The new matrix movie

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    I saw the new Matrix movie this weekend. What a let down. I found it even worse than the second one. I’m quite upset, as the first matrix movie is one of my all time favourite movies. I thought this was far to long winded and boring. Some of the actions scenes were fun, but a lot were just too clustered and fake. It was all to predictable for me, and the ending was lame.

    I give it the thumbs down, did anyone else?


    I’ve read enough reviews of the movie to make me stay away from it.


    hmm, i thougt matrix revo was pretty good…

    sure, some of the scenes were a bit too “hollywood” like…

    but the battle scenes in the secong half of the movie were really cool…

    didnt like the end though.., but its definetly worth seeing in my opinion…!

    so, thumbs up for me!


    I only watched the first one and never went back. I almost put up with the torture of waiting in line for the third…..but was told I would have to see the second…..too much work. 😡



    [quote=”jkd112″]I’ve read enough reviews of the movie to make me stay away from it.[/quote]

    Aww, you shouldn’t do that, as sci fi trilogies go, it’s well worth paying to see it. Besides, when anyone tells me a film is bad before I see it, I usually enjoy it more (expecting the worst 🙂 )


    Well, I guess lots of people where unhappy the way it ended. Contrary to the usual film dogma, humanity in this case does not overcome the machines in the end. Rather, the ‘good’ machines win against a computer program gone bad, and humanity survives, but only to keep on serving the machines!!

    Hell, someone might even do a matrix 4 a few years from now. Then again, since matrix 3 did not do as well as expected…….


    I wonder, did anyone rate Animatrix?

    I personally thought it was really cool (especiallythe Peter Chung animation!)

    What did you guys think?


    Im pretty sure I remember talking about Animatrix here.

    I still believe the Matrix should have been left as one movie. I thought the end of the first movie was fantastic. It leaves you thinking about all the possibilities.

    My Animatrix was a cool thing to add to my DVD collection, but not as cool as GITS Stand Alone Complex.

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