The Dukes of Hazzard

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    So the critically acclaimed and highly anticipated release of “The Dukes of Hazzard” has come and gone. I believe it even raked in around $20 Million (American!) dollars in the first week and garnered the #1 movie slot.

    Wow…I really don’t know what to say. My inital thoughts are that this movie represents everything that is wrong with America…that the end times are indeed near…that the terrorists have already won…that <insert fav cliche here.>

    Anyway, anyone see it? Anyone plan to? Light-hearted fun or would you rather deep-fry? Or are you glad that, finally, a “thinking man’s” movie has been created that deals with the complex social struggles of an economically-challenged family in the American rural South?


    😆 😆 ow it hurts to laugh! But 😆 😆 😆

    I am some what interested, but most likely won’t see it until it’s a regular thing on tv, after I have cable again that is….

    I loved the show as a kid, I even wrote Catherine Bach a fan letter!!! 😳

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