Sunday activities

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  • #39418

    What shall one do on sunday after the thrill of Brigadoom???

    Well since we will all be in a creative mood. What we are going to have is a 790 poetry contest, with your best ode to activites or not of Dragon Con 2003. 🙂

    We also need lyrics for a ‘Dead Thing Pie’ Song. Let us think of a common tune to put them to that every one knows. The song will be you basic rabble rousing song, and idealy detail the trials, tribulations, trumiuphs and events of Dragon Con 2003. The chourus should have the Dead thing pie shout in it somewhere.

    hummm, song tune?? ‘Where have all the flowers gone?’


    (To the tune of “American Pie”)

    My, my, it’s a Dead Thing Pie
    Bunny and Lyekka and 790’s arrived
    and so has Stanley Tweedle but no appearance from Kai
    and all the Lexxy girls will cry…
    all the Lexxy girls will cry….

    (OK, OK, I know that sucked… 😀 )


    No, no, it is wonderful. Perhaps needs tweaked… when don’t they
    but a great start!!!


    My “lyrical abilities” usually involve lots of dirty words…


    *sung to Dull Dull Dull

    My, my, my, it is a Dead Thing… Pie
    Bunny, Lyekka, 790 they have all arrived
    and so has Stanley Tweedle,
    but no appearance from Kai

    My, my, my who is a Dead Thing… Pie
    Could it be doctor, who wears the pointy hat
    or is our dear starlet,
    who’s car just went splat

    cry, cry, cry, we need to make this… pie
    We’ll fill it full of the hope and dreams,
    from the lexx girls and boys
    and inbetweens

    Cry, cry cry I want my dead thing pie!

    Inspired by an idea of Dels and the previous ditty! 😉


    “Boys and girls and inbetweens???”


    I wasn’t aware that there would be transsexual Lexx fans in attendance this weekend!


    [quote=”jkd112″](To the tune of “American Pie”)

    My, my, it’s a Dead Thing Pie
    Bunny and Lyekka and 790’s arrived
    and so has Stanley Tweedle but no appearance from Kai
    and all the Lexxy girls will cry…
    all the Lexxy girls will cry….

    (OK, OK, I know that sucked… 😀 )[/quote]

    You know, truth be told….I didn’t even have a chance to be dissapointed that MM cancelled at the Con. And in the end was glad for it.

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