the dead do poo!
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- This topic has 22 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 23 years, 1 month ago by
2nd February 2002 at 9:58 am #37430
Participantso what did you guys think? i have to admit, since seeing this a few months ago, this eppy is still fun for me…and somehow the soundtrack was not as annoying,( or perhaps edited ) [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] overall, the only thing we missed was rolf’s bare bum as he sat on the tongue toilet [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]…but the thing that really sticks with me about this episode is still prince weaving his bargain with kai…and sucking him into [b]the game[/b]…and btw, i still love kai’s role in this one; i love him being forceful with 790 to find out about the robot head’s working with the alien carrots…(oh , and at the risk of opening up another can of worms, who wants to guess where the carrot probes are coming from? ) [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
and doesn’t mm deserve an award for keeping a straight face during the proctological exams?and on the toilet? and the take off on [i]aliens[/i]finally, classic lines; ‘so how was your first bowel movement in 2000 years’…’dry’
come on, a big cheer for jeff hirschfield’s little opus here guys, it’s good to have him back, and in true lexx form-sophomoric and twisted!and thanx to the scifi gerbils for not totally tearing this eppy up…love fx
2nd February 2002 at 1:40 pm #56938Anonymous
GuestThis could be my favorite thus far. Brilliant and hilarious, and even gross sometimes. The probing scene was the funniest of all, I was rolling. The chess game was a big tease, but talk about some speed chess, sheesh. The cherry on top the sundae was Kai’s:
“Ill be right back”
2nd February 2002 at 8:22 pm #56940Flamegrape
Originally posted by FX:
(oh , and at the risk of opening up another can of worms, who wants to guess where the carrot probes are coming from? )
They come from the same planet as those aliens in a particular [i]Kids In The Hall[/i] sketch. Over coffee, the two aliens discuss why their leader has ordered them to abduct Earth people and probe them anally. For you see, all that they have determined is that 1 out of 10 people actually enjoy it. One of the aliens concludes that their leader must be a twisted ass freak.
[img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]The best way for an alien space probe to enter and take control of a human is to enter their bodies through the anus, the orifice closest to the central nervous system. The ear might be better, but you have to have a very small probe. (And it wouldn’t be as funny.)
[img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]The capacity of fart jokes in a television show has broken the glass ceiling and conceivably sky’s the limit. (Barring wind currents…)
[img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]2nd February 2002 at 11:35 pm #56941dgrequeen
ParticipantI agree, this was a funny ep! (sorry, Sad, I can’t help myself)
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when they were making this ep. I can just imagine the throwaway lines and the facial expressions (I bet we didn’t even see HALF the mugging!). I’m with LexxLurker, the best line was Kai’s “I’ll be right back.” And Prince, trying to worm his way out of being probed with the rest of them!
The Beans are doing what they best: leaving no sacred cow unmolested!!
3rd February 2002 at 2:19 am #56942Anonymous
It’s interesting you brought that up about Kids in the Hall. Ive noticed quite a few things this season that seem like homages to it.
I cant remember which ep(Stan Down?), its the one with Stanley talking to the “pathetic little science student” about Astral B when Prince does the “Im squishing your head!!” to Stanley. Then in that same episode when Stanley is discussing Prince with Digby, Prince says very Kevin Mcdonald like “Evil!”
Just something I noticed but was too vague to bring up but seeing you notice that makes me wonder if thats what they had in mind.
3rd February 2002 at 2:41 am #56943FX
Originally posted by dgrequeen:
The Beans are doing what they best: leaving no sacred cow unmolested!![img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
[img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] and the sheep are nervous too! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
definitely want a copy of those outtakes; kai was having [b]too[/b] much fun sticking it to his fellow cast members [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
3rd February 2002 at 4:25 am #56944Anonymous
GuestWhere the carrots come from has been driving me crazy mostly because I don’t recall any vegetable based villains from the other seasons. My best guess is that they’re from Brunnis if only to complete the circle. Did Super Nova mention anything about a feast?
3rd February 2002 at 4:36 am #56945Anonymous
Not much is known about the Dark zone. Fire and Water didnt have any basis other than *maybe* being related to the Earth based legends of “Heaven and Hell”. The Dark Zone is: “Full of aliens” “Darkness, Evil and depravity” So most likely they are totally random.
Where they come from is explained in s4v1 at the very beginning, remember Marconi is making a radio signal and it hits the mothership 100 years later or so. The “mutha-ship” turned and headed for earth with its carrots following in tow.
