Surveillance footage of Number 21

Forums British Sci Fi Series The Prisoner Surveillance footage of Number 21

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    [url=]Number 21 shows ambitious tendencies….[/url] (Windows Media Player)

    It’s an older one, but if more commercials were like this now I might start watching TV again!

    1. This came from the 35th Anniversary disk.

    2. It’s possible PMcG [i]hates[/i] auto commercials more than any other kind. He specifically mentions them in his 1978 interview.

    😀 83 😆


    Very, very cool! Love it! 😀

    It’s interesting, but not surprising, that The Prisoner has such iconic status (poignant Prisoner references and symbolism in the media). We can heartily relate to the struggle to be individual in a [bureaucratic] system that does not recognise our individuality; and, like the commercial, I guess we all want a really fast car to escape from our prisons. 🙂

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