The LEXX cards are coming!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx The LEXX cards are coming!

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    DYNAMIC FORCES [url=][/url]

    * DF NEWS


    Just a quick note to let our customers know that the Lexx Trading Cards are
    scheduled to be in specialty stores, and shipping from Dynamic Forces to
    customers who ordered direct, on/around August the 7th.


    Thanks, I had totally given up on it. Figured they were cancelled. If you hadent let me know I would’ve missed out! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    What the betting August will come and go and we still wont see any Trading Cards.



    Originally posted by JumpingJedi:
    What the betting August will come and go and we still wont see any Trading Cards.

    YOU LOSE, JJ!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    Nyah, nyah!!!



    My local comic store guy commented that Dynamic Forces is one of the worst non-sport trading card makers.

    I bet they lost my order I placed last year.

    I bet September, October, November, and December will go by before I ever see a card in my hands if I ever see any at all.

    Let’s see. What else? Oh yeah. I ordered the second set of preview cards God knows how many weeks ago and I still have not received them. It took more than a half a dozen weeks or more for them to ship the first set to me.

    I’m afraid that these bozos are so incompetent that if I try to send them a reminder to not forget about the order I placed last year they will screw up and cancel my ancient order by accident. But more than likely I’ll be sitting around, waiting for my order to arrive while all the rest of you receive yours. I’ll be waiting, waiting, and waiting. Then I’ll finally break down and email them. And after another half dozen weeks I’ll get a reply stating that they lost my order or that the order is on the way or whatever, it doesn’t matter the excuse. And then another dozen weeks later I’ll finally receive my damaged box in the mail. I’ll open it up and discover to my horror that I don’t have a complete set, let alone any signed cards. I’ll probably spend the next ten years try to complete my collection.

    Oh, and did I mention that I think Dynamic Forces sux @$$?



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    My local comic store guy commented that Dynamic Forces is one of the worst non-sport trading card makers.

    Flame, what is he basing this on? DF’s performace with the LEXX cards, or every item they produce? Their pre-9/11 performace or post-9/11 performance??


    I bet they lost my order I placed last year.

    I bet September, October, November, and December will go by before I ever see a card in my hands if I ever see any at all.

    Considering a lot of companies suffered a lost of records during 9/11, this wouldn’t be an unreasonable assumption to make. Also, DF underwent a huge shake-up in personel in the last quarter of last year, so again, it’s entirely possible orders got lost during the shuffle.


    Let’s see. What else? Oh yeah. I ordered the second set of preview cards God knows how many weeks ago and I still have not received them. It took more than a half a dozen weeks or more for them to ship the first set to me.

    I’m afraid that these bozos are so incompetent that if I try to send them a reminder to not forget about the order I placed last year they will screw up and cancel my ancient order by accident. But more than likely I’ll be sitting around, waiting for my order to arrive while all the rest of you receive yours. I’ll be waiting, waiting, and waiting. Then I’ll finally break down and email them. And after another half dozen weeks I’ll get a reply stating that they lost my order or that the order is on the way or whatever, it doesn’t matter the excuse. And then another dozen weeks later I’ll finally receive my damaged box in the mail. I’ll open it up and discover to my horror that I don’t have a complete set, let alone any signed cards. I’ll probably spend the next ten years try to complete my collection.

    Oh, and did I mention that I think Dynamic Forces sux @$$?[/QB]

    All I can say to this is that EVERY mail order company I’ve ever dealt with tells me it takes 4-6 or 6-8 weeks to ship. Normally it doesn’t take that long but on occasion it has and I’ve been reminded of their policy if I should call or e-mail and ask “Where’s my stuff?? I ususally get it in 2 wks.”

    If you’re sure they have lost or will screw up your order, why don’t you e-mail them NOW to find out if they still have your order on file. If it arrives damaged, that’s more likely the shipper’s fault that DF’s. If you don’t get ANY autograph cards, then you have a problem that IS DF’s fault, since they promise 4 autographs per box. As far as getting a complete basic set in the box, I don’t think that’s a guarantee. Since cards are randomly packed in the wax packs, and the wax packs are randomly boxed it’s entirely possible you might miss a card or 2. That’s the reason they’re called trading cards. You trade with your friends for the cards you don’t have.

    I hope your senario doesn’t play out Flame, but if it does, I would be willing to e-mail Nick and/or Carl on your behalf to get the name/contact info of someone you could deal with personally to get your order straightened out.


    One of the things that my comic store guy said about DF is that they seldom live up to their promise of the number of autographed cards included with each box.

    That’s really cool of you, MM. I’ll keep your offer in mind.

    And yeah, it would probably be a good idea and email for a confirmation of my order.

    Sorry about the outpouring of pessimism, but we’ve all been waiting far too long for the release of these cards.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    One of the things that my comic store guy said about DF is that they seldom live up to their promise of the number of autographed cards included with each box.

    That’s really cool of you, MM. I’ll keep your offer in mind.

    And yeah, it would probably be a good idea and email for a confirmation of my order.

    Sorry about the outpouring of pessimism, but we’ve all been waiting far too long for the release of these cards.

    I know what you mean, Flame. I’ve had my order in since July 2001, when I mailed in the order form on the flyer I got when I signed up for their mailing list.

    I’ve been patient and I’ve been shilling for DF because I believe one thing: if these cards don’t do well, there WON’T be any further merchandising and (cues Brigadoom music) I WANT MORE!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    I also have a soft spot for underdogs. After talking with Nick and Carl when I went over there in Feb., I found out just how much trouble they had dealing with Salter St. and AA over this whole deal. Yet they’re still plugging ahead and getting these cards out, even if VERY late. I think that deserves my business even if it takes over a year, and SS refused to approve ANY of the changes I suggested.

    At any rate, the wait is almost over.




    Originally posted by Micromary:

    I also have a soft spot for underdogs. After talking with Nick and Carl when I went over there in Feb., I found out just how much trouble they had dealing with Salter St. and AA over this whole deal. Yet they’re still plugging ahead and getting these cards out, even if VERY late. I think that deserves my business even if it takes over a year, and SS refused to approve ANY of the changes I suggested.

    Geeze Louise! What on earth are these bozo’s at SS/AA thinking of? No changes at all? I wonder what would have happened if they had just went ahead and changed them on their own?

    Although it is hard to lay off too much blame on AA since SS has been screwing up the merchandise side of Lexx since, well, Forever.

    [b]”So… let me get this staraight. You want to sue these people to stop distribution because of the changes they made. Okay… Theses are factual errors? No? So what you are saying is that you are upset because they printed CORRECT information? Oh, it wasn’t the information you gave them. Un huh. But it wasn’t the wrong information though was it? And what you submitted to them was totally incorrect, even though it is your show? … Un huh… oh, they submitted the correct information to you previouysly? uh, huh.. And you told them thanks, but use the wrong stuff we originally gave you… really? … Baliff!! Get these clowns out of my court room right now before I turn them over to the Fans as punishment for excessive stupidity in merchandising!.”[/b]

    [ 05-08-2002: Message edited by: thefrey ]


    Hi All;

    What would be the best way to purchase a box of Lexx cards? Should I order from a card shop or directly from the manufacturer?

    I’m located in Canada, so the $75.00 price per box is actually $120.00 to me.

    Thanks for any advice,


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