Earlier this season I thought they might be a result of Mantrid, maybe if “humans” are rare in the dark zone arms are harder to come by, and carrots much more plentiful. And Mantrid did make it to the Dark Zone albeit for a few moments. But now I think they are just a random alien race; an ironic twist to how we eat just about anything without consideration and now the same is going to be done to us.
[ 02-02-2002: Message edited by: LexxLurker ]
3rd February 2002 at 5:21 am #56946Anonymous
GuestHow are the shows looking? Are there any comments, complaints or isms you wish to pass to the creative people of Lexx. Are we going too far or not far enough? Come on , we can take it.
3rd February 2002 at 5:25 am #56947Flamegrape
Originally posted by LexxLurker:
Flamegrape:It’s interesting you brought that up about Kids in the Hall. Ive noticed quite a few things this season that seem like homages to it.
I cant remember which ep(Stan Down?), its the one with Stanley talking to the “pathetic little science student” about Astral B when Prince does the “Im squishing your head!!” to Stanley. Then in that same episode when Stanley is discussing Prince with Digby, Prince says very Kevin Mcdonald like “Evil!”
Just something I noticed but was too vague to bring up but seeing you notice that makes me wonder if thats what they had in mind.
Well, [i]Kids In The Hall[/i] [b]are[/b] from Canada too. But that’s not a major factor. [i]Kids In The Hall[/i] are pretty popular.
Next thing you know, 790 will be bored to death by Buddy the gay waiter. (Wasn’t that his name?)
3rd February 2002 at 6:44 am #56939Anonymous
GuestThis episode was great! Xev’s facial expressions while being given the ‘examination’ were hilarious…As were Prince’s protests to it.
“Get away from the vegetables!!” – a classic lexx opening line [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
3rd February 2002 at 8:03 am #56948FX
Originally posted by :
How are the shows looking? Are there any comments, complaints or isms you wish to pass to the creative people of Lexx. Are we going too far or not far enough? Come on , we can take it.
it’s kind of late to change anything isn’t it? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] i mean insofar as the series is finished…and we’re just waiting to see how it ends…at any rate, i like season 4, as do a lot of us, because we are getting more of the humor again, and 790…but tonight i just watched the dvds of terminal and mantrid, and somehow the dark and really negative commentary on humanity seems to have gone…terminal was wicked funny satire, but it was also depressing when you really thought about it, which is what satire is supposed to do; make you think [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]…this season has yet to make me really think…it’s twisted and funny, but the problems seem very small and immediate: i miss the depth that lexx had previously….but i have liked all the seasons for very different reasons, i guess i am just missing lexx already [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
3rd February 2002 at 10:55 am #56949Anonymous
quote[quote]this season has yet to make me really think…it’s twisted and funny, but the problems seem very small and immediate: i miss the depth that lexx had previously.[/quote][/b]
Yes, we’ve gotten traces of darkness now and then this season, but not that same pervasive nihilism that was so unusual and striking in S2. The look of the show matched the feeling too. I’m enjoying S4, and I think the shows are more layered than they seem on first viewing but odd as it sounds, maybe there’s too much daylight….
quote[quote]..but the thing that really sticks with me about this episode is still prince weaving his bargain with kai…and sucking him into the game…and btw, i still love kai’s role in this one; i love him being forceful with 790 to find out about the robot head’s working with the alien carrots…(oh , and at the risk of opening up another can of worms, who wants to guess where the carrot probes are coming from? )[/quote][/b]
Yeah, vintage Lexx, from the puerile to the fantastic. Kai and 790 had some great scenes and the Kai/Prince relationship looks like it’ll be very interesting.
The carrot probes….Hmmm…who else has found humans to be yummy?????I wonder.elmey
3rd February 2002 at 2:11 pm #56950Anonymous
GuestI did NOT like this episode. I don’t like fart humor, I don’t like bathroom humor. Watching people eliminate is not my idea of entertainment. Sorry, I couldn’t get past all of that to find any value in this episode. If I hadn’t read beforehand about the whole chess game set-up, I would have completely missed Prince’s challenge from all the farts ringing in my ears.
I have to agree with Sad on this one: BAD carrot, BAAAD episode! LEXX has sunk to an all-time low with this one.
