Terry Pratchett’s Discworld – The Movie

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    I know this will never happen, and thank deity, because i can’t imagine justice being even remotely done to them, but if the Discworld books were made into a film, who do you think would play who? I’ve spent some time on long journeys on public transport debating this with friends and I suggest

    Vimes – William Hurt
    Lord Vetinari – Alan Rickman or Johnny Depp in a few years
    Angua – Angelina Jolie/Sarah Michelle Geller
    Susan – Christina Richie
    DEATH – Christopher Lee (voice)
    Carrot – Sean Bean?
    Mort – Orlando Bloom

    Anyone else got any ideas?


    Sorry to say that I have not read any of Terry Pratchett’s books. However, I could play the cat in: “The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents”. 😈 😈 😈



    😕 I hate to have to show you this, but….

    [url=http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=ATL004622]Discworld: Soul Music[/url]
    [url=http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=ATL008374]Discworld: Wyrd Sisters[/url]

    (But they are Region 1 DVD’s.)

    I haven’t read the books, but most movies don’t do the books justice, so if one were to speculate there is an obvious conclusion to be drawn from this. On the other hand, they used to be $9.98, so maybe there’s an unrealised gem in there. 8) I dunno…. Anyhoo, I think they’re both animated.



    [quote=”pet”]:? I hate to have to show you this, but….

    [url=http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=ATL004622]Discworld: Soul Music[/url]
    [url=http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=ATL008374]Discworld: Wyrd Sisters[/url]

    (But they are Region 1 DVD’s.)

    I haven’t read the books, but most movies don’t do the books justice, so if one were to speculate there is an obvious conclusion to be drawn from this. On the other hand, they used to be $9.98, so maybe there’s an unrealised gem in there. 8) I dunno…. Anyhoo, I think they’re both animated.


    Thanks for the plug, Pet. I worked on the second of the two DVDs ([i]Soul Music[/i] — the first one was completed just as I came on board with Acorn). The programs were done by Cosgrove/Hall, the people behind [i]DangerMouse[/i], and had the active participation of Pratchett. He really didn’t *do* much on them (he preferred to not be a constant nag), but he did have approval on all aspects of the material, from character design to voice, and has gone on record as thinking they’re faboo. Christopher Lee plays the role of Death in both, and is really the standout performer there. The voice acting is, perhaps, better in [i]Wyrd Sisters[/i] than in [i]Soul Music,[/i] the programs *do* drop some of the material in the books (there’s stuff in Pratchett that really works only on the printed page, and doesn’t translate to the screen at all), and the animation is somewhat crude (not much budget, don’tchaknow), but they’re entertaining nonetheless.



    [quote=”Aleck”]Christopher Lee plays the role of Death in both, and is really the standout performer there.


    Aha! Now I know why they are in my wish list! ‘Twas my friend who found my Christopher Lee/ Patrick McGoohan movie. Funny that’s who SV pictured as Death, LOL!

    If I had remembered that I would have bought them before the price went up. Oh, well.



    I loved the Pratchet Soul Music DVD that I saw. I am a MAJOR pratchet fan, as is Tree. (HDS’s Wife) And we both agreeded that they ‘nailed’ it when they produced that DVD.

    The charaters were great, they looked and sounded exactly as we thought they would. With Susan Sto Helit (Death’s Granddaughter) being so on target, it was scary. 😀

    They stayed true to the story and put in as many ‘in’ jokes as would fit. While Aleck, was not excited about the animation, it was fine. I at least did not notice myself becoming distracted by it. And, trust me, I do find myself noticing stuff like that.

    Please Aleck, we want more Pratchet!


    [quote=”ShadowedVenus”]I know this will never happen, and thank deity, because i can’t imagine justice being even remotely done to them, but if the Discworld books were made into a film, who do you think would play who? I’ve spent some time on long journeys on public transport debating this with friends and I suggest

    Vimes – William Hurt
    Lord Vetinari – Alan Rickman or Johnny Depp in a few years
    Angua – Angelina Jolie/Sarah Michelle Geller
    Susan – Christina Richie
    DEATH – Christopher Lee (voice)
    Carrot – Sean Bean?
    Mort – Orlando Bloom

    Anyone else got any ideas?[/quote]

    I really like your picks. Why is it I always imagine the voice of death as a female though?

    BTW I’m stealing this topic in the near future for another thread 😉


    [quote=”thefrey”]They stayed true to the story and put in as many ‘in’ jokes as would fit. While Aleck, was not excited about the animation, it was fine. I at least did not notice myself becoming distracted by it. And, trust me, I do find myself noticing stuff like that. [/quote]

    It’s not that I thought it was *bad* animation, as it’s really effectively done. It’s just that there’s some limited range of motion in the characters that sometimes comes off a little clunky, which is just part and parcel of most television animation due to lower budgets than afforded to feature animation work. But the character design in particular is fantastic, and the layouts and backgrounds are tremendously well done.

    [quote]Please Aleck, we want more Pratchet![/quote]

    Hey, if I had a voice in actually making more Pratchett, I’d do it! There’s just very little out there. There are two other mini-series out there, but neither is Discworld-related, and because of that have really limited appeal in the States. There’s [i]Johnny and the Dead[/i], which is based on his “Johnny Maxwell” series of children’s books, and then there’s [i]Truckers,[/i] which has always been a “maybe” prospect for us. It’s most likely still available, but as it’s never been shown on US television, and as the books are little-known here, it’s a tough sell.

    There do need to be more Discworld stories made, though. I’d love to see that happen.

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