Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx TEST

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  • #37284

    It dose not start till after midnight in the UK and finish after 1.00a.m.
    And I have had a hard days work and an early start in the morning.
    Also I watch it when its broadcast not like wimps who tape it and watch it the next day!!!
    If I was unemployed I could watch it, then lie in bed the next day.
    So in answer to your test I think I did quite well.
    You are a ****!!!
    The above line is true if you think it describes you.



    Originally posted by WARLOCK:
    [b]It dose not start till after midnight in the UK and finish after 1.00a.m.

    What doesn’t or does?


    [b] [QUOTE]
    And I have had a hard days work and an early start in the morning.

    Yes, and?


    Also I watch it when its broadcast not like wimps who tape it and watch it the next day!!!

    I watch all 3 broadcasts and tape while I’m watching [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] that is if we’re talking about LEXX being this is the LEXX area of the bb and I don’t know what they hell you are talking about.


    If I was unemployed I could watch it, then lie in bed the next day.

    Yes, that’s kinda what I do now.


    So in answer to your test I think I did quite well.

    Who’s test? What test? You did quite well? Must have graded yourself.


    You are a ****!!!

    What’s a **** and why should that offend anyone?


    The above line is true if you think it describes you.

    That’s very sweet and all but you cannot really insult anyone if what you’re calling them gets censored out so they cannot read it, ****-head [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

    “The best defense is a strong offense.. and I intend to start offending right now.”
    -James T. Kirk

    [This message has been edited by X (edited August 09, 2001).]


    Perhaps he’s referring to the purity test?

    Which, BTW, isn’t working.



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    [b]Perhaps he’s referring to the purity test?

    Which, BTW, isn’t working.[/b]

    hmmm, saddy?! fix the test will you dear?! as for the rest of this, i am, again, confused, but welcome warlock

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