3rd February 2002 at 9:10 pm #56951Flamegrape
Participant[i]Beans, Beans, the magical fruit
The more you eat the more you toot![/i]
( — Gradeschool axiom)One thing I would like to know is how do you suppose they created the farting sound effects? Was it the simple rasberry? Or maybe the technique I learned in gradeschool involving the palm of your hand pressed against your mouth? Or maybe it was the difficult technique of hand-in-armpit? Or maybe Lex took a tape recorder to the bathroom. Or maybe they just sampled the sounds from the campfire scene in the movie [i]Blazing Saddles[/i]. This may require extensive research…
4th February 2002 at 7:10 am #56952theFrey
Originally posted by Flamegrape:
[i]Or maybe they just sampled the sounds from the campfire scene in the movie [i]Blazing Saddles[/i]. This may require extensive research…
Are we sure we want to go here? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
4th February 2002 at 9:28 pm #56954Flamegrape
Originally posted by Mercury:
None of the crew have even thought of the possibility of the key being inside a moth breeder.
Judging from the advertisements of the next episode, [i]769[/i], I would guess that would be what they figured out.
How do you get the key out of a person? Either kill them or “bring them to the height of sexual ecstasy”. I doubt moth breeders can be excited. And I doubt Xev would allow any of them to be killed. Besides, which one has it? They can’t kill them all! I suppose they use 790 to help solve the problem.
5th February 2002 at 6:52 am #56953Anonymous
GuestI watched [i]Bad Carrot[/i] again last night and one thing is bugging me. None of the crew have even thought of the possibility of the key being inside a moth breeder. Surely they’re the only other living beings on board capable of hosting it. I was sure Kai was gonna suggest the possiblity when the Lexx destroyed operation Hard-encounter..but no…
5th February 2002 at 10:42 am #56955Anonymous
Originally posted by Mercury:
[b]I was sure Kai was gonna suggest the possiblity when the Lexx destroyed operation Hard-encounter..but no…[/b]
…probably because they never asked [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
5th February 2002 at 1:43 pm #56956sgtdraino
ParticipantI liked the episode. It was nice to see Prince, Priest, and Bunny interacting with the crew for such a prolongued period, with their uneasy alliance.
On the other hand, I have to agree with some of the other comments about the tone of Season 4. I’m sure it’s a matter of personal taste, but I like Lexx better when it takes itself seriously. Now, that’s not quite the same thing as BEING serious. Example: The Bug Bomb coming out of Thodin’s nose. This is funny on a certain level, but the show treats it as serious. As such, the humor seems unintentional. And to me, unintentional humor is funnier than when you can tell the show is TRYING to be funny.
At the same time, by taking everything seriously, the humor doesn’t seem to detract as much from the serious side of the show. If you’re in a serious mood, you can enjoy a serious episode. If you want some humor, then you can easily find that too.
I guess it seems to me like Lexx is metamorphosizing from a serious series with dark humor, to more of a sci-fi situation comedy, like Red Dwarf. Now, I LOVE Red Dwarf, but I think I prefer my Lexx more serious.
Also, it seems like the episodes are getting more adult-oriented. I enjoy showing episodes of Lexx to my little half-brothers, when those episodes are appropriate. And they really like the show. But it seems like more often this season I find myself saying, “Oh, I can’t show them THIS one,” or having to skip past inappropriate scenes. And that’s a bit of a shame, since it gets hard for them to enjoy the story, with chunks taken out of it.
7th February 2002 at 12:20 am #56957Anonymous
Guest[i]Also, it seems like the episodes are getting more adult-oriented. I enjoy showing episodes of Lexx to my little half-brothers, when those episodes are appropriate. And they really like the show. But it seems like more often this season I find myself saying, “Oh, I can’t show them THIS one,” or having to skip past inappropriate scenes. And that’s a bit of a shame, since it gets hard for them to enjoy the story, with chunks taken out of it. [/i]
Since when? The only ones I can think of that didn’t have any real adult oriented material would be “Battle” or “Brigadoom.” Maybe “Mandrid.” But for he most part, Lexx has been an adult oriented show through and through. I learned my lesson when I tried to watch “love grows” with a friend and she made me turn it off when the lexx ate that ship in a relatively obscene manner. I agree wholeheartedly that it’s a good show without it, kinda wished it didn’t, but accept it as part of the show.
7th February 2002 at 8:17 pm #56958Anonymous
GuestOn the subject of the origin of the carrot probes: Has anyone made the connection between these vegetables that are tasting people and another certain plant who “likes” people and who’s name is in the title of one of the final episodes?
11th February 2002 at 6:23 am #56959Anonymous
GuestI’m so disgusted. The closest I came to seeing Bad Carrot is the previews! We had an ice storm roll over us for three days. Needless to say, I had no power nor any cable for Bad Carrot and this time even the other side of the street was in the dark as well so my neighbor couldn’t tape it either. Even if she’d had power, the cable went right along with the power. It was a relief when power was finally restored a week later, but cable was out until the day before Lexx came on. I was sweatin’ it.
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