circular over a few millenia. if there *is* a body around w359, it’s probably very tiny and so far away that the surrounding stars effect it more than w359 does… it just doesn’t have the gravitational pull to be holding much of anything so far away we couldn’t see it.

    *only* being able to detect gas giants is a bit outdated, we’ve found planets much further away than w359, as we search closer to earth the size we can detect gradually decreases.

    despite all of that, i still think it *could* have very small bodies such as asteroids, but i’m saying if they were close, there’s NO WAY they’d put a space station on them due to the danger of w359’s solar flare activity! it just wouldn’t be worth the risk. it may not be as strong as Sol, but because w359’s gravity isn’t as powerful, when it *does* flare it ejects more power out in each flare than Sol does… do you understand what i’m saying? lol i’ve only disagreed with the theory that there is anything planet sized close to w359… if you took mars, and put it in w359’s system at the same distance it is from Sol, we’d be able to detect that there was a planet there. you have [b]got[/b] to take into account the size and mass of w359 and not use calculations for much larger stars with possible planets.

    if earth was around A centauri, you are right it’d be unlikely we’d see it anytime this year. but we weren’t talking about large stars… we’re talking about a very dim, weak red dwarf that is affected by *comets* that pass too close to it.

    shut me up!!! (is that possible? you’ll just have to forgive me, i’m a member of a ‘telescope club’ via UofL and it’s one of the only things i leave the house to do, hehe)

    that’s what i get for talking about space when i only long, deep down inside to drool over kai. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    i’d actually like to see your model flamegrape, do you have any artwork of it rendered? and do you want my poser xev model or not? lol [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] i made the hair myself — it’s transmapped. i’ll upload pictures of it if you want to take a look. the only pics i have online right now are of when it had the terrible poser hair prop on it so don’t look at those, hehe.



    Originally posted by elfie:
    well, considering W359 is only about 1/10th the size of Sol making it about the size of Juipter, planets the size of earth would be *very* likely to effect it because it’s own gravity isn’t as dominate as our sun’s is.

    and Earth *does* effect Sol, we are part of the pull on the sun that causes it’s own orbit to wobble…

    *only* being able to detect gas giants is a bit outdated,

    i’m a member of a ‘telescope club’ via UofL

    When you say size of w359, do you mean mass or length?

    If you look at my earleir post, I never said
    earth doesn’t affect the sun’s wobble. I just said its weak. If it caused no wobble that would be a violation of N-3rd. Thats taught in like elementry school.

    As for my much earlier posts about W359 and its possiblities, I was wrong, I was going on outdated info. Thank DT and Elfie for the updates. I haven’t read anything serious on Astronomy (with the exception of stellar mechanics) in a couple of years.

    UofL? University of …?


    I exept your apology!

    As I said I didnt mean to offend you! I just tried to corect the things I thought you had missunderstod me with! And point out somethings I thought didnt ad up!
    I did explain that I hadnt sean future episode and didnt know what would happen! I just talked from what I knuw! What I knuw was that the Borg planed to attack earth with a virus! I didnt know if it had bein stoped in future episodes or not since we´re still on Voyager season 5 here in sweden!
    As for me using big lethers, it just me trying to put more sound in that word! Like “I really DID se that episode” I try to whrite it as I talk it! Ill try and stop with it!
    If you thought I was rude I apologise!
    And Im sorry for being so harsh afterwordas!
    I just got angry when yoy replyed my message like that instead of just telling me that you thought I was rude!
    Ill try and not post so that it can be missunderstod again!

    So, can we get back to what matters now? The Borg!

    As I said I dont know what will (Or has in the future episodes of Voyager that I havent sein) happen with the Virus attack in earth!
    I dont know mutch about ST:Enterprice and the mysterius mind from the future eather!
    Just wonderd if it could have something to doe with Spices 8472 (Something like that) and there planed attack on earth!

    Anyway, what doe the rest of you think? Will earth survive? Or is it doomed to be taken over by Bord! (Doesnt mean the end of Star Trek) Maybe ST:Enterprice will change the Star Trek timeline for ever! Can be a way of starting al over!
    What doe you think?



    Originally posted by elfie:
    i’d actually like to see your model flamegrape, do you have any artwork of it rendered?

    Okay, I’ve put together a simple place-holder webpage for my 3d starcharts.

    It’s not very eye-catching. It just shows an image of the 3d model as seen in my copy of 3d Studio Max. None of the stars are labeled. The lines between some of the stars represent the shortest distances between them. Sol is somewhere in the middle.

    I’m still thinking about the GUI for such a web-based 3-D starmap. I was thinking about replicating Seven’s astrometric’s lab (and call it “Seven’s Atlas of Sector 001”), but I didn’t want to limit it to just the [i]Star Trek[/i] genre.



    Originally posted by crusader:
    I exept your apology!

    As I said I didnt mean to offend you! I just tried to corect the things I thought you had missunderstod me with! And point out somethings I thought didnt ad up!
    I did explain that I hadnt sean future episode and didnt know what would happen! I just talked from what I knuw! What I knuw was that the Borg planed to attack earth with a virus! I didnt know if it had bein stoped in future episodes or not since we´re still on Voyager season 5 here in sweden!
    As for me using big lethers, it just me trying to put more sound in that word! Like “I really DID se that episode” I try to whrite it as I talk it! Ill try and stop with it!
    If you thought I was rude I apologise!
    And Im sorry for being so harsh afterwordas!
    I just got angry when yoy replyed my message like that instead of just telling me that you thought I was rude!
    Ill try and not post so that it can be missunderstod again!

    So, can we get back to what matters now? The Borg!

    As I said I dont know what will (Or has in the future episodes of Voyager that I havent sein) happen with the Virus attack in earth!
    I dont know mutch about ST:Enterprice and the mysterius mind from the future eather!
    Just wonderd if it could have something to doe with Spices 8472 (Something like that) and there planed attack on earth!

    Anyway, what doe the rest of you think? Will earth survive? Or is it doomed to be taken over by Bord! (Doesnt mean the end of Star Trek) Maybe ST:Enterprice will change the Star Trek timeline for ever! Can be a way of starting al over!
    What doe you think?

    I’m glad that we’ve sorted that out, I don’t like to be at war with anyone, especially here.
    I guess it’s a case that English is not your native tongue, and that what you write would sound different, and that sometimes it would seem a little in your face, even though that’s not your intention.
    Again, I’m sorry for my part, and will be a little more patient and understanding in the future.
    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    So you think its just over, you stuck up pig?

    Na, just kidding, your alright! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    As you can se Ive bein whatching a little to mutch Futurama!


    The Borg Pussies!!!How many times did the Voyager kick their butts! I always thought they were over used as badass’s ! Hope that Enterprise dont go there girl!


    you read all that other stuff? I didnt! Ha Ha, made you come all this way to see what I posted. Got to go now, Enterprise is coming on.


    I know! It has become to easy!
    I mean, Voyager even hunts down Borg ships to get there teqnology!
    Its like there fighting some animals that aslong as you understand them theres no prob!

    Thank god for the Borg Queen! She makes the Borg unpredectble!

    I hope that future Borg ships will be more dangerus!

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