TexxLexx meetup (1biliion apologies if this is not postable)

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx TexxLexx meetup (1biliion apologies if this is not postable)

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  • #39903

    Hiya 🙂

    Some of us at the other board have been throwing around the idea for awhile of getting together for a little meet and greet.

    The third weekend of June several of us have decided to finally have a Lexx get together in San Antonio, Texas (could not help but see your location Frey 8) ).

    Just wanted to extend the invite to ya’ll if any of you are interested.

    I dont come by often but will try to check in.

    Once again all apologies to sadgeezer (you’ve got a great site) if this is not cosher.


    No, not a problem. For those who don’t wish to look up a calendar the third weekend of June is June 18-19-20 😀

    I saw on Brian’s board that some Lexxians will also be in the dallas area June 3-6 for A-kon.

    I am not going to be able to make San Antinio as I have to run down to Austin and fight evil during that time span. (Exactly when is still up in the air) but I would be willing to meet any Lexxians going to A-kon in Dallas. 🙂


    If your plans change then welcome 🙂 Austin is olny 1 1/2 hours away you know.


    [quote=”mok”]Austin is olny 1 1/2 hours away you know.[/quote]

    ya… if your traveling by skateboard


    [color=red] :mrgreen: I am still going :mrgreen:
    whooo party , party 😛 [/color]


    Looks like most of us ended up here tonight 😀

    All is set up (except the Sunset changed it’s name to Hunter’s
    Glen lol). Cleaned up and bought some stuff for the party. Moving in on Monday.


    [quote=”mok”]Looks like most of us ended up here tonight 😀

    All is set up (except the Sunset changed it’s name to Hunter’s
    Glen lol). Cleaned up and bought some stuff for the party. Moving in on Monday.[/quote][color=red] sooo..is hunters glen the place 2b?[/color]


    Nope on Hunter’s Glen. Sunset apartments were in my driving instructions to everybody. Problem is the name of the apartments is actually Hunter’s Glen. (you pass two Hunter’s Glen signs on the way to Pointe North Condos 🙂 ) SO, nothing in the instructions has changed except the landmarks on the way.


    [quote=”mok”]Nope on Hunter’s Glen. Sunset apartments were in my driving instructions to everybody. Problem is the name of the apartments is actually Hunter’s Glen. (you pass two Hunter’s Glen signs on the way to Pointe North Condos 🙂 ) SO, nothing in the instructions has changed except the landmarks on the way.[/quote][color=red]Cooool 🙂 [/color]


    Well the party is still going on (even for those that have been banned) :D. I will not ban anybody from the party (but if you’re a guy and dont behave I might beat your ass). Hope everybody gets the message who’s planning to attend. I will be offline for a couple of days til I get my broadband operational. I move tomorrow so you peeps can call me in San Antonio if you need to.

    As an aside: Hedgehog is a serious bad ass isn’t he? 😀 He don’t F#%$ around! (My compliments)


    [color=red]I got that package that Brian D. sent me for TexxLexx 🙂

    …got some things to hand out to people attending…but I will keep what they are a surprise 😀 😛
    hehehe [/color]


    So, you going to hit the River Walk at all? They seemed to have some really nice places there. I have heard that one of the Bar-b-Que resturants on the River Walk is so popular that they do a ton of business is shipping their stuff all around the country.


    Bleck, the Sewer Walk is the equivelant of the West End in Dallas.
    Tres Touristy… though it is fun to stay at that really nice hotel there with the dark balconies and through stuff at the unsuspecting dorks below before dissappearing into the shadows to reload. 😛


    Was never terribly imprerssed by the river walk. Lots of overpriced establishments (and yes, very touristy). Back in Laredo for the weekend. Party is set up but attendance is in the “I have no idea” realm at this point. Haven’t talked to anyone by phone as yet but seve have confirmed via pms.